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Early - Mid Story

He persued me then He dared me

He Dared Me.


I met this young man Jeffrey Funk in January 2009.  I went on a  New Year's (music/costume themed) cruise in honor of celebrating the new sensation of being free of many responsibilities ranging from numerous court cases because of a prior Assault to Pet’s passing of old age and ownership of a Small Business still chugging along.  This was not your ordinary cruise, the best part about it, was, it was our age group and focused on the music! 


He was wonderful to connect with.  He actively pursued me through long time friends of mine. I fell in Love.  I believe he did too. 


We had many things on the calendar right away, probably too fast.  I had a trip to Hawaii, where I invited him along, we added on many things. On this trip Funk asked/dared me a question- how high is the highest thing You’d jump off? I responded about 20 feet.  He then led me to about twice that; I told him I was scared, he said that’s when you know you’re really alive, we held hands and jumped off. 


He was attentive, considerate, fun, compassionate, focused at the beginning of our seeming relationship, in hind sight he was just studying me even the more.  When Jeff was still all charm, he got down on his knee and told me he wanted to be the one for me.  I felt so head over heals and blessed that I finally met my partner that all else seemed trivial for the first time in a long time.


In months to come, over dinner out one night Jeff tells me he is considering moving back to Nebraska because he is not progressing here and his dad could use the help.  I was stunned but understood.  We explored the pro’s and con’s for him to go there and me as well.  He admitted that he did not want to relocate/bring me or anyone for his reasons; he said he had done that before (think in his marriage to his college sweetheart (that ended badly)). He said it went badly because the other person relied on Jeff for almost everything: their happiness, social, work, living, etc...

At the dinner booth Jeff, who soul seemed to mutate for a moment; I saw the change, it looked like it was a tad painful, split personality kind of a look.  I pondered if it was a minor possession (is there such a thing a minor demonic (?), no-matter, I felt like I put up a mirror protective shield and questioned myself on what I witnessed in that fraction of a second.  I wondered what just happened I couldn’t possibly just think of that when we are having a nice dinner(?)

Jeff then told me that he just had an euphony; he continued and said I was the whole reason he was suppose to be in Tahoe.  It was a little surreal that he said that for me and I believe for him too.  It was and very memorable for me; at the time I took it as a complement but was so memorable was because my instincts did raise a red flag.  The feeling I got was dark not happy like all the leading moments; the unease was a quick visual of devil puppeteering Jeff (like a jester) and of past lives overlapping and I felt like prey.  I quickly lofted over the thought wondering if it was self doubt from the hurts from my past rather than vision into who/what was sitting right in front of me.   (Now in days of this writing (years later) it is a frightening thought that he was so clear, his voice was so different and he specifically told me that he was here because of me.  Also my friend Kim Grow, has come forward and admitted she thinks Jeff flat out enjoys/gets off on hurting me). 


He soon moved in to my second cabin (1 of 2) on my property when tenant moved out (I live in other cabin).  Funk had never lived in this (my) neighbor hood.  There was a lot of Love in this situation and there was an underlying Sensation of Secrets he was holding, possibly too much freedom gave sense he wasn’t committed or valuing our situation.  Funk had been extremely insistent of having his name be put on my NV PO Box with no surprise now was just a underhanded move to side step the system and do a address change so he could establish a NV PO Box for himself.   Funk all the while found a Cabin & planned to move in within days of me being a hostess  to his Sis & Family; they all concealed he was planning a move back to his previous neighborhood of Carnelian Bay.  I could feel the deceptions, some I called him on, others I just let slide (I have a log if requested).  In time I knew this pattern was unhealthy for me; it resulted into an unhealthy break up too.


Through out the last year, the uncomfortable feeling of this person Funk being in my home town, has led me to make conscious decisions to get away from him and his antics. - (fight or Flight)-

 I have put the Cabin he used to occupy on a Vacation Rental program.  I have relocated my Business of 17 years to a smaller (consolidated) location while I await the date October 4, 2012 when I have applied to take my Hawaii State Exam and looking to apply for Jobs. 


In the mean while I have had a few encounters with Funk at a few (Music) &/or Social Scenes (fair encounters, if there are many people/ large crowds around as a screen/shield). . 


Mr. Funk has a following in the disco world he flaunts his last name and seems to strives to attend every event.  


















Parliament Funkadelic - Give Up The Funk -

Mothership Connection Houston 1976



Funk has initiated another fast relationship (7/2012), yet again another unassuming female (Carin).  I learned he was an aid in moving her here from *Out of State.  I asked, pleaded, cried, not until I moved. 


Jeffrey Funk, had commenced business with a person named Holly Hammer (mid to late August).  Holly Hammer is an acquaintance to me, fore whom I helped find her, her home in my neighborhood and was looking forward to making a friend. 


8/23/12- Holly texted, she ‘didn’t know how to tell me but Funk’s latest is her new roommate. ‘What?! I responded! ‘Please don’t rent her your room! She said, ‘she was desperate.


Aprrox 8/25/12-  In per pro- Jeffrey Funk & I spoke at Truckee Amphitheater.  I asked in hurt, ‘my street?’ Funk responded arrogantly, “your moving- aren’t you?’  Disenchanted said, I’m making efforts to leave specifically because I can not take You and Your ways any more!! You know this is my home & I loved You!! I have a life style, I will maintain.  I’m sorry you chose the one you did!  You have hurt me!  I feel You and Your situation on my street are temporary and I will return. What were you thinking?!’  He then responded stupidly, It’s a cool neighborhood.’ I threw my hands in the air in disgust & walked away.



