Exhibit In Short
Swedelius' Exhibit In Short
Placer County Superior Court –Tahoe Division,
PO Box 5669 / 2601 N. Tahoe Blvd.,
Tahoe City, CA 96145
DV- 120, Response – REASONS, I DO NOT AGREE
TDR # 0000666.
(in addition)- #0000670
In Short
Placer County Superior Court, Tahoe City CA case number: TDR 0000666
Jessica Swedelius requesting Restraining Order on Jeffrey Baird Funk.
Swedelius’s reply to Funk’s Response-
Jeff Funk has steadily steered away from the reason why we are in court. His anger is increasing toward me and he raised his fist in anger.
Under duress and forced out of necessity to ask Court for Protection.
Mr. Funk’s paragraphs & witness will prove that
Prior knowledge to my history {which I’d much not rather have bought back to this Court, no thanks to Jeffrey Funk} so my response is feels like there are tactics of extortion and coercion on my real life facts, where he embellishes upon his stories.
I will elaborate and show how he tells lies, only partial/slighted story or gets events confused with another and more.
In short:
Mr. Funk advanced.
Mr. Funk’s advances resulted in harm.
Mr. Funk (and always ‘girl’-friend Carin)’s continues threaten me and this is SEVER
Exhausted I anticipate TDR#0000666 in {Tahoe City Superior} Court with the Funk, on All Hallows Eve.
To further narrate the papers shown in his own testimony & some others from Exhibited sources:
Paragraph- One, {TBD-still under Court deliberation}.
Paragraph Two- Move out of her house…Intimidate & Interfere… Dare… Because I figure out how to… Not Coming to Terms…Record with Anger Management…Jail…Threaten…Move In…Inappropriate…Carin…Street…Her Neighborhood…Trespassing… Restraining Order…Camera…Police… Crazy Ass…FUCKING CUNT…
Paragraph Three- …Flipped me (Jessica) off…
Paragraph Four- …Because I (jeff) Lied…Like a Tweaker…Yelled…Get Arrested…
Paragraph Five-…That Is Why…
Paragraph Six-…Yelled…Insisted…Get Out!...
Paragraph Seven- ,,,Move…Visit our friends…neighbors…even though asked to stop…yelling Obscenties…Ignore…Numerous… Efforts…Intimidations…Threats and Interferences
(so)… Began…In support of this response.
Then InPro Per in a Court Hearing TDR #0000666 for the Request for Jeffrey Funk to stay away from me-
In Q&A
Mr. Funk Q: Can he still advance?
All the while Mr. Funk declares fear & stay away on me #0000670 under all false accusations, as I detail.
So, passively aggressive Jeff Funk and (‘girl’- friend always) witness Carin- have always been thru the years,
-as Carin was cognizant but not ‘being neighborly (see throughout)-.
Text Whether to be mean or just plane thoughtless,
either way this is where the log of events start to show
Jeffrey Funk doesn’t stop there:
Jeff’s first explosive personalities are now being extremely passive aggressive with specific intention to harm:
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius, “…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Text 6- 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“What the fuck Jess?”
“This is the last straw.
“We (Jeff and Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) are going to get a restraining order”
“against your crazy ass.’….
Text 31 – 9/2/14 , Carin Broughton & Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“…not meant to invade private space…”
However taunting Carin, (always ‘girl’-friend) and Mr. Jeff Funk’s elective witness with elective commentary, lies to myself and the Court with,
Text 24, 8/23/14 Carin Broughton & Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius, “…I would never waste my time with you.”…
Text 24, 8/23/14, Carin Broughton & Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,”…Don’t flatter Yourself.”
Text 20. 5/18/14. Carin Broughton & Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius, “…Don’t know don’t care”…
{Until now, oh boy, she cares as she electively submitted 10 paragraphs for #0000666 to which she was not a witness and fills us full of irrelevant material in her declaration two paragraphs’ of which she discusses her negligent dog issues.} In my opinion irrational and more…
Witness Carin Broughton’s Declaration- Paragraph 10 sentence 10,
Witness Carin Broughton’s Declaration- Paragraph 10 sentence 10,
“…trying to heal her (me-) self…”
“…falsely accusing Jeff.”
The fact IS most of content has Carin, (always ‘girl’-friend Carin) was not even listed or present at ‘any of’ events bringing specifically in court for TDR #0000666. She could have kept her name at home.
Instead I have been named in TDR#0000670 with protection claimed to be needed for Jeff Funk AND Carin Broughton. I please request (after testimonies) that Carin Broughton’s name be added to my TDR #0000666.
*Please, I did not come here to in haste, irrational or any other misrepresented reasoning’s.
I did not come here to hash out sidetracking or unrelated topics (already tried that attempt- but to no avail) or have my grammar or legal procedure practiced.
I came here with intent to sincerely seek protection, and not live in intimidation any more from Jeff Funk (and after testimony entourage).
Thank you for your time in this matter.
Mr. Funk has electively brought many issues into this TDR:
Paragraph One- false and slanderous and misleading information.
Damages= Time, Duress, Depression, Health, Place of Income, Others, Slander, Won’t let it go/Still on Going and much much more…
As you will find throughout the rest of this and paragraphs listed in these documents.
Paragraph Two- girlfriend (why is his girlfriend always mentioned- this was about Jeff (period)) in addition. After testimony, Please, I request the Court to add Carin Broughton’s name to my TDR#0000666.
-Prior Knowledge, Intentional, &/or Slighted, Misleading - Information Harassing, Prompting, Coaching, Boasting, Encroaching, Bullying, Provoking, Ignoring, Disregard, Irrational, Vengeful, Immoral, Un-neighborly, Embellishing, Daring, Threatening and more..
Damages: Time, PREVENTABLE DRAMA, Duress, Depression, Loss of Sleep, Health, Place of Income, Other People, Anxious, live in Intimidation, Slander, Still on Going and much much more…
As you will find throughout the rest of this and paragraphs listed in these documents.
Paragraph Three- old and nonrelated issue. Was provoked, intermixed with party bullies, extreme slighted, misleading, girlfriend again-
Damages= Time, Anxious, Scare, Duress, Anonymity, Anger, Drama, Health, Others People, ex. Friends saw Open House, Peers confided & consulted with, unassuming neighbors ie., Lauer, Bullied, Slander, Still on Going-and much much more…
As you will find throughout the rest of this and paragraphs listed in these documents.
Paragraph Four- could have been prevented (accident) per Jeff not lied; misleading, embellished, vengeful information, including girlfriend. Irrational behavior, Anger.
-Jeff lied and wants to create damages, have me arrested.
Then Jeff embellishes & manipulates facts to further twist &/or encroaching on my real life proves story.
All that Jeff who could have prevented all of this prefers to yelling his false claims as if he has damages,
Irony to this preventable story is if did have care and due diligence than I wouldn’t be questioning his Professional Integrity!
Damages= Time, Preventable, Lied to, Anxious, Provoked, Duress, Threatened & Follow Through, Drama, Depression, Health, Other People, Bullied, Slander, Still on Going-and much much more…
Paragraph Five- confusing/sidetracking, lies, in my opinion this shows a wide span of
Abuse of Legal Procedures- ---
Mr, Funk’s comment is so insulting to me (re:$450 and his negligent filing issues).
(please see my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph five).
Damages= See ALL and more!
Note* Health, Sleep, Loved Ones, Jobs Tasks, Real Business’, School, Volunteer,
Missing a TLAER {Technical Large Animal Rescue (horses)} class date of hearing 10/31/14 last class was sponsored by NV Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management.
(see more details in my reply document)
Paragraph Six- lies, aggression, irrational, bullying, righteous, vengeful, threatening, defiant, intoxicated- unnecessary & elective always girlfriend. See also witness Carin Broughton’s - neighbors ie., & Mr. & Mrs. Smith’s, declarations & my replys.
The one and only relevant witness that I listed in TDR #666 (out of Jeff’s elective (9) nine).
-Mr. Funk Lied, Provoked, Follow Through, Drama, Lack of Social Respect, Compromising Safety of Others while at Business & Recreation, but mostly Breaking Critical Concentration while Myself and my Aerial Team’s in mid working weekend of doing life-threatening Athletic Skilled –setups and *Performances …in addition intentionally for own personal gain. Even more Irrational when Jeff’s very own friend tried to reason with him. (see witness Ryan Simpson). Social disappointments & disrespects, Unnecessary &/or Absentee Sorting, Loss of and more….
Damages= Time, Anxious Preventable, Duress, Threatened, Depression, Health, Other People, ex. Aerial Team, witness Ryan Simpson, Management (&more), Bullied, Slander, Still on Going- Jeff severed me with a TDR #000670 and much much more…
Paragraph Seven - more current day but still sidetracking, false, incriminating, vengeful, bullying, slanderous, exhausting, serious claims to the Court with conviction.
-Jeff lies, has aggression, irrational, bullying, righteous, vengeful, threatening, defiant, intoxicated- unnecessary & elective always girlfriend. Carin Broughton - neighbors ie., & Mr. & Mrs. Smith,
None of these witness were at the most current &/or aggressive actions advanced by Jeffrey Funk
that I listed in TDR #666 (out of Jeff’s elective (9) nine other side tracking material I had to process).
Damages= Time, Preventable, Lied to, Anxious, Provoked, Duress, Threatened & Follow Through, , , Depression, Health, Other People, ex. neighbors ie., Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Neglect Issues: they Ignore Jeff, ---Jeff ignores me, Carin electively admits to Ignors everything- but condones &/or demands, Revolving Cars, Dogs, Unnecessary Loudness (music, shouting), Trash, Bears, Scenic Corridor…} Bullied, Slander, Still on Going-
Jeff filed 24 pages of old non related witness declaration documents plus two of his own that 26, which by the way I did not receive a proof of served for the 24.
Jeff severed me with a TDR #000670.
And then-
Asked the Judge if Jeff could ignore my (TDR #0000666) request for Jeff to simply stay away from me and my residential environment. Please give me a rest!
{see ALL and much much more…}
Most Importantly a violent threat Jeff recently advanced at while he was not rationally thinking both by coming to the electively new neighbors of mine and incredibly convenient for Funk to rule the roost with excuse to come any where, meanwhile raised his fist to my face in anger outside of my residence. .
Further more to electively need bring these back issues into this current problem is cruel!!!!
My civil attempts to protect and preserve my privacy and wellbeing have been ignored or intentionally betrayed.
Funk has taught girlfriend (Carin Broughton (as seen throughout)) & others to not have regard or moral interest for me.
This is elective behavior of Jeffrey Funk (and entourage).
This is and has been my established place of residence and place of business of near two decades.
Mr. Funk violates my sense of security, tranquility and rehabilitation.
My concern is in discovery during our relationship Mr. Funk has had a past with an anger control issue, he lied to me about what he was doing until he had to served jail time because he violated his probation.
My concern is that I have established plenty of real time scenario’s that have happened; where he rehears premeditated threats. Currently as I came to the court to protect myself, Mr. Funk then and only then advanced TDR paperwork on me- with a fishy excuse involving $450, however, asked the court if he could still come to my neighbors?
I am extremely concerned that his paperwork he filed on me could interfere with my major cases and unforeseen thing yet, future holds. I have caught two major criminals and in a place of concern for long term privacy: regarding violent Attacker/ Steven Bealor/ and secondary a recent Grand Theft Auto (recovery) case I am waiting to hear. (see Srgt. Giovannini).
My concerns again that Jeffrey Funk’s anger is increasing and I do not need him near me, family or my home.
Mr. Funk is a regular to more than one known party (rental) homes on my (tiny- non thru way- only one (entrance/exit)) street.
The concerns are that I do not trust Mr. Funk and do not need him to be near me or my home.
He comes near my residence frequently and these are some of the issues of Funk’s Routine: Agenda, Attitude, Frequency, Proximity, etc…
In my opinion Jeffrey Funk is well educated and been in trouble before with a personality to be vengeful.
In my opinion Mr. Jeffrey Funk is comfortable acting inappropriately& righteously.
In my opinion as well he is paranoid for numerous other reasons.
In my opinion your honor Jeffrey Funk also (in my case) displays scenario’s he wants to be the King of the Roost and he seemed to find satisfaction in getting hens to fight.
In my opinion he has got a hotheaded personal vendetta toward me because I do not find him King of the Crop anymore.
I am concerned Mr. Funk has the potential to become irate & irrational.
I am concerned Mr. Funk shows intent to advance rather than subside.
I am concerned about the fact that Jeffrey Funk is an aggressor.
I am concerned Jeffrey Funk acts before he thinks with exaggerated claims, and hostile judgments.
I am concerned when Jeffrey Funk is near me and my home environment.
In short:
Mr. Funk advanced.
Mr. Funk’s advances resulted in harm.
Mr. Funk (and always ‘girl’-friend Carin)’s continues threaten me and this is SEVER
When I encounter Jeff Funk things escalate to point of my now requesting proper help from the courts.
Not only has Mr. Funk exhausted me, I have lost sleep, friends and time (and very plausible- monetary) on this matter!
My concern is in discovery during our relationship Mr. Funk has had a past with an anger control issue, he lied to me about what he was doing until he had to served jail time because he violated your probation
My concern is that I have established plenty of real time scenario’s that have happened, where he rehears an innocent tried/proven isolated incident as if it where a premeditated threat and/or real harm done. And for this he wants to now advance paperwork on me?
I am extremely concerned that his paperwork he filed on me could interfere with my major cases and a concern for long term privacy: regarding violent Attacker/ Steven Bealor/ and a Grand Theft Auto (recovery).
My concerns again that Jeffrey Funk’s anger is increasing and I do not need him near me, family or my home.
The concerns are that I do not trust Mr. Funk and do not need him to be near me or my home.
He comes near my residence frequently and these are some of the issues of Funk’s Routine: Agenda, Attitude, Frequency, Proximity, etc…
I am concerned Jeffrey Funk acts before he thinks.
I am concerned that Jeffrey Funk does not understand the severity of my concerns.
Srgt.Giovannini, Thought may be pertinent. Jeffrey decided to park his car in my parking space while I was out on an errand, upon my return to find him hiking & snowboarding the hill of my backyard.
Relentlessly begging and Mr. Funk succeeded to encroach by insisting I get his name on a Nevada PO Box, all the while Mr. Funk knowly was going to terminate our relationship and exercise a change of address because the heavy application process need not be done since I simply had to just add his name. Therefore he could use a Nevada PO Box, ie,. Address for reasons he deems fit.
Jeffrey Funk’s stories are not consistent or all encompassing with facts. He has an incredulous art form to steer from point, change subject, all the while using specific terminology and not willing to back down.
Funk nor girlfriend have ever showed real interest nor regard to me, my civil attempts my privacy and wellbeing. This behavior is elective for 6’4” Jeffrey Funk who comes to my street, in front of my residence- where I am minding my own business in a place of residence of near two decades violating my sense of security, tranquility and rehabilitation.
The concern is I have a productive cozy home and home business; I do not need Jeffrey Funk’s & entourage to interrupt that because of being near me or my place of residence.
The Gentlemen that I am interested in does not need to be burdened with this! In fact we prefer to keep our anonymity and therefore request the quiet enjoyment of our neighborhood/home to be respected. My friend has a pre-schooler and we/I will not be tolerant of Mr. Funk’s nonsense.
I am concerned Mr. Funk shows intent to advance rather than subside. I am concerned Mr. Funk has the potential to become irate & irrational.
Below is a shortened log of events: