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Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT accept or read Swedelius' Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.

JF's Witness Jeffrey Lauer

JF's elective witness- Jeffrey Lauer- 



TDR # 0000666.


Witness Jeffrey Lauer


His comments are pertaining to (event 5/18/14). 

We’ve gone over this scenario in witness statements (Morgan Vilkin, John Busby, Tyler Gaffaney, Graham Vilkin and to come Jeffrey Lauer & Carin Broughton) and in Mr. Funk’s response paragraph three.  This date is an old event, to which there is ½ of that sidetracking, provoked altercation slighted from the full witnessed event that night (two whom weren’t even present).

Furthermore and mainly to which none of these witnesses were present at he time of the event related to my filing a Restraining order TRD#000666  because Funk was initiating an act of physical threat.


 I regret Jeffrey Funk thought it deemed necessary to exponentially gather six people for an old and manipulated topic, this in deed will not be healthy for our neighborhood when the truth comes out---.  Jeffrey Funk, why can’t you just leave people out of your bullying tactics and leave well enough alone?!



However, Since he/they brought it to the table for discussion. 


This witness is also:


Sentence Two:

Shows Funk electively came to my residential area. 

Interestingly to me a choice of “assumabley for a visit”

(Did Funk or did Funk not visit?- (was Funk there?).


Witness Jeffrey Lauer has had prior knowledge to both Jeff and myself independently and as a couple.  Jeffrey Lauer is aware of some of the tremultuous turmoil do to fact of our prior knowledge.  Jeffrey Lauer has expressed to me on ever occasions he was sorry for what Funk has done & how he treated me.  I thought Mr., Mrs. Lauer & I have a friendly rapport, they even had his best friend & family rent my home/cabin. 


shows to me slight of full story relating to who he is to me and to Funk.

Jeffrey Lauer has recently initiated and taken on the position of Head/ Organizer of our Neighborhood Watch (see also Sheriff Gary) and we are suppose to inform someone when they see something suspicious or wrong or otherwise….

Unfortunately Jeffrey Lauer has prior knowledge to our breakup and Jeffrey Funk moving an out of town to girl to known drug house aka Holly’s old house, currently Tyler Gaffaney’s house 290 Park Lane, next door to Lauer.


Jeffrey Lauer also knows I know he has had a prior social & extra curricular (marijuana) agenda with Jeffrey Funk. 


Jeffrey Lauer---neighborhod watch/ neighbor meeting not invited



Witness may or may not have been informed there was a (serious, see witness Graham Vilkin declaration)  altercation minutes prior

Jeff initiated coming to this residential area.  Jeff caused trouble at the entrance of the street in-front of my home moments prior.  Mr. Funk caused a for concern and necessity to know where he/(intruder) is lurking (and tell someone- unfortunately Lauer is shown not it). 


Sentence Eight-

Do not agree with witness, he did not leave and go into the house, he was there until the minute I drove away.

None the less this event was 5/18/14 and is off point to Jeff initiated coming to this residential area and nearly hitting me with his car &/or fist. 



Please call witnesses:

Questions/ Objections: see comments above


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