Major Cases of Interest:
A Girl Like That:
{* this documentary is re a girl who was bullied to death. The movie is catered to the teen viewers but as I continued to watch it, I was surprised how much I have literally felt this type of bullying practices from Jeff and his pals and this documentary still sits heavy with me. The next thing is she girl bullied has my same name; which is a little surreal. But mostly after 2/1/17 when Jeff Funk followed me and verbally assaulted me, calling my name twice, then taunting me to try to turn around, while yelling out “turn around for the camera, to show the judge (he repeated numerous times). My aunt is a witness to this, and I finally hit a level of internal satisfaction that I have now beyond a level of a doubt, been proven to me that he is in deed a bully to the point he will never stop. Jeff Funk will most likely try to kill me and at this rate plus specifically due to the lack of support I have experienced thru commissioner Bahrke he may one day succeed.
* How can we get a Criminal Psychologist to look into my case (ie: Jeff Funk)?}
American Crime Story. The People –vs- OJ Simpson.
Episode 1 From The Ashes of Tragedy.
Approx: 16 (min: 10 (seconds) The police are discussing that it is, Not the First Time re: OJ’s violent behavior. He gets away with it, Celebrity style.
Approx: 22 min: 59 (seconds) The Prosecutor Marsha Clark, is reading Nicole Brown’s file and is astonished – “This is outrageous” to find that “The System has let her down”-
Marsha reads how many times the police where called.
Time & time again over so many years.
Even a 911 tape. {which I still have & never listened too (I was there)}.
{In current day - How vague Jeff’s story is.} Jeff & OJ get away with beating her but not killing her.
{* Thru the years, my case has been compare to Nicole Brown’s:
I called the police numerous times. (either on the Bealer case that night! – [*& for me the injustice continues because in current day I have a log of events re: Funk).
The police did a horrific job, in responding to my 911 call(s) re: Bealer.
Also, The era of concern of contaminating any evidence (would not give me any clothing- had to wait for official hospital or police issued clothes re: Bealer)
Thru my lawyer search we reached out to many, including Gloria Allred (who did return my call) but Kathryn Reynolds interfered and said we did not need their assistance, re Bealer).
The OJ got away with his crime.
In current time, the random fact that OJ is housed in a State Prison in Nevada, is very strange. And eligible for Parole this year (2017). {Just my opinionfrom growing up in Tahoe and as a young adult living in a boarder town (Brockway), I feel that the State of Nevada cleans up a lot of the State of California’s BS}.
Now, in current day my story continues by way of; later in time the judge/commissioner (Bahrke) allowed my aggressor (Funk) to get away with his crime. (In my case tho, the judge acted very incompetent and seemed for some unknown reason to be person against me. (that’s were I feel it relates to the Amanda Knox case too.}
Episode 3, The Dream Team,
Approx 20: 11 The lawyer invites a News Journalist.
Episode 4, 100% Not Guilty,
Approx 18:16, The Goldman family come to the Police Station to talk to Marsha Clark, she tries to welcome them and Mr. Goldman, emotionally explains how the media, has made his son a foot note to his own death, even tarnished their dead son’s name. He was a good person, he should be celebrated, not what the monster (OJ) & media did to him. He says he pray’s you never have to read your own child’s autopsy.
Episode 5, The Race Card.
Approx 8:10 The Teams of Lawyers were discussing their strategy and the part of Johnny Cochran, describes his view on evidence.
He says, ‘Evidence doesn’t win the day. Our job is to tell the story better than the other side tells theirs.’
Approx 15:20, He says, “he isn’t trying to be respectful; I’m trying to win.”
{*Seems the (smart) cases play to the media.}
Approx: 29:37
The Prosecutor, Marsha Clark, describes (hiding behind celebrity status)/ she explains how we have all seen OJ Simpson with Sports, on TV, in Movies, Commercials, etc.. so we (the world) thinks we know OJ Simpson. But like many successful people they have a personal side. This personal side may be hiding some things….
{* I believe Funk carries this trait. He hides behind his social personal of the ‘Fun Guy Out/Disco King/ The Funk’ therefore, the rest of my small community has a very hard time believing anything different than that. Unless you’ve known him for years and then there are some people who know the truth and possibly more than I do about him. – The icon, hero, or genre can do no wrong- referred to as the OJ syndrome.}
Episode 8, A jury in Trial.
Approx 16:45 The Lawyers are questioning the Police about articles of clothing and contaminating the evidence.
{*This hits close to home, because I was quoted that the OJ case was the reason why all of the police were too afraid to give me anything of their to wear (cover up, stay warm…).
Episode 10: The Verdict.
Approx 48 min., Marsha Clark explains how she went into the profession because she wanted Justice for the victims. She always thought that the Court & the Jury would want the same things (until the OJ Simpson verdict).
Approx 54 min., He Criminal (OJ) just wants to party.
Seems the crowd looses sight of the truth, just cares about a good time.
Criminal (OJ) seems to then not care about the crowd but only himself.
Approx 1:01:40: The Credits come up.
Marsha Clark- retired from CA DA’s office, signed biggest book deal, she writes Mystery Novels & is a Criminal Commentator on TV.
Chris Darden – retired from CA DA’s office, Professor at Southwest University Law School; later opened his own Firm, Darden & Associates.
is doing
Barry Scheck founded The Innocent Project. Which focuses on using DNA evidence to overturn wrongful convictions.
Amanda Knox Case.
This case interested me because of:
The perspective of the shock and 911- (the kids called for help yet in the end the help blamed them – and- for me I called they drove away (making matters worse) and came back over 17 more calls to 911 and approx 30 min later).
The police’s job is to Protect and Serve. (in both of our cases- they did a sloppy/malpractice capacity level of work with response and investigation at he actual time of the 911 call).
The youth’s (Amanda Knox) perspective of the process.
The media’s perspective and outcome.
The police and court process.
A foreigners perspective.
When your innocent and your Whole Life is hinging on what the lawyers are hashing out and what has been presented as evidence.
A personality perspective: the cop did not lie her (already rebellious teenage attitude) so he ignored the other evidence. {and similar to my case with Bahrke used his position of power to over extend his opinions as legal life lessons}.
Ignoring other science. (in my case; my Exhibits & postponing background checks).
Decisions are made by people. People can make/have error. People make decisions on what they interpret.
A persons life is hinged on a judgment from a person (commissioner/judge) that may not be competent, trusting, etc.. {Opinions come from those who have their own interpretation.}
So many years of turmoil: uncertainty, blame, finance, court, community, etc…
So many years of the actual bad guy still on the streets (all the while all the resources are being consumed on the innocent) and the bad guy is happy to divert the blame from his terror onto someone else.