Neighbor Attacks 9/17/19
(Bullying Is Still Alive)
- just like he heard -
9/18/19 Tuesday, AM
I noticed right away that the trouble neighbor (Nilufar Smith)'s company's (RV) was once again parked right in-front of my cabin {on my other neighbors property who is burdened by these neighbors (221 Park Lane) as well). Regardless of these trouble neighbors (205/207 Park Lane) and company have been notified that they are not welcomed/wanted to park in -front of our cabins (encroaching and taking over the other neighbors (221, 224 and my over flow (much needed for handy man, sub contractors, renters etc, 220 Park Lane)} parking.
Approx 3PM, I had returned from an errand to the recycle station.
Upon my return. I parked in one of my regular parking spots (of 19 years) and went up my steep dirt driveway; to open the (new) gates (that I have installed specifically for protection and privacy from this specific neighbor's patrons). To my dismay the fence I built last year partially collapsed and we (handy man & I) have spent weekends cleaning up old debre and rebuilding it. :/
Upon opening the new gates, it was obvious they were dragging on the ground; I shoveled the mound that was in the way and started to walk back to my truck, so I could reverse it up the steep driveway now that the gates were open. Trial Run - whoop whoop!
To my dismay, pulling up into my driveway and going about my business was interupted by an awful encounter with the trouble neighbor's (Nilufar Smith) newest live in company (vsisting Tahoe from New Zealand (young drifters) born 1989) (people like this seems to spend a few months with her and leave, all the will owning a new title, claiming they live here (locals);, all the while it is more like festival camping and worse. I am not the only neighbor who has issues but I am the only one that knows details of the going on with that property's over all renters too (ie., I grew up in Tahoe, some of the renters have been friends of my childhood best friends into current day social knowledge, regretably because of proximity, I know their crowd, as well as immediate issues have arisen to which escalated to need police.
While I walked to my truck, these people whom I do not know (however see them at the trouble neighbors (207) walked in my direction too because they had parked their RV (in a place they have been asked not to) (but do it anyway) (and it was at their liking when they would move it, not they neighbors who live there).
When we met causally in the middle of the street, on the way to our vehicles.

Instead of walking straight to his RV, the guy stopped turned around and started to verbally attack me.
He kept saying, are you the crazy lady that I have heard about? Are you?! I have heard there is a fucking crazy lady who lives here, is that you? Are you the crazy one?! His eyes got wider and he started to chastise me by chasing me around a bit (few inches in a circle). I looked straight at his girlfriend and asked why are you guys doing this? She too took part and said, we're not doing anything. Then walked further toward the RV while, the guy stayed back and he tosses the keys to his girlfriend as if he made the conscious decision right there and then to not turn to the RV and walk away. But instead the guy focused in on me, turned his body in all directions I was, tried to remember his verbal bantering and pick up the momentum with that as he then stepped foot onto my property and assaulted me.
In amazement I did not say much. I asked him who he was? Where does he live?
In those few seconds he got fixated and kept, insisting that I needed to admit that I was the crazy lady, he had heard all about.
At that stunned moment, I forgot the terminology "Defamation and Slander" in spoken language, however I knew that this is what that was and whom he lad learned to behave like this from, was Jeff Funk and Nulifar Smilth.
The guy is so intrigued that he has come face to face with me, that he starts to film me.
His girlfriend had said a few things to him but I did not catch all of it. The girlfriend did askin him why they were behaving this way. Her body language basically was also telling him to stop it (only because she had things to do) (not because she is humanitarian).
He then changes quickly responds he does not know why they are behaving this way. Admittance!
But it is what
he has heard from people.......
Well, he truly doesn't know me that well! Because I had totally forgotten to record the situation and I was appreciative for the prompt. I grabbed my phone from the passenger seat of my truck as fast as I could (see at end of quick video my truck door still open).
I also thought to myself, this guy has no clue what I always do (asshole) (I mostly go to work to pay sub contractors to build protection and privacy from trouble neighbors).
While I was trying to get my phone open and record, I could tell I could not see (need eye glasses) and I was not sure if it was recording or not, so I kept turning it on and off, in hopes I would get anything.
I also need to charge the battery, add money to my icloud, so I hoped the image would record at all.
I could tell from his tone that this guy was getting more and more aggressive (practically a mirror image of what Jeff Funk has done and said to me and apparently continues to brag about to this day (this guy being my case).
See also jeff Funk - example 2012 - 2017 +
In 2012 I filed a TDR for almost exactly what Nulifar's roomate copycatted.
Jeff Funk taunted me and swung his fist at me (all outside of my property while he had "reason" because he was at Nulifar's.
I did not succeed to attain a TDR but oddly Jeff Funk did then used it to the most legal advantage he could, abusing the system, to continue to hurt me. He even came past the limits of the stay away, taunted, harassed and called for me to be arrest and tried as a criminal.
All later to be found that his TDR did not hold merit.
Unbeknownst to me, eff Funk has had two domestic legal issues prior to meeting me.
Exhibit Text Messages A- K, Jeff Funk is his own perfect example of a narcissist. (as I have been told by two Professionals regarding this topic).
Jeff Funk pictured below in 2017 (across the street from my home).
Instead of walking toward his RV and girlfriend who just started the engine of their RV; the guy focused in on me, turned his body in my direction as I ran . I tried to stay calm and found my opportunity to flee from my passenger side of my truck (with my VW next to it) across from my property. I ran past him to my property line, I was afraid to keep my back turned toward him, as I turned around, I saw him approaching stead fastly rather than going away., as the girlfriend was and proceeded to start the RV engine .
The guy became fixated on me (smirking and smiling as he is thuroughly enjoying bullying me). Turned about face, proceeded to walk toward me. Then attacked me! Just at that moment the guy struck me like an animal and the physical struggle started. Please see video.
