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Findings thru Comedy- a version of

Jeffrey  Funk and Swedelius' Family




In a time not so long ago,  Jeffrey Funk lived in Nebraska as a boy and was part of a Renissance Themed Group Activity where he learned lessons of the Knight and Noble ways, primping to be worthy of his Rule.  Photo as see, Jeffrey Funk as a boy (approx 1980's) dressed in period costume.


Then later in time (2009), I was introduced to Jeff Funk on a (modern day) pirate ship- see under false pretenses, as if he were a noble man.


My noble family took him in as if he was their own.  He made way into our hearts. Only later to decieve us all (2011(+))....


It was in 2014,  

I needed help regarding Jeffrey Funk, who to my worst nightmare; my ex boy friend who I loved, trusted and confided in became current day aggressor.  And to my dismay I was before Commissioner Bahrke (once again)

(see my experiences w/ TC Justice System).




In my opinion:

Mr. Pankopf (past attorney - see my past experiences in TC Justice System) and Mr. Funk have a lot in common:

their appreance (tall, brunett, handsome, well dressed, groomed, etc..),

ego, bullying manner (in these cases against me) ,

accusations/lies, threats,

executions/levy (of threats),

adored by Bahrke,




I hope the world can now understand why after (all of my years) of actual real time experiencing

JUDGMENTS and RULINGS by Commissioner Trilla Bahrke; 

I have actual dates, reasons, experiences, results, damages and more

to why I think commissioner Bahrke has been bias &/or incompetent toward me (&/or my cases)

(and main reasons why I harbor dread when thinking of the TC Court).

And if f you still don't believe my strong opinion- please ask my mother what she thinks (of this)!.


Again for comedy  relief purposes and slight insight to personality traits: 




Movie, Robin Hood- Coronation 1, Prince J, Evil Law/Sheriff 
 (seemingly powerless) Higher Council
Song - Bring me sunshine, Toby (prince J---)
Movie, Robin Hood- Dicky Dicky Dicky, Evil Law/Sheriff and Prince J
Movie, Robin Hood - Get me back my Crown, Robin Hood, Prince J,  Higher Council and Evil Law
Movie, Robin Hood - He's closer to God now, Prince J, Evil Law/Sheriff 
(seemingly confused/powerless) High Council
Palm Trees
pictures 003 (2)
Foggy Pier
Misty Slopes
Mountain Lake
Cabins - close neighbors
Ferris Wheel
Fire Wood

Mr. Pankopf and Mr. Funk physically look like the actor who play prince john in robin hood movie and even shows many of same charismatic values.

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