Court Filings Outline & Downloadable Copies.
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This was never intened to be a court case. This was never intended to harm anyone, or get anyone introuble. This was not intended to be a fiscal matter.
This was intended as a request for a protective/stay away order.
Mr. Funk had prior knowledge of Ms.Swedelius both personally and professionally.
Mr. Funk has a past record with Anger Management.
[I only had (less than- I was pre booked) (20) twenty days to get my exhibits prepared for reply- 10/10/14 (Funk served me) Trial 10/31/14.
The documents Jeff Funk served me on 10/10/14 and later Witness Declarations came via USPS mail.
My findings in the documents Mr. Funk Supplied, is more support of his display of passive aggressive, narcissistic behavior. And only because of those documents and since, I am able to support my concerns even more, ie., NEW EVIDENCE such as:
Gas Lightening
Playing the Court
& maybe more
(please see below);
By the documents I can show, he is being perlously passive agressive to me. And this due processes is curious to be abuse of legal procedure.
Ms. Swedelius is able to show her case thru replying to Mr. Funk & Witnesses (no court stamp on exhibit)
But Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did not accept my material (see ORDER stamped exact day of Trail- weeks before Ruling on either TDR case).
Commissioner Trilla Bahrke had plain wrong findings in her Ruling. But I've not had a venue to properly reply.
These documents also show the basic facts to be in error and at face value it seems nominal but the evolution of the most simple but relevant facts are wrong:
My Birthday,
One witness says its a Daughter- the other said it was a Son,
Jeff Funk says one date the other witness say a different.
another example: Our correspondences where in person or text messages; we have not emaile.
These are examples of extremely important facts that are inconsistant and plain wrong, I reference.
In addition,
Mr. Funk continuely advances, comes near Ms. Swedelius' home almost daily.
Mr. Funk does not uphold the criteria for requiring a TDR.
Mr. Funk prevailed.
Ms. Swedelius did not.
Mr. Funk does not act as a normal person who is requesting the assistance of the state for a protective, stay away order. He advances near me (& my residence) near daily, without regard or hesitation. In fact, he is bully to me, I have stated this all along. All just so he can visit a (party house- neighborhood trouble/ friend/ my (newest) neighbor), stemming from his desire, not need.
And I was already exhausted from the troubles that led to me going to the court and requesting a protective order. Please see my Exhibit Request for Help.]
NEW EVIDENCE- I show Mr. Funk & Commissioner Bahrke do not have even keep the basic facts straight, let alone the major ones!
And below shows some tactics why I believe Mr. Funk is being an aggressor - still.
{This Mr. Funk TDR is out of hand- I need help}
------WELCOME ------
Jeff Funk had prior knowledge of Jessica Swedelius, both personally and professionally. (He is a sleep technician- know how important good rest and sound body is to a persons health & well being. He knows how much stress I have had. He knows how horrible my experience have been with Commissioner Bahrke, (& more). He studied me. He makes claims for himself- of real life facts I have lived thru. I also have prior knowledge, he is extremely passive agressive and will stop at nothing, just for his ego & sure pleasure.
TDR # 000666 - restraining oder (packet) : Jeffrey Funk is very skillful, passive agressive, aggressor and swung his fist at Swedelius. I was so energetically drained from the endless harrassing & taunting
(see Bruises page, my replies to Funk's DV 120 paragraphs One- Seven , to show thru the years but
not most current, severe or near my personal space /residence.
DV 109- Notice of Court Hearing.
DV 110- Temporary Restraining Order.
DV 100 - Request for Domestic Violence Restraining Order (Domestic Violence Protection).
DV 101- Description of the Abuse - Mr. Jeffrey Funk swung his fist at me.
I was very distrot and exhausted from the years of trouble with Jeff Funk, that I sought out a Paralegal thru a friend, Crystal Lyle (filed the original TDR Packet for me however was unable to do any more. I told Crystal I was extremely hesitant to be in Bahrke's Court (see my past experience with Barhke in the TC Justice System). She gently researched a change of venue, telling me there was no alternative. She reassured me, it had been years since I had seen Bahrke. I had dnothing wron in the years in the past either.
