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JF's elective witness- Ryan Simpson- 











Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT accept or read Swedelius' Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.

Witness Ryan Simpson

JF's elective witness- Ryan Simpson- 




TDR # 0000666.



Witness Ryan Simpson:


His comments are pertaining to more related current events and steered away from the reason why we are in court, it is not ok for Mr. Funk  to raise his fist at anger and swing it toward me (or any one else for that matter (as this witness- Ryan Simpson has experience himself with Mr. Funk in previous years)) . 

Mr. Jeff Funk poses a threat to me- when he is close, he poses problems on numerous levels when near.   This event is discussed specifically listed in paragraph two, six and more of Jeffrey Funk’s response.



Upon the the time period that I filed I was upset and listed there was three events with Jeff Funk at Guitarfish; I paraphrased on the multiple day multiple insults.  Due to all sought help from a paralegal, keep it simple, we can get the details if necessary.

Under duress and many emotions L to why we were doing this; I wanted to keep community people out of it- so I named the most recent event witnesses (of the three at guitarfish (not the most severe situation)). 


Sentence Four-

I Agree with Ryan to a point--- Jeff did not “ask” he turned about face and flushed me, screaming at me- “get out of ‘my’ camp”, he yells.


Ryan I agree to appoint--- This is not exclusively “Mr. Funk’s camp” and Yes (left that tent-site), need to gather my things, including my Aerial Girls that Mr. Funk just freaked out.


Sentence 5-

I Agree with Witness Ryan Simpson --- we left (there was four, not two or three).


Witness Ryan Simpson continues … as Jeff insisted Jessica leave/go and would not let it go or even allow her to stay even though I personally asked.

(As discussed above it’s not about campsite lines, it was about showing he thinks irrationally with hostile judgment and there inconsistencies, embellishments or already proven null issues (he can’t let go)).



Agree with witness--- we did not get within five feet because when Jeff did an about face and was irate, coming toward me arms out & moving; I stealthfull & swiftly I felt urge to move back a few feet from when I was the moment he advanced.  That’s when I introduced him with anxious protective energy “and, here’s me ex!” as we scampered to get out of his rath.


Sentence Seven-

Agree with witness--- there was no nasty words (as in deep profanities however there was the repeated slanderous type comments about how he had to call the police/ mean while not relinquishing that he called them off too. 


(can’t understand few word (or--- (?) where said, Jeff just (?) that ---


Agree with witness Ryan Simpson—Jeff just insisted Jessica leave which she did after about 5 minutes, quite upset.

See my testimony to where the minute went. 


Sentence Eight-

Agree with witness---he knows both individuals.

Due to the nature of which Ryan and I grew up here in the North Shore area and Funk and former wife came into the picture after college years and unbeknownst to me befriended Ryan (no need, not my business—ironic).  Later in time I learn Ryan & Funk got in a fist fight while on a snowmaking crew at Alpine regarding what I recall to be because Mr. Funk and former wife left (I mean drove the car back to the USA) Ryan (Host- owned property) in a Mexican (Cabo (?)) Jail. 


Sentence Nine-

Agree with Ryan Simpson, A shame it has come to this.

Showing recognition that there has been known trouble in the past.

Due to the nature of me having prior knowledge to Ryan and that specific day, in his declaration I can sense the confusion (more thant one altercation between Funk and myself), possibilities of intoxication and not wanting to interrupt an already bad (known) social situation. 



Sentence Ten-

In Mr. Simpson’s declaration he states he knows nothing of earlier events (which is true).



Have you been in contentious situation with Mr. Funk on more than one occasion- for how many years?

Do you have a social ladder to address when outside of this court that involves Jeff Funk?

Do you agree that you have been confided in about your troubles previously with Mr. Funk and I asked to you tell him to simmer down (when I gave you your hat back) just prior to him exploding (again)?

Do you agree there is contention when Jeff comes around me?


Swedelius' reply to Commissioner Bahrke's Ruling 

& specifically pertaining to witness content.

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