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 Swedelius' Experiences in Commissioner Bahrke's Tahoe City Superior Court

This is very relevant because past case experiences are key to learning and integration into the world.  Thru someone I have come to ask for help and guidance Bahrke has only restricted, belittled, turned around and worsened my (actual) experiences (plural) to heal, trust and adventure, feel safe & supported in my world when ever I have come before her as a judge of the court.  She has been plain wrong on many Rulings and Orders.  Please see my detailed comments per pager on her current day Rulings.









I am scared. I am tired.  My neighbors and myself have called the police countless times just recently.  

I am scared of my current day aggressor, Jeffrey Funk.  For all the things listed thru out and more.

I am scared of the incompetency of Trilla Bahrke's Rulings & Orders (on my behalf), see history below.  


So, Which one?  Is the real question/answer= From my past case experiences (plural) with her incompetency level through the years (as I have only come to her for help after a violent life threatening assault and my case shortly got lost in the Justice System, to be used as a "school" type project for Trilla & the small town local attorneys.:


I am scared of the aggressive police officer who was rough regarding the phone call I had, when I returned his call- with regards to Mr. Funk turning my "you won" text message into the police, which comment that I actually could be facing jail time.  


---Bahrke's current day= Ruing & Order:

Jessica Swedelius' Reply to Bahrke's Rulings, Swedelius vs Funk TDR #000666

Order, Destroying my Exhibits, Not Accepting my Statement to Funk's Witnesses. 


Jessica Swedelius' Reply to Bahrke's Rulings, Swedelius vs Funk TDR #000670

Order, and more+  (current day, he nears my house and is a threat to me.)



My past experience caused me much grief and still does:  I spent hundreds of hours, $10 of thousands of dollars on endless attorney 's fee in the Court years (seen below & more upon request).  In addition to the bizarre Judgments & Continued Filings....I have never recovered from my experience in the Justice System, all proceeding the Bealer Assault Case; stemming the downward spiral. (see below): 

2002- 2010 Reynolds 

Reynlds approx 2002-2004 [TCV 705]- 2006 - 2010.

Ms. Kathryn Reynolds tried to run with the ball, and she had a powerful run for a long time; filing a Civil suit, Reynolds a freshly graduated family law attoroney to hold me liable for attoney fees (all the while she was actually on a contingency agreement.  and known was only temperary needed to help organize while a qualified attorney was to be contracted.  Reynolds drug problems on for years, all the while I needed to plainly rest and recover from a life and death deadly assault in my home; also I was amazed that commissioer Bahrke didn't realize this sooner. I did however finally previal but with much consesquence in midterm (needing to hire an attorney, I met Mr.Pankopf).  To further matters, Reynolds filed an appeal.


Which led me to Appellate Court, where I prevailed (see Jay Allen Eisen Esq.,).

Then Bankruptsy Court (Reynolds Filed), (see Alan Smith Esq.,).

By 2008

Reynolds Appealed _ we where in the Ninth Circuit.  I prevailed.

By 2010 I was back in Bahrke's Court again (see Alan Smith Esq.,).


My lein was a secure lein, which somehow- somewhere after a secure lien was in place the Justice and Bank System,-- I was not rewarded and did not recieve or 

collect any protected lien funds interest that acrued (please see commissioner Bahrke's
2004-2006 Pankopf, Esq.,
Mr. Tory Pankopf approx 2004- 2006, [TCV 968].

In 2004 Mr. Tory Pankopf took my pro per case to rid me of Reynolds TCV 705.  As Pankopf became more curious of my cases, he became obsessed in innapropriate ways (sex and money);  I faxed Mr. Pankopf a letter that said I do not want to meet you at his office after hours, ...

Mr. Pankopf then sued me for slander TCV 968,

which was Ruled not to be; however the Order said becasue I owed him an attorney bill of approx $8k I was found to loose that case.




Pankopf issued a writ of execution and seized  not just the $7k but-- all the money I had in my account approx $15K (at the time) !!!!!  I went immediatly back to Trilla's Court and brought my bank and writ of execution papers to her.  

The clerk summend the commissioner, Trilla Bahrke told me she didn't know how Mr. Pankopf could do this.  Commissioner Bahrke asked me to wait in the waiting area;  I waited, I could her her slurping on her big gulp and clicking the pads on the calculator- I could hear the littel calculator paper receipt roll riz as she torn it every few minutes.  Commissioner Bahrke had the clerk come out and tell me, she doesn't know how this happened.  But what I need to do was get an attorney, file papers,...... she tells me (as I am in shock because - that's all I had been doing, all along, while I really needed was recovery from violent assault!)


(ALL of this business related to the TC Court House has been Unconscionable!)


I just cried and walked painfully to my vehicle in the TC Court Parking lot once again-

(to where my wolf-dog/Masquerade was waiting patiently for me and

later that day I my Masquerade was put to sleep (old age).) 


From the court case(s) and the wrongful execution of Mr. Pankpf's writ execution, I never recovered fiscally or loss of personal time.


 I briefed on this past life real life fact 
see also Swedelius' reply to Jeffrey Funks paragraph two.
>2014- 2016 Funk

Mr.  Jeffrey Funk is Mr. Swedelius' (my) ex-boyfriend & (my) current day aggressor.

Ms. Swedelius requests court for a Protective Order [TDR 666].
Opposite happens:
Swedelius was denied.  
Aggressor succeeds in a Potective Order against me  (TDR 670].  
Aggressor still advances.  Swedelius is without Court Support.
Swedelius continues to feel backed against a wall and (bullied to no end in my own home envirnment).


Commissioner Bahrke:
Ruled TDR #666 - 11/17/14
Order TDR #666 -  11/17/14
against Swedelius for TDR #000666.
Intended to Destroy Swedelius' Exhibits 11/17/14.
Ruled TDR #670 - 11/14/14
Order TDR #670 - 10/31/14
in Funk's favor TDR #000670.

(day of trial (no time to read my reply Exhibits, that she wants to detroy (within 30 days).  Bahrke Filed without signatures she requested in Ruling.




Jeffrey Funk has been negatively effecting me 


my loved ones:

he is costing me money,  my time, my well being and my primary place of income.  He is creating elective stress.  He does not had a need to be here, only a desire to be near.  He enjoys hurting me.


Jeff called the police re me texting him - {he won, he's effecting me..}.  [Criminal Case:  72-009587].

Sherrif, DA, Hearing, Criminal Attorney: my crimainl hearing date 10/29/15 was continued twice once to (introduce my attorney and disqualifying Bahrke and move my hearing to 11/17/15. On 11/17/15, my attorney requested time and I was rescheduled to 5/9/16 for a hearing.  



In my experience the good people of the world try to set you up for success, (not failure)-
(Bahrke is a mother of an Olympian- her daughter (is my  approx age) 
won at the Olympic
(she is a local/ski racer).
Why would she/does she allow an aggressor to me to be a chronic and toxic problem in my long time home environment?

I needed help-






I feel (emotion) that Trilla Bahrke  worked for the Devil, as heard in stories, read about and seen in movies. 



I experienced commissioner Trilla Bahrke in the height ie., meanest point of her career as well as the day of her end.  




Experiences are more powerful than applied learning.

Example:  Would you rather be in a lightening storm in  small airplane with a pilot who has only read about it or a pilot who has actually  experienced it? - (how about numerous times)? 

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