Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT accept or read Swedelius' Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.
JF's Witness Carin Broughton (girlfriend of the time)

Please see Swedelius' reply to Witness Statement below. See also throughout all documents. Specifically Jeffrey Funk's paragraph two.

Please see Swedelius' reply to Witness Statement. See also throughout all documents. Specifically Jeffrey Funk's paragraph two

Describe your image.

Please see Swedelius' reply to Witness Statement below. See also throughout all documents. Specifically Jeffrey Funk's paragraph two.
JF's elective witness- Carin Broughton (girlfriend of the time)-
TDR # 0000666.
Witness Carin Broughton
Girlfriend to Jeffrey Funk aka “Sex Kitten” (as seen on Jeffrey Funk’s Text spreadsheets and on proclaimed ‘Care Bear’,
as seen countless times on her party jersey.
(see also Funks party jersey on my reply to his response paragraph two).
Her lengthy and elective comments are interesting and helpful to show relevant troubles that they
pertain to little closer to the related current events, however she was not present at the most recent time
of the most aggressive altercations Jeff and I have had.
To no fun of mine, this declaration and all the other inappropriate preventable situations has brought some things to the table for discussion.
Specifically listed all throughout my reply to Jeffrey Funk’s response not one of Carin’s comments bare and compare to the level of concern, data and severity I document.-
Note* Carin the reason why we are in court, it is not ok for Mr. Funk to raise his fist at anger and swing it toward me (or any one else for that matter).
I only wished I had paid attention to the linage of Mr. Jeffrey Funk’s females that preceded me:
Patty (pet assistant), college love –Divorced/she fled (refereed to her as Bitch).
Cheryl (Hawaii), Anger Management ((Nevada) (not sure, but vaguely recall, there may have been choking, he defiantly slandered her socially with term Crazy incessantly)).
Regrettably I (Tahoe Local) am asking for a Restraining Order am next (to whom Mr. Funk’s text message spread sheet submitted into court refers to me as Hemorrhoid and Crazy. (*BTW thank you for the support and courageous friendship in this life journey) and other documents throughout
I will show my reasons in detail below (and Jeff’s Retaining Order in my opinion is trying to bully me with TDR# 0000670)
Carin, I think of you as no better or to which you have joined Mr. Funk and others in threatening, ignorant and taunting behaviors and too have been told, ignored and condone -- for years.
Jeff Funk poses a threat to me- when he is close; he poses problems on numerous levels when near.
Carin- I’d like to ask:
Do you see your ex-(fiance Curtis) “all the time”?
Does Jeffrey Funk see his other “ex(’s) all the time”?
Ask Jeffrey Funk—how long would you say we dated before my previous boyfriend knew, if ever?
Ask Jeffrey Funk how long have I known him?
Ask Jeffrey Funk why he carries on, exhaustingly how I can’t get over..his perception that is him as in (in love)
Really fact is, I can’t get over Jeffrey Funk in reference to his moral disregard.
Carin Broughton did you ever live in a small community area?
Please, correct me if ‘m wrong and I’m sure you will-I understand,
One of which was in and/or near the area Columbine Colorado? Perhaps you’ve hear about it on national news?
Further more you where near contemporary ages when a shooting took lace in that high school and there was community hit with hyper sensitive from cries, distress & need for outreach.
Intrusively, precipitated by Funk & condoned by Witness Broughton
I/We (special friend) will not tolerate this nonsense anymore. And Carin, as more detailed in my reply to Funk’s response paragraph two; In my friends, I seek quality over quantity- any day! I have expressed to Funk & Carin, that I think they fit well together & reply, I too wished them the best.
Witness Carin writings talks about her attending music festivals (in her paragraph One, Four and Seven).
I too have had the pleasure to attend years prior with friends and displeasure to attend same with Mr. Funk in years prior.
These specific friends of mine, Kim Grow and better half to one of the main high-level established personnel who has been co-founder type at this particular festival Brent Dana, to whom we lovingly shared camp space with (and have many of times thru the seasons/years without problem) none of which Funk nor Carin has been.
Unlike, witness Carin Broughton (and per Mr. Funk) sure has been known to be at every one “with issue” ever since.
Carin Broughton herself enlisting a list of problems that come with that…}
In my history attending this very festival with Jeffrey Funk, was the year (2009) he fabricated an excuse that I need get on my bike and he drive my work RV into the festival grounds. Upon discovery he & another Party goer decided to park us in Artist/Musician parting & we got kicked out. Therefore necessitating, security, a strategic plan to drive RV thru not area with highly intoxicated pedestrians, campers, electrical, etc…not to mention that this upset my friend Brent Dana and embarrassed me, to no end. Brent was still so gracious & placed our RV in best place he could.
In the second night into it; there was enough irritants to want me to desire the quiet, so I abandoned my own (nice) work RV to sleep in a friends tent they had set up- on outskirts of festival.
When they group of friends came back to camp, which woke me up I learned Jeff nearly overdosed on Ketamine and had come to. When I re-entered my RV it looked like a crime scene Jeff was sitting but sprawled, sweaty, dirty, even bloody, he was a mess! It took him days to re-adjust. He insisted to go to a late night show where once in, he got woozy, we walked to the wall, he passed out. It was all I could do to catch his upper body and slowly, gracefully and without panic cushion him (his head) as he fell to the concrete. It was surreal—friend, Andrea did not see me/us and Chad walked in right behind her, looked right at me and kept walking.
The Time at this festival where Brent now was expecting me/us because he knew of Mr. Funk’s RV parking situation from last year and was so generous as to park us right next to he & Kim (mentioned above). My RV Roof became a great viewing spot & dance floor to his neighboring RV & daily live bands. However, Jeff abused my privilege and comfort, pride and requests by (continuing) entertaining aka ‘topless girl on roof’. Then later disregarded Kim, in her efforts to discuss her concern, saying along the lines of , get over it, it’s an adult party.
This is same year he went skateboarding off, yelling…”It’s not over until your bloody!!” To moments later I found him (ironically) under a bus. He had fallen and slid the lower half of his body under a parked VW bus and was now bleeding & done (for a while). Pretty much the exact date it was over- we have not had a civil conversation since---
Carin Broughton, ironic pretty much year to date--- has her version of what she perceives happens at this festival with Jeff Funk as seen from Paragraph One Sentence One and continued throughout her declaration. Also under which I first met you & Funk’s bullying, drug crew as you were taunting me about “why I wasn’t back at my RV (as if to try chase me out of common area (first showing you’re their snide & rude comments as you also prove)).. This was all told &/or witnessed by Kim & Brent.
[Part of some of the ever so slight unfortunate irritating factors for Kim & Brent’s relationship proven to be later terminated was do to the endless care they have extended others before themselves put in and one which was regrettably to me do to the aches regarding Jeffrey Funk]. In my current showings
I will delineate, how I told Brent- there was a (another let’s see 2014) problem; I was leaving it was too much immature hostile BS from Jeff Funk to manage and he specifically asked me to stay. He specifically told me he wanted me to stay. I left; my gut feeling says, knowing any situation with Funk could have the potential to really be bad this is not good for a tiered level of reasons: someone could get seriously hurt; fearful for myself, festival/ business of good times (money, chance of others being highly intoxicated, strangers, friends, co-workers concentration level regarding my safety with my job).
I left to prevent & protect whole situation/ environment and more that I probably don’t even know…
but back to Witness Sex Kitten Carin’s, Sentence Two}
Paragraph One-
Sentence One-
I agree ---
our first encounter was in July 2012.
Sentence Two-
I agree— to first half of Carin’s sentence,
met at a music festival
(In my opinion Carin could be confusing this specific meeting (late night)
(Where we were all corralled together- extremely difficult to have avoided he & unavoidable to me, new girl (Carin) and others we did see each other, I was on my way to the exit door with an established respected friend mentioned above.
Carin seems to me to have miss reported the whole weekend’s events, with her next sentence starting to delineate in -
Sentence Three— (should be in her paragraph two)
Witness Carin Broughton’s written information about this is miss reported and situations facts, dialog and dates show me to be incorrect
Carin seems to me to have, with her next sentence starting to delineate -
Sentence Three- Four- (should be in her paragraph two)
This sentence is out of time line relevancy and slighted from rest of dialog & background.
Sentence Five- *
Carin admits she found the social dynamics strange…
Sentence Six-
“Two different people, who saw a confrontation told you not to worry about it and Jessica was “crazy”.” Carin wrote-
This insults me to no end!
Witness Carin Broughton shows to me intentional. insulting, untrue, unnecessary, inappropriate, berating, slanderous, coaching with defaming taunting, bantering qualities from day one.
These two other people I recall to whom Carin Broughton