--Jessica Swedelius' Witnesses--
The key difference with Swedelius' witnesses vs Funk's witnesses,
Swedelius' witnesses are established propietors who resided in the area and or have been established here for far longer than Mr. Funk has ever been around. Or they have never been here, came here as a patron and been a witness &/or negatively effected.
1) Peter Fairely: Neighbor and Man who called 911 on the trouble house (dog's) and bad issues with Jeff Funk.
2) Lucinda Giovanni: Neighbor and Witness to much harassment and bullying by Jeff Funk and trouble neighbors to me.
3) Dan Rebello: Renter/Tenant/Company/Income- witness to (loudness) trouble neighbors.
4) Michelle Mendez: My Desk Helper of years (ie., work related business) has been a Witness to rude, trouble neighbors and Ex numerous times (effects our concentration, mood and ultimately our overall proficiency (bottom line & Income).
5) Richard Sanchez: Newest Renter/Tenant/Company/Income- Found Dog and Witness to trouble neighbors.
6) Dominique Pardue: Newest Renter/Tenant/Company/Income- Found Dog and Witness to trouble neighbors.
(-Contact information upon request and approval of my Attorney-)

Neighbor and Man who called 911 on the trouble house (dog's) and bad issues with Jeff Funk.

Neighbor and Man who called 911 on the trouble house (dog's) and bad issues with Jeff Funk.

Describe your image.

Neighbor and Man who called 911 on the trouble house (dog's) and bad issues with Jeff Funk.