Approx 8/26/12- I called & texted Jeff’s immediate family because I am exhausted from dealing with his BS, lies and hurtful actions on my own; I have expressed this to the immediate family on other occasions.  I have asked directly repeatedly to Jeffrey Funk, for his cooperation and their help with various matters in the past and have had no success. I have also stated clearly that it is not necessary for me to try to handle Jeffery Funk’s issues by myself.  The Sister works in team with her Brother. The Father has been prompted to not be reached.  


8/27/12- Holly texted saying she, ‘hated we weren’t getting along & Carin hadn’t even moved in yet. I asked Holly, ‘if she wanted to take a walk (because I do that routinely (please, ask any of my long term neighbors)).  No, she said she need to nap because she’s been drinking.  I proceeded to walk, and that’s when I ran into Jeff Funk & Carin moving Carin’s belongings into Holly, Josh & Carin’s house. 

As I approached, I heard Jeff under his breath mutter, something.  Then when I got side by side to them I said, ‘well, might as well get this over with- my neighborhood?!? ’ Carin said, she just learned about that... she jumped forward arms back shoulders out, voice loud, ‘if he wanted You, he’d call you---stop texting--!’  I yelled back, ‘Do You know how to spell the word SEX?  The word EX happens to be in & if you give a crap about yourself you may want to pay attention and learn something or you will be next?’

I asked, what else Jeff told her? She said, she didn’t know there was any thing to know?  I said, well, he can tell You.  She calmed and asked if I wanted to talk.  I said no, I was upset.  She invited me to sit on the bench located on Holly/her driveway, where we had brief discussion that Jeffrey has made this a bigger situation than should have ever been.  A lot more involved than she realizes and I recognize she is innocent to Funk’s motives. We exchanged phone numbers.

Jeffrey Funk showed up at my house about an hour later. Sat in a chair outside like he owned the place and threatened that if I come that way, “they collectively, as roommates” are going to call 911 on me!  I heightened my voice and said take your sunglasses off! He hesitated and grimaced, I reached for them to see his eyes, he backed up as a great actor to be treated and I had had enough; I said get off my property.  In anger, disbelief & tears that Jeffrey Funk is this spun I expressed how much I care.  I do not feel he is humanly connected, just Ego filled.


8/28/12- Carin walked right by my House.  I called for her, we talked briefly.  I explained, this isn’t about her; she seemed responsive and relieved.  I also briefed her on my history of being a home owner at this residence for 12+ years with a background of an Assault proceeded by Court Cases & Sleep Therapy.  She also seemed responsive and communicative.  Later, I was shocked that Jeffrey Funk, had nerve to now text me profanities and threaten me now with a Restraining Order.


8/29/12- I took my walk around the block and their presence on my street is disturbing and causes flashes of post traumatic stress disorder, it interferes with my quiet enjoyment of environment. 

Jeffrey Funk was plenty aware as my former friend and lover about a specific traumatic experience I survived on this street where I reside! He specifically lived in the Cabin and room the events took place in several years prior, he has witnessed me on several occasions be startled by shadows, reflections, sounds, etc… Our mutual friends have been my confidants for years and he has interfered with my support system!  Jeffrey Funk’s Profession is Sleep Therapy, he has violated my quiet enjoyment of my Sanctuary (My Neighborhood) by knowingly moving his newest female to a rental home on my coldsac; he had knowledge that I find reprieve by taking walks around my street at all hours! 

As I walked around my street and became very affected by the duress of lack of human compassion and respect; I cried profusely!  I went home showered & still cried.  I thought to self, BS- this is just another other Lie (Restraining Order) from Funk.  So I walked to Carin’s house with hope I could speak to her.  We did.  I stood in the road, while she in her driveway, I asked about a conversation about a Restraining Order?  She alluded that it was Jeff Funk’s idea; said, she wasn’t stupid that, she knew it would take a lot more than all of this activity to warrant a RO.  I spoke to her about concept Jeff is in this for his Ego, he wants us to fight over him, gives him a thrill for the Ego (cock fight).  She told me an Ex would prob say anything so next girl wouldn’t find him attractive.  That’s when I knew, she’s going to have to learn for herself. 


8/30/12- Jeff texted me a lengthy description of how he wants nothing to do with me, how he stopped by police station asked instructions for arresting me.  Then he dares me.


I then text him, ask him what he is hiding? Why did he do this?


9/2/12- I text Jeff and ask him, Why do You Threaten and Dare?  You have a Record- Court/ Jail for Anger Management.


9/22/12- Called Detective Helen Thompson, with Placer County Sheriff  to ask her assistance in this Funk’y’ situation.  Jeffrey Funk claims to be a North Lake Tahoe Local, he is 6’4”, brown wavy hair, hazel eyes.  He drives a burgundy Jeep Cherokee Nevada plates 620VCG, also rides a black BMW Motorcycle, resides in Carnelian Bay, hangs out Park Lane, KB and Crystal Bay Club.  I have a witness that will agree seen first hand, Jeffrey Funk has manipulative qualities.  I do not trust Jeffrey Funk and his threats.  Jeffrey Funk has had privileged knowledge of my background, home, friend/support system amongst many other things.  I feel that Jeffrey Funk is Antagonistic, Passive Aggressive and has Unwarranted Harmful Meditated behavior toward me. I want to make a report of my concerns and past experiences so they are logged.     






SURVIVOR - Is This Love -  (?) 

Parliament Funkadelic - P-Funk Wants to Get Funked Up- Mothership Connection - Houston 1976

Janta Funk - Pimps of Joytime 

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