Jeffrey Baird Funk next brought in (9) Nine Witness' which where unrelated, out of date - and many pertaining to, please
see my reply to Mr. Funk's DV 120 paragraph Three , my Exhibit reply Witness Declarations - links below and Outline- Downloadable file page.
to the most Immideate and most concerning incident (where he swung his fist at my face in ager outside of my residense).
- in addition
JBF is without reply to my objection {to his wtness declaration statements, reasons I do not agree}. (not in any specific order)
JBF changed the subject and carefully sewed diffierent stories together to make his own story.
In Short, Jeffrey Baird Funk's lies and friends that supported these lies enabled him to appear correct win his case.
Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT allow/accept me to turn in my Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.
Bad Bahrke Rulings cont', see also my reply to Jeffrey Funk's - misleading - paragraph two (pages 2. 3 +)
No surprise (as seen in my reply) - just warning* never will have a case where there is monetary interest in her Court.
Responent- Jeffrey Funk
Witness 1 - Ryan Simpson
Witness 2 - Graham Vilkin
Witness 3 - Morgan Vilkin
Witness 4 - Jeffrey Lauer
Witness 5 - John Busby
Witness 6 - Tyler Gaffney
Witness 7 - Carin Broughton
Witness 8 - Nilufar Smith
Witness 9 - Mathew Smith
Placer County Superior Court, Tahoe City CA case number :TDR 0000666 - Court on Halloween October 31, 2014.
Jessica Swedelius requesting Restraining Order on Jeffrey Baird Funk.
Swedelius’ reply to Mr. Funk’s Witness declarations.
In these witness : (specifically Mr. Jeffry Baird Funk’s) Swedelius (i) will establish, slight of story, embellishing, lies, bullying, changing or getting away from subject, elective, inconsistencies, disregard of civil attempts (from Mr. Funk and his friends/girlfriend, etc..), threats, prior knowledge, embezzle (- flip my real time/proven scenario’s on to his claims), party regulars, righteous, hostile &/or irrational judgment and maybe more….
To place these witnesses and whom they are to Mr. Funk and Event:
Majority of witness statements primarily address a 5/18/14, (which was another elective visit to my residential area from Mr. Funk to a party venue) which has resulted in trouble. Many witnesses where either not present, did not witness first part of the altercation and or slighted fact.
I’m glad he (they) electively brought these additional people and their issues to the table for discussion.
My one person named in my request for a restraining order, Ryan Simpson shows remorse and sense of disappointment. Where all of the other (elective and quick coming) witnesses’ Funk prepared are shown to be majority of unbeknownst &/or slighted story influence themselves.
In my opinion these are to be considered party friends with a social agenda (&/or some of to which just moved here, under is influence (defiantly not anyone of any established authority, ie Sheriff, etc…)
Next I can show the other witness have addressed a few concerns that I have and in my opinion help to substantiate my case.
Mr. Funk encroaches, he poses a threat to be this close, he poses problems on numerous levels when near. He continues with arrogance, bullying. lies & righteousness after being asked to not be near numerous times. Jeff Funk is coy he has dared and threatened, makes claims of ignorance and intentional hurtful defamation.
His “friends” will help to me show my interpretation of Jeffrey Funk’s excuses and their abuses:
Please, reason why we are here today for request to keep Mr. Funk away from me and my residential habitat.