Also this was not a court Case, it's a TDR Hearing, Crystal kept claiming as she would regulary revisited that topic <------<<<.
My original TDR #000666, I request 50 yeards stay away; Bahrke changed my minimal request for Funk to STAY AWAY at 50 yards upgraded to 100 yards, (however, to my dismay in the end my restraining order was dissolved).
Jeffrey Funks way to reply to TDR #000666 was then and only then (on 10/8/14 to file and then), to serve Jessica Swedelius at the first hearing 10/10/14, with his own filing of a
TDR #000670.
Mr. Funk served Swedelius with (not one(1) but two (2) copies of his) DV 120 Reasons I do not agree, Forms:
DV 120 with (24) attachments- Reasons I do not agree. Includes Funk's statement and All Witness Declarations (and no proof of service enclosed) in the mail -- another copy of the same form and his statementthe next copy is
DV 120 with (2 attachments) that he attached to his TDR #00670.
see my reply- (inappropriate reasons - see Swedelius' reply to Funk's paragraph five).
Judge John Ross during continuance (DV 116)- also agreed with Swedelius, Funk should STAY AWAY.
DV 116: Notice of New hearing & Order on Reissuance CLETS- TRO (Domestic Violence Protection),
(includes copy of TDR #000666 (from above)):
Mr. Funk also included adding his at the time girlfriend, Carin Broughton.
(Ms. Broughton was not present for any of the hearings or trials nor did she sign the Order. She left Mr. Funk and moved out of town. In the end- neither did Mr. Funk nor Ms. Broughton signed the Order.)
Jeffrey Funk's:
DV 120, 2 pg attachment- document (paragraphs One- Seven.)
In this document Mr. Funk cleverly changed the subject and carefully sewed diffierent stories together to make his own story.
Jeffrey Baird Funk's lies and thru his parapgraphs and witnesses I can support my case, in my replys. I have a short desciptive narrative on the top and then below I have line itemed each sentence (for reference) with my reply & reference (reason, lengthy)- to his documentshe supplied throughout..
See the Bruises/ Replies to paragraphs's One- Seven, page.
Exhibit Reply to each of Mr. Funk's paragraph's:
1). Exhibit Reply to Mr. Funk's paragraph One - Summary of TDR's. Fight or Flight ("F or F"):
2). Exhibit Reply to Mr. Funk's paragraph Two - Threats, Lies, Dares - he moved out my house/street- Festival, newest girlfriend. Fight or Flight.
3). Exhibit Reply to Mr. Funk's paragraph Three - Sidetracking & Out of Date material, Misleading ,6 Witnesses & Bullys, tried civily. Fight or Flight.
4). Exhibit Reply to Mr. Funk's paragraph Four - Funk lies, accuses me of stalking (& more)/ untrue & preventable by Mr. Funk, Police. Fight or Flight.
In my reply to Mr. Funks Dv 120 Paragraphs Two, Three, Four, Six, Full Circle and Seven I show some of Mr. Funk's Narcissist attrabutes, his display to involve others: friends, randoms, pubic or anyone for further aid; in his dramatisation and push for territory.
Swedelius' Reply's & Exhibits:
Exhibit Text Messages A-K (Funk to David/Jessic'a Brother). Funk is Initiating, taunting, harrassing, gas lighting & more.
Exhibit Text Messages 1-39 (correspondences 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015). Documentation of my personal progression experience with this Narcissist.
Exhibit DAMAGES- HARM (this is not a fiscal matter). and future TBD.
Jeffrey Baird Funk next brought in (9) Nine Witnesses' - [perfect example of a gaslightening tactic]-
which many and most where unrelated and further, out of date to the most Immideate and most concerning incident (where he swung his fist at my face in ager outside of my residence (at Mr. Funk's newest and regular hang out spot/ my newest (party house)/neighbors).
Jeffrey Funk's witnesses: (downloads-
1). Ryan Simpson- mutual friend
2). Graham Vilkin- Funk's best buddy
3). Morgan Vilkin - (wife).
