Past Case History
the Break-In at Ms. Swedelius' in 2000 from a sub contractor she hired for a driveway
Experiences with
Civil Cases proceeding
Swedelius' Past Cases:
dates, reasons, experiences, results and damages.
I have ever been in court infront of commissioner Trilla Bahrke prior to an underlying case regarding my
life & death struggle for survival as a result of a Assualt/Break-In (2000). My first experience with Commissioner Bahrke in the TC Court and line of Events that followed (was from 2002-2010):
(Drafts of Case History - Experiences):
NV attorney Stephen Scheerer was introduced to me, when I was 28 years old and had just experiences a shocking, explosive life and death assault. I never had needed an attorney, did not know one who also claimed to be a California attorney whom I retained to help me with two civil cases regarding the Assault/Break-In at my home.
Placer County Sheriff (for over dozen calls to 911, their sheriff's came to my residence and left (making problems worse). The other is Marsh Ventures the umbrella company for the Rock Garden who is the employer for the assaulaint who broke into my home and attacked me. The assailent was a retail manager for the business called the Rock Garden, who I called for a bid on some ground cover rock and pavers; to where the assailent got my personal and detailed information about me and my property.
I was unable to properly address these cases and I lost these cases to what I understand is directly due to many attorney errors.
Turned out Scheerer was not a californa accredited attorney nor could find one to help on this case but Scheerer never told me any of such and to continue to make matters worse Scheerer was forging my name and signing me as Pro per in my legal paperwork.
When our very first hearing (ever) came about (in Truckee) he called me only hours before and confessed to his mess and I regret to say that is when I met and substituted in Kathryn Reynolds.
Scheerer - Spreadsheet of Fraud.
Scheerer later went Bankrupt- see Bankruptsy Attorney Alan Smith Esq., and my St Bar complaint files.
Placer County, 2001-2002:
-and -
Marsh Ventures, 2001-2002:
Reynolds, 2002- 2004 and 2008-2010:
Reynolds had freshly graduated family law, temporarily retained until could substitute a qualified attorney, Reynolds wanted to keep my cases; Reynolds turned away interested Attornies returned calls, my cases soon lost.
Reynolds - TCV 705 sued me for hourly (under a contingent agreement) - Spreadsheet 2002-2008.
Reynolds - TCV 705 & Bankruptcy Spreadsheet
Reynolds - Court Copies & Miuntes 2002- 2004
Reynolds - Court Jugments 2003-2004.
I prevailed (2004) but (at a great cost; financially, time, healing and fear of new attorney Pankopf (2004-2006))
(by this time I could sence Commissioner Bahrke had shown much suspected and unexplained bias and dislike for me).
I had grown a clear dislike for her court; I found much to be suspicious, twisted and pure waste...
(In my oppinion this could give reason to think perhaps this is why Bahrke disliked me (because I could sence there was funny/bad business in the court).
Reynolds - went on to Appeal, then Bankruptsy and Ninth Circuit- contested a secure lien, where I prevailed,
see also Bankruptcy Attorney Alan Smith.
Reynolds - 2010 we were back in Bahrke's Court, I was trying to collect (2+ years) interest owed. Barhke RULED against me, Reynolds prevailed, TCV 705 - RULING AFTER ORAL ARGUMENT see also Bankruptcy Attorney Alan Smith
Pankopf, 2004- 2006:
Pankopf - made unwanted advances toward me & unnanounced aprearences at my home & work
Pankopf - sued me for slander TCV 968 - Spreadsheet 2004-2006.
Comnissioner Bahrke appeared to adore (noticably awkward and innapropriate for) Mr. Pankopf and he could do no wrong with Bahrke, (this helped for me to prevail in the Reynolds case (2004) but Bahrke seemed to phish to find ways that Pankopf coud succeed. Bahrke found I did not slander (2006) Pankopf however because I owed Pankopf fees, he prevailed.) TCV 968 - RULING ON COSTS - 2006.
Pankopf wrote, issued and executed an invalid (see Bahrke's Minute ORDER)
TCV 968 Writ of Execution and Levy all of my finances (way over writ amount).
Outline Spreadsheets (all cases):
Correspondence1 = 12/01/2000 - 07/23/2003.
Correspondence2 = 07/23/2003 - 10/14/2004.
Correspondence3 = 10/14/2004 - 06/17/2010.
Swedelius (survivor) has paid out of her own pocket (no speedy and just trial- durning her recovery at all) Approx
[$38,097.44 (TCV 705 Reynolds Lien) + $51,257.54 (TCV 705 Reynolds Chapter 7) +$16,992.00 (Hager & Hearne TCV 968 Pankopf defense) + $20,920.00 (Payment Installments TCV 968) + $7,971.23 (Seizure of accounts TCV 968) + $21,091.58 (Satisfaction of Judgment TCV 968) + $1,971.00 (TCV 968 Post Judgment Transgressions) =
In the end the survivor did not prevail in her civil cases re the Break-In and greedy attornies (Scheerer, Reynolds & pankopf) cost Approx $158,300.79 during 2002- 2010].
Different Case:
Funk, 2014- 2016
It was in 2014,
on a totally different matter I needed help from the TC Court regarding a current day aggressor named
Jeffrey Funk and to my dismay I was before Commissioner Bahrke. (see throughout this website).
In my opinion:
Mr. Pankopf and Mr. Funk have a lot in common:
their appreance (tall, brunett, handsome, well dressed, groomed, etc..),
ego, bullying manner (in these cases against me) ,
accusations/lies, threats,
executions/levy (of threats),
adored by Bahrke,
I hope the world can now understand why after (all of my years ) of actual real time experiencing JUDGMENTS and RULINGS by Commissioner Trilla Bahrke;
meaning I have actual dates, reasons, experiences, results, damages and more
to why I think commissioner Bahrke has been Bias &/or Incompetent toward me
(and why I harbor dread when thinking of the TC Court).
And if f you still don't believe my strong opinion- please ask my mother what she thinks (of this)!.
Mr. Pankopf and Mr. Funk physically look like the actor who play prince john in robin hood movie and even shows few some same traits. For comedy relief see below: