Trouble Neighbors & Notable Visitors:
*Mr. John Michael Mc Dermott has behaved his self and pretty much acted like a normal neighbor since the 1/19/16 TCV 2049 Hearing.
Mr. McDermott's housemate/ tenant,
Nulifar Michelle Massdjedi Smith (approx 35 yr old female) (Swedelius' newest neighbor) Nulifar rents 205 Park Lane, housemate/ possibly tenant) to John Micheal McDermott 207 Park Lane (same parcel).
Nilufar Smith is a proven liar to Swedelius (see Nulifar Smith's witness statement for Jeff Funk TDR 670 and my Reply).
Nulifar Smith proves to Swedelius to possess the desire to entertain (have parties/party people) (see Nulifar Smith's witness statement for Jeff Funk TDR 670 and my Reply).
Nulifar Smith associates, hang out with Aggressors, Drug Addicts and Dealers ((see detailed copy of Trouble Neighbor Visitors) by request)
this detailed copy will contain (Swedelius believes) who/how is a notable visitor, what/why the connection is, where/when they were seen and pictures to match.
Nulifar throws parties that have hours and clientele that have been extremely encroaching and continue to be very disturbing and or totally innapropriate and or violating (see below for examples).
*Mr. Funk was not been seen (on Park Lane) from approx 1/7/16 to 3/8/16. Then back regularly since 3/8/16 (see Funk is back).
Nilufar's visitor's, she is so eager to entertain (see her witness statement for Mr. Funk's DV 120, TDR 670); all the while these are more examples of Nulifar and her company encroaching as they nickle & dime effect me on my ongoing damages.
Majority of the time Nulifar Smith, Jeff Funk & friends are under the influence; that in itself adds for a greater fear and preparedness.
I (property owner since 2000) can see 205 & 207 road way front gate and people at their gate;
I can also see some peoples heads (specifically bright color or tall) either start to walk down to (205) Nulifar Smith or
walk straight to (207) Mr. McDermott's
on Park Lane
these people walked down to Nulifar Smith's (possible tenant of McDermott) (205 Park Lane).
There has been serious trouble on this end of Park Lane, ever since McDermott & Smith moved in.
Place where Jeff Funk Swung his Fist at me and a Route Source of the back history (Break-In) & Reason I Know commissioner Bahrke.
3/4/16, a little after dark- White Car (parked facing North) In MY PARKING further exhausting this issue, is this is my reserved space for my guest parking (as I have specific instructions for my comapny (online & throughout my rental policies) my guest was confused but we found space. After several hours (dark) approx 3-4 brunettes got into the parked white car. I did hear them talking and approaching the property and did let them know, to please find a different space next time.
3/12/16, approx 1PM- Orange four door car (parked facing South) In MY PARKING once again parked in my guests reserved space. two brunetts 35 yrs+ and a black dog walk up to the car, load their items into the trunk & back seat (dog starts to walk up into my yard). I see the females and ask her where she was staying? She pointed and I said Nulifar's? She knodded her head and said yes. The other female was approaching the car and I asked them if they could please tell Nulifar to be aware of where her company is parking. The driver tried to tell me her story and how I need to take it up with Nulifar. I told her she would be doing Nulifar a favor by telling her the message. I asked the other passanger, how was your stay? she responded, delighful.
Confirming to me that Nulifar does as she entends (entertain) and has proven to constantly encroach on my space and livelyhood without regard to her already established surroundings.
3/25/16, approx 11:45PM- little after midnight, a little red hatch back with skis &/or snowboard on roof was relentless with driving back and forth, going real slow then turning around and zipping by, backing into the across the street parking and brighting lights onto my property. This activity woke me up, it was Incredibly noticeable and disconcerning. I turned my outside spot and I saw the small car finally pull into Nulifar Smith's driveway, where she was standing outside.; When I truned my spotlight on, she turned in my direction and said they couldn't find the house. I told her this was the third person in a short amount of time to wake me and make me feel like her company is casing my house. Nulifar, then called me by my nickname and said," Jess, nobody cares about you."
This angered me and I gave it good thought, who are the nobody's Nulifar is referring too?; the druggies, I concluded because that is all that Nulifar hangs out with.
4/1/16, approx 3:30AM, doors slammed from a Crystal Bay Taxi dropping intoxicated people off at Nulifar Smith's (back to - Persian party earlier approx 4PM on) and the (drunk) conversation/voices where loud enough to wake me up. This was upsetting becasue it has been numerous times that Nulifar (John Michael McDermott's tenant) has woken me up. There have been uncountable times such as their (loud/yelling) voices, music cars door slams, their company &/or parting, music, airblowers/tools, dogs, police, etc... {My alarm was set for 6:10 AM and did not have quality sleep after being woken up and preterbed by the party house}.
4/1/16, approx 6:30AM, Nulifar Smith's male company (looking like a sleezy Biker that slept in a trash bin) is standing outside (approx 20') from my parking space gazing all around my hillside as he hocks up luggie after luggie right outside my property.
4/2/16, approx 4PM, Jeff Funk (see also Jeff Funk is back).
Approx 4/11/16, 2:30PM, I was walking down my stone steps to my vehicle where I was unloading things from my vehicle, when Nulifar while walking her small dog was approaching the area I also wanted to be (near my car). I stopped quietly and without a word, in mid stride on my steps to let her pass. She turned about face and spoke to me, she said she had a do not park sign that she could give me if that would help. I laughed (becasue that was funny to me being such a small, tacky and obvious she is going to continue to do what she wants comment) and I said, no thank you. I will be putting up my own signs soon and thats far from what I want. I think I can speak for a few other nighbors when I say, (Nilufar) please stop having your friends and the people who you rent t park where ever they want. Stop waking me up mostly from your parties and tell people exactly where they should go so they stop casing my house! She tried to argue with me and there was no argument, it fell mute. I told her this problem stems is more than her recent company and what I want is for her to tell the truth re her statement re Jeff Funk's TDR. She claimed she was telling the truth. I asked her many specific uestions regarding her comments and she was not able to properly defend her statments as I asked her uestions regarding them. In fact she had recognition to the facts and points I was adrressing and for the first time showed shock, no knowledge and perhaps a little compassion. I told her she was a supporter to Jeff Funk, his ego, abbusive, immature bully ways. I asked her, how is this good for neighbors? I told her these social issues she and Jeff carry have made them seem trivial but really he is devious and has created far bigger/severe problems for me and I am facing incredible consequences. I told her I may not be able to adopt a child because of the lies Jeff Funk has exacerbated against my charactor and it has become a criminal matter. I told her that her name is in with this case and is/has been being looked at by the DA. (I wanted to scare her (as much as I have been scared- she's lucky becasue that's all she seems to get (me- telling her the truth)). I told her as she came around the loop on her return to her rental, for whatever it is worth, this was the furthest thing that I ever would have wanted or dreamt. I was sorry things are this way, I appreciated her initiating conversation however swe have a long way to go. I quickly reherssed a few of the past history of creating problems and the scenarios of trouble Funk has brought to this street prior and after Nulifar's arrival. I briefed her and she was aware my disassociation to all of our friends thru the years (who where in it just for the thrill/party/good time- rather than a true friend), she grabbed at her heart. I told her I she should be careful becasue she appeared to not know Jeff Funk as well as she tought she did after I just had a moments debrief with her; she looked like deer in the headlights. He can be dangerous and may be just using you (Nulifar) to get what he wants as he has in all of his track record before. I told her that when Jeff Funk comes to her house he himself is violating his own (wanted) state protection order by coming that close to me &/or my property. I have been putting up with this for over a year, after he swung his fist at me, in between our houses! I live here and have made it my home for near 20 years and now you also bring your hostile roomate (McDermott) into the mix?! I told her she looked like she was a deer in headlights and seemed innocent to some of this and becareful you don't get killed by the (unknown/unforeseen) grill.
Thankfully, I've had approximately two weeks of a break from Jeff Funk, New Neighbors and their crowd.
Becasue the Eveing Prior to the Trial Date of May 9th 2016, where we were asking at this 6 month evaluation time to be dismissed and all charges dropped.
I am very aware of my surroundings: date, time, schedule, outward interuptions, and plain anxiety from the people causing me such duress. These people causing duress are Jeff Funk and my neighobrs (Nulifar Smith and Michael McDermott) across the street (205/207 Park Lane) that he frequents.
5/8/16 (Mother's Day), approx 6:15PM Jeff Funk pulls up across the street to 205/207 Park Lane. Which made me uncomfortable, aware, on edge, sad, depressed, not able to focus. I can feel my body chemistry change with all of these emotions.
Thru the next hour 205/207 Parking filled and the noise was obvious of a party.
5/8/16, Approx 6:45PM-Mr. McDermott (I have a Restraining Order on him now) appeared to not be able to know where to park his big (loud) white truck when he drove to his house, so he zoomed (drove fast) past his house (at this point blazing right by me as he turned around and flew by again (x2); I was outside walking between my home and my Camper. (i had hired help too as a witness/someone was there that day for that job). He drove so fast I do not know if he actually saw me or not. I was angered that he is not curtious of the neighborhood (drives, too fast (big scary death trap truck) & very loud) also he should have no need to be coming by or past me (his tenant is always having a party for her enjoyment (see her witness statement). (see also Evening & Surrounding Criminal Hearing May 9th 2016 page).
My truck is still at the mechanic (three weeks) which hoefully makes it confusing if I am home/in town or not; (and for the next three nights in a row) I decided I'd put on a head lamp and walked around my property in darkness (to continue to make it confusing if I was home); JF has knowledge to me & my property therefore he would be able to gauge by what room was lit, where & what I may be doing.
Following day,
5/9/16- AM HEARING for me with my Attoney John Ward and the CA DA, Maria
re: If I was to be deturmined a Criminal, and the result (more anxiety) was continued another 6 months.
5/9/16, approx 7PM, I saw a school mate's, Frank Encinas car at 205/207, positive he is visiting Nulifar Smith, I take notice becasue he is known to be a drug addict, liar and back stabber.
Shortly after
5/9/16, approx 8PM, Jeff Funk also arrives (see also Eving & Suroounding Criminal Hearing, May 9th 2016 page)..
Thru the next hour 205/207 Parking filled and the noise was obvious of a party.
Infact Nulifar and Frank's voices where so loud and distinct for me, I actually heard her tell him (while they where either on the balcony or had their doors open - sound carries and was at street level working on my camper), "...now, she doesn't have anything else going for her!", they laugh and laugh (at my expense).

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

To protect names of undetermined related persons &/or innocent, this copy is blocked.
By request I will- unblock the DETAILED copy of TROUBLE NEIGHBORS & NOTABLE VISITORS page, by request only.
Please let me know.
This detailed copy of Trouble Neighbors & Notable Visitors will also contain a misc., section re: correspondences between Sgt Giovannini and myself (Swedelius) re: Sgt retiring, grand theft auto/nissan, new case TDR my ex and referral of a sheriff to trust.
Nulifar Michelle Massdjedi Smith's online business-
Earth Cultured/author (picture in middle of page contains Nulifar Smith (blond wig) , Jeffrey Funk & others)