4). Jeffrey Lauer- He is a long time neighbor, who owns next to a party house which Lauer frequents himself because it is right next door to him, further down my street, this is where Funk moved Broughton upon there first romatic meetings - before she was aware of her new town/surroundings/rental house, ect.
(see my reply to Funk's paragraph Two).
5). John Busby- Swedelius has never met, diff party house renter neighbor friend of Funk's.
6). Tyler Gaffaney- Swedelius has never met, diff party house renter neighbor friend of Funk's.
7). Carin Broughton -Funk's girlfriend of the time (he attached her name to TDR 670); now Ex. Moved out of town. Never present at a Hearing, Trial (or signed the papers- to my knowledge). Describes her first introduction to me & rational of treatment since perfect display ofGaslightening, Bulling. Later to say one thing do another; Try to betray to law/Say their scared, -yet text reads don't flatter myself- they will do anyway and actions spoke louder (see also Jeff's DV 120 & current day).
8). Nilufar Smith- My newest (party house)/neighbors Mr. Funk's newer and regular hang out spot).
9). Mathew Smith - (possible) divorced Nilufar. Seemed to have moved out - since filed TDR).
jessica Swedelis' Exhibits reply to each Jeffrey Funk's witnesses document was rejected, not allowed to be turned in and I add with no reason from Commissioner Trilla Bahrke. Commissioner Bahrke as a result did not read, looked over or understand the inconcistancies in plain wrong information the witness declarations across the board.
Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT accept or read any of Swedelius' Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.
Court MINUTES - 10/31/14- day of TDR 666 & 670 Trial.
RULINGS & ORDERS, Commissioner Trilla Bahrke:
wrote in her ruling she could not seperate the (TDR) cases, however her orders show different.
Intent to Destroy Exhibits (30 days) TDR #000666. Appelate deadline is 60 days. {why 30 commissioner?} Do you want to get rid of my file because I comment about my last experience in your Court?- Specifically in Exhibit Request for Help, In Short and my reply to DV 120 paragragh Two & Full Circle & maybe more?.
Ruing on TDR #000670. 11/14/14, Ruled in Mr. Funk & Ms. Broughton's favor
Until current day, I had never recieved a copy of an Order, (not from Mr. Funk, Ms. Broughton or the Court).
[Ms. Broughton left (broke up with/moved out of his home & out of town) Mr. Funk around the time of the Ruling (to my knowledge she/he never signed the Order). Mr. Funk continues to advance near me with his aggreesive nature is not subsiding shows to be strong, stable, randomly increasing and without regard. I am desperate for Mr. Funk to stop negatively effecting me and my surroundings! Funk electively (& i believe with intent to hurt me- as he is succeeding) turned my call of truce/ mercy into the sheriff- (re: my text message/ he won, your effecting me, my businesses, but take care).]
CA State DA - Notice of Hearing, -Case # 15-09-094341, A COMPLAINT HAS BEEN FILED AGAINST YOU on behalf of the People of the State of California in the Placer County superiour Court District, Tahoe City, California, which alleges violation of section: 166(A)(4), violating court order.
Do not contact this office, R. Scott Owens District Attornery- Maria B. Leftwich Deputy District Attorney. Notice to Appear 10/29/15, Tahoe City Court, 8:30AM. Failure to comply with request will result in the issuance of a warrant for your arrest. You CANNOT change the date and time of your appearance. You MUST appear at the date and time given. (letter dated 9/29/15).
Order on TDR #000670. 10/31/14, dated same day as our Trial date; I have never received copy until (proof of service 9/25/15).
Curious if an Order gets prepared, filed and stamped prior to the 11/14/14 Ruling?
(no real time to read) re my reply Exhibits, that she wants to detroy. without signatures she requested in Ruling.
I was totally dismissed by commissioner Trilla Bahrke.