At first he would get right in my face and say something derogitory then ask me if my heart was racing? He flicked the brim of my hat up annoying and uncomfortably close to my face and eyes. He actualy hit my hat off and soon my sunglasses too.
As the guy attacked me and while doing so he also took my phone away from me, held me in a painful arm twist (he could have broken my wrist and elbow, and his other elbow could have knocked my teeth (therefore causing periodontal implant tragedy) , my work glove was tossed into the air, as he was trying to see my phone (I presume to see if he could see my photos I just took of him). In this moment I had just been physically attacked! All I can think of is how to survive and not get my front teeth knocked out by this asshole!
The only possible proof of evidence was in the phone this guy has taken from me. I institutionally fought back out of defense to get my arms free! Then to get my phone.
I saw his phone out of the corner of my eye and wiggled it out of his grip in order to get my phone back and now hod evidence for the police (if interested).
This however just angered him the more and it was all I could do to run from his arms reach. I yelled Police, uncountable times and ran to the highway. May cars saw me struggling and more of a fight on the side of the highway. I managed to call 911.
The Sheriff came and we were in the intersection of hwy 28 and Park Lane. One other neighbor (Gil (spelling?) (and his daughter) came upon the scuffle and stayed until the sheriff came.
I waved at the sheriff and said I'm the one who called.
He asked me what happened. I was upset and in shock. I started to tell the sheriff what happened and in describing the attack I used my arms in expression and to demonstrate what the guy did to me.
In re-inacting the scenario that had just happened; the officer got loud with me and said do not waive my hands! That just stunned my thoughts because I thought you asked me what happened I'm trying to tell you and now , you yell at me...all a little traumatic to my system. I think I basically started to freeze up. I knew I had to get the basics out right now but I was aware I was going into shock. I gave the best recap I could in the rest of our conversation.
I gave the officer the guy phone and he gave it back to the guy/attacker. So now I felt the professional help, was once again possibly on the bad guys side. I became more of an observer and backed down on my explanation (in shock of the whole thing).
the cars up the hill. I can not remember but i think the officer asked if it was in the road or on my property. I may have misunderstood; I think I said in the street but when you view the video, I retreated to my property and the guy assaulted me while I was standing foot on my property.
The officer asked where this took place and I said up the road by my property; I'd be happy to show him where this all took place. The sheriff said, no he did not need to see.
The officer spoke to the couple and when he returned to speak to me The sheriff said that because I took the guys phone, then they could press charges on me for something (do not remember).
The officer mentioned that this was mutual.
I did not know what he was referring to and in delayed thought, I did not ask. I think he was referring to taking phones from each other was mutual.
The officer asked if we were ok and to call the sheriff anytime if there is more problems. He instructed that we could also seek further action but that would involve paperwork. He said we could go to the court and file restraining orders or we could just drop it.
The attacker wanted to drop it.
The sheriff was very clear that this would involve paperwork. That seemed very interesting to me at that moment. I again knew I was in shock. I knew I was not getting the whole story clear to the officer. Was the sheriff saying this because he did not want to do the paperwork, I thought to myself. Or is this a divine clue that I need to catch on too because simultaneously I was starting to feel starting to become a little dazed, I had just been jumped. I was then yelled at by the life line (aka First Responded) as I was re-enacting the scenario, later the sheriff did express me he understood, he would not have liked that either (that was nice).
It was then easier to just down play the jump and screams for help, to go with the flow of what the sheriff just said. Not because of doing paperwork; the issue was because of doing at that second. I knew I needed a minute or more and this way I could had an opportunity to get my evidence viewed, assess damages, etc...
The couple left, very happy they told us at the way the sheriff handled that and they were happy to not have an paperwork. To me they were gloating and extremely happy that they had just gotten away with verbally and physically assaulting me with not even a police report made. (so similar to Jeff Funk it's frightening!) I asked the officer for his business card. I told him I was not sure I was settled on all of this. I told him that I have had trouble with this problem house for a long time and was successful in obtaining one retraining order against one of the tenants once (but they have moved on). The officer told me that this could said they are from New Zealand and were leaving in a few months. The reality for me on this is, I will believe it when I see it.
I told the officer that this house is a bi- level and the downstairs tenant has been a known drug dealer. I have also sought out a detective last month to discus this house: UPS, Fed-Ex, deliveries, clientele of the people in/out, noise, upsetting to numerous other neighbors, etc...
The officer told me that he was glad to have the information, this was his route and he will keep a close eye when he drives by.
I told him that i did not know if I was settled on this and perhaps I should talk with he and the Detective sometime?
He also said, Detectives can't do much. I do not know what he meant by that

I also don't know if I need to go to the sheriff again and make an actual police report?
(Do I need to set the story straight that the guy attacked me on my property?)
Is contacting an attorney and going over all this what I need to do instead?
In hind sight, the officer never asked or initiated to look at the photos/videos that were on either of our phones, ie., one of the reasons why I held on to the attackers phone, so the sheriff could view any evidence.
{Different Topic-
The Detective wanted to know what kind of abuse did/does Jeff Funk do. I feel strongly, that this is a fresh and prime example of what Jeff Funk and friends actually do (to this day).
Is this something I should show the Detective?}
There is a large tender area and bruise on right upper arm. Most of the damage was on the left side: there in a large center bruise with are finger marks appearing on my upper left arm, left elbow was bent backward and is sore and discolored, wrist, hand and pointer finger is sprained or deeply injured.they are also swelling discoloring all as of the late Eve of 9/17/18.
I could not do my scheduled work the rest of Tuesday, All Wednesday, Thursday. Friday on TDB.
Two Different Topics:
I do not trust this guy!
I do not trust that the bullying has stopped.