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He first persued me as a gentlemen.
All the while in sheep's clothing.
He threatened me.
He dared me.
He stepped too close.
He swung at me.
This was never intened to be a court case. This was never intended to harm anyone, or get anyone introuble. This was not intended to be a fiscal matter.
This was intended as a request for a protective/stay away order.
I, Jessica Swedelius have been a life long local of North Lake tahoe. Owning/living for over 15 years,also my primary place of income. This is also where I have survied a life and death bruatal assualt- and regretablby my case got lost in paper work and lost the merit for what a victom/survivor needed, with that said I had much experience in Commissioner Bahrke's Court (because of a violent assault as my-underlying reason to be in the mercy of the justice sytem).
I have been a major role in taken two large criminals off the streets: Bealor (deadly assault) Placer County & Jackson (america's most wanted in grand theft auto) Orange County -- I need help with keeping a third from approaching. I've won Appeals, Bankrupty and the Ninth Circuit Court cases all with underlying topics from Bahrke's original ruling in the Superior Court. I have had much past experience with Barhke; I do not trust Commissioner Bahrke and her compentency.
Approx 5 years later-
I came to the TC Court for help
(again/but to no avail (again with Court Appointed Commissioner Trilla Bahrke)):
I lost- He won.
Jeff Funk states he's fearful, etc... claiming reason for his TDR.
However, if he's scared- why does he near, taunt, harrass, provoke, bully and frequent my
(newest household/friends of Funk's (with police record (see The Police page) - banned out of El Darado & Washoe County's)
(in plain view (& audio))
near daily?
{This is out of hand- I need help}
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Story Early- Mid
Story Brief
Outline-Downloadable Files, History, Brief, Current Day
EVENTS= TDR Court Events
The BREW = Exhibits
BRUISES= Reply's to DV 120, paragraphs One- Seven
SURVIVOR= Experiences, Skills- Needs, Sciences & More
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