Swedelius' reply to Trilla Bahrke's Rulings and
Swedelius' reply to Trilla Bahrke's Orders. -
As all my experiences (plural) with Bahrke's Rulinging/Orders through the years (as I have only come to her for help after a violent life threating assault and my case shortly got lost in the Justice System, to be used as a "school" type project for Trilla & the small town local attorneys. Not only did this take a near a decade to be out of her court but it cost me $10 of thousands in unncessary attorney fee's.:
Reynolds approx 2002-2004/2006- 2010.
I was in Trilla's court where many wrong things happen (Kathyrn Reynolds was a civil case regarding contingencey fees), which it was and proved to be but not in Trilla/ court-, this case drug out for years, where I retained Pankopf(see below) to try end me of Reynolds.
Which led me to Appellate Court, where I prevailed, ref., Attorney Jay Allen Eisen.
all the while I needed to plainly rest and recover from a life and death deadly assault in my home.
Then Reynolds Filed Bankruptsy - to prevent me from collecting (Attorney Fee's - see Pankopf below_ on her house.
By 2008
Reynolds Appealed _ we where in the Ninth Circuit. I prevailed, ref., Bankruptsy Attorney Alan Smith- .
My lein was a secure lein, which somehow the Justice (see TC Court experience (2010 page comming soon)) overpowered and Bank Sytem,-- I did not prevail in collecting protected lien funds $approx $40K. I have never recovered.
During the middle of all above, Tory Pankopf Esq., (kept hitting on me- i sent him a fax that I did not want to meet him at his office after hours- bc receptionist got it), he was embarrassed and sued ued me for slander. In the end Bahrkeas ruled not to be; however the ruling was horribly strange, in ways it said becasue I owed him an attorney bill of $7k- now I was found to loose that case. Pankopf issued a writ of execution and seized not just the $7k but-- all the money I had in my account approx $15K (at the time)!!!!! Trilla's told me she didn't know how he could do this., She had the clerk come out and tell me, she doesn't know how this happened. But what I need to do was get an attoreney, file papers,etc.. I never fiscally or loss of time have recovered.
This is very relevent because past experiences are key to learning and integration into the world. Thru someone I have come to ask for help and guidence Bahrke has only restricted, inabled and worsend my (actual) experiences (plural) to heal, trust and adventure, feel safe & supported in my world when ever I have come before her as a judge of the court. For more details, please see:
My Experiences in Commissioner Trilla Bahrke's Tahoe City Superior Court.
I am scared. threatened, uncomfortable & more.
I am scred of my current day aggressor, Jeffrey Funk. For all the things listed thru out and more.
I am scared of the incompetency of Trilla Bahrke's Rulings & Orders (on my behalf).
I need real time help for real time healing, well being, right to my Saftey and Quiet Enjoyment amongst much more. See Survivor and Warrior Skills page for Healing, Sciences, & more
I am scared of the aggressive police officer who was rough regarding the phone call I had, when I returned his call- with regards to Mr. Funk turning my "you won" text message in to The Police, which comment that I actually could be facing jail time. WOW!
---Bahrke's current day= Ruing & Order:
Jessica Swedelius' has never had oportunity for a venue to send my :
Reply to Bahrke's Rulings, Swedelius vs Funk TDR #000666
Order, Destroying my Exhibits, Not Accepting my reply's to Funk's Witnesses Declarations.
I came to the Court for Help, (to ask for aid from a bad person to stay away from me)- opposite happened,
It is obvious to me my voice is not important and or properly heard. My rights to protection have been taken and with undertones of unwarrented punishment, my agressors get rewarded. These are my findings in Commissioner Trilla Bahrke's Tahoe City Superior Court.
Swedelius' Reply to Bahrke's Rulings, Funk vs Swedelius TDR #000670.
Swedelius' Reply to Bahrke's Order, Funk vs Swedlius TDR #000670. (this is curious too! I never received a copy of an Order (ever) until End Sept 2015- after Funk called The Police
re: my text, (I did so because, he broke me-, I bit the bait, my nerves where down from Jeff and his airblower/loud guy friend harrassing, laughing at me that day- (when he was near my house)- telling him he won.) Neighbor Lucinda Giavanni and
I called the Police myself shortly after the text was placed. I felt threatened and I texted because this was bound to come to a head, he and the loud neighbors are effecting me and my bottom line but mostly the taunting , harrassing, etc,,,from Jeff Funk and his enterage . Then he called The Police, re: a text message, (that he won, he's effecting my businesses, my health but hey, take care).
Commissioner Bahrke is and has never been supportive of me, she is forcing me (backed up against the wall- , with no help, & no hope feeling--/ I am literally at my residence when Jeff Funk at his leasure comes near. These problems are mainly based close to my residence; it is - too much nonsence and disregard to deal with his elective and agressive behavior. Bahrke has left me with without any healthy tools for me to keep him away from me or my residence/primary place of income. -
In addition , he gets no restrictions, consqeuence, etc...In fact, he is rewarded/(can do no wrong). Commissioner Bahrke Rullings /Order have gone 180 degrees opposite of what is needed for a healthy, speedy recovery for me in all of my experience(s) with her.
Commissioner Trilla Bahrke,
will you please define what is scary-intimidating to you?!
Have you read the content of my texts (or my brothers)??
Intent to Destroy Exhibits (30 days) TDR #000666. Appelate deadline is 60 days. {why 30 commissioner?} Do you want to get rid of my file because I comment about my last experience in your Court?- Specifically in Exhibit Request for Help, In Short and my reply to DV 120 paragragh Two & Full Circle & maybe more? (as asked from above).
I cause no threat (Funk however/ see throughout) and the furthest means of physical contact (as a simple text - (I'm not trying to hide anything) which I am glad this is come about because I can not keep living like this! This concern I currently brought to your attention, has been a problem and would have come to a head sometime, actually glad it's now; I will not live under duress. when there is something that can be done about this.
In fact, was anytime now, these cases needed to come to the light.
Commissioner Bahrke, why did you spend so much time on irrevelvant and sidetracking material(?) (see Ruling & my reply); rather than paying closer attention to the issue at hand(?).
example: Our correspondences where in person or text messages; we have not emailed.
The Facts are:
he swung his fist at me, I am scared of him, I need the Courts help.
It's a simple fix- PLEASE- keep him away from me (& my residence).
Swedelius' reply to Mr. Jeffrey Baird Funk.:
Why did you file a TDR? You come near almost daily-are not scared of me---.
Did you ever install security camera at your home because you felt "stalked, threatened," etc... (all these terms I( Swedelius have atually had real time encounters with) ? If so, did you ever catch me on tape? Or have I ever been to your home other that one time that was deemed an earnest inncoent/didn't know it was his house..
curious but not important:
Swedelius' reply to Carin Broughton; thank you for vacating town, not showing up to a single Hearing or Trial and not supplying me with more signed the papers , spoke volumes to me.
Swedelius' reply to Matt Smith (neighbor/ Funk's witness), did you divorce out of the community, are you gone too?
Swedelius requested the court for a protective order.
Opposite happens:
She is denied. She is punished.
Her agressor succeeds. Her aggressor still advances.
(to the date of this writing) Swedelius is without Court Support.
Swedelius continues to feel backed against a wall and (bullied to no end in my own home envirnment).
Jeffrey Funk is effecting myself
my loved ones;
he is costing me money, he my time, my sence of well being and my primary place of income.
He is creating elective stress.
He does not had a need to be here, only a desire.
Jeff Funk doesn't behave like someone who is needing a legal protective order.
He was at my neigbors on his motorcycle & jeep several times (have photo journal)
since he felt the need to call the police (hence claiming I am a threat to him (needing a TDR and all) (I would think someone supposed to be scared, intimidated, etc...all those things that he feels needs legal assistance would feel like I do- stay on the other side of the world/please!-
but comes next door to me -- with out hesitation, regard, concern in fact he is elevtively/willing/at his leasure/determined/and regularly.. .
In fact, I believe it to be true that he is so opposite of being scared of me; he wants to show me he's not scared of me (this is passive aggressive and subliminally cruel) by calling the police he claims he has concern, etc.. (where is the threat &), he was here daily if not multiple times since, he claimed he's needing protective order.
Reminder- I did not seek to get anyone in trouble-- I just wanted someone that is a chronic and toxic
problem to me, to stay away.
After all these years and the evidence I have shown, he's had plenty of time to get a protective order prior and stay away, if he was so concerned.
How, excatly is he threatened so much he fit the requirement for and to uphold a Restraining Order?
Jeffrey Funk is intentionally creating and causing unncessary harm to Jessica Swedelius, .
In fact, he is full of passive aggressive actions:
He came to my neighborhood, he & neighbor chimed in and began taunting me while outside (of my home); have a witness neighbor Lucinda- (action/acted). I did text him, a mercy/ I threw in the towel- your hurerting me & my surrounds & income message -(action) my mistake. He (electively) took further (action) on my non -threatening message (a digal, typed, recordable messages) to use to (actively) hurt me.
So, I further conclude,
Mr. Jeff Funk is (actively) playing the Court that he is a scared.
But playing me, Jessica Swedelius that he is not scared of me; he's daring me to
(simply be myself and live freely in my established space).
Jeff Funk is conducting
to me !!!!
Top it off with Case #000666, on Halloween, 10/31/14 and a reissuance on 10/29/15
(in Trilla Bahrke's Court (flashback/nighmare extravaganza) with my a current day Ex boyfriend- Aggressor/ Narcissist- Jeffrey Funk (even his, professional sleep Technician profile article in the paper had goblens & gooles), the other the CA STATE Justice Sytem in Trilla's Court if this isn't hell; I don't know what is.
Commissioner Bahrke condoning this and making her ORDER appears to be stamped the day of TRIAL before any RULINGS
(not alot of room for reading my reply's).
to me
Jessica Swedelius

THANK YOU JOHN WARD, ESQ- Criminal Attorney!!!!!!
Approx September 2015 - Was refereed to John Ward Esq.
THANK YOU JOHN WARD- he took the time, to listen, he helped me when there were random acts out of my control happening (ie: neighbor interupted our prior case, court rescheduled, etc...).
PRIOR to meeting Joh Ward Esq.,-
Phase I. (I tried for a Restraining Order TDR 000666 on my Ex (see above)) LOST.
(My Ex filed a TDR ooo670 as a response to mine and won) then he called the Police and punishment resorted to Criminal Case no: 72-009587 (see DA corresponence above)
POST meeting John Ward Esq., -
Phase II. (Prior judge/commissioner Bahrke from the unjust current civil then case esculating to Criminal Case no: 72-009587 w/ EX (& my prior history w/ aggressors) was Disqualified/(DQ)!).
Correspndence 10/29/2015 J. Ward Esq., to J. Swedelius*****
Phase III. (Prior case re my Ex, I received a unjust consequence; John Ward was able to move my case for a later date- that in itself is a victory to look at this with fresh eyes/fantastic!).
Correspndence 11/23/2015 J. Ward Esq., to J. Swedelius*****
Phase IV. (Sidetracking Problem Neighbor & Bully Buddy to my Ex filed a Restraining Order TCV 0002049). WON*****
Phase V. (My prior case TDR 000666 re my Ex then his unjust Restaining Order TDR 000670 on me
& the legal ramifications
RULING TDR 000666 - ORDER TDR 000666
RULING TDR 000670 - ORDER TDR 000670 (no signatures from plaintiff in this case).
Notice to Destroy my Exhibits (30 days- less time that legally allowed to appeal/60 days).
on My Record- Criminal Case 72-009587) continued to May 9th 2016.
Case was dismissed November 10th 2016.
Phase VI. (My prior case TDR 000666 to be reinstated re my Ex- an agressor: swung his fist, harasses in public places, comes near me & my property regularly (even after being told not to by Judge Ross), he possibly has a prior record with Anger Managment/Probation/Jail and is regularly under the influence (drinking/drugging). *{TBD}.
-and- TDR 670 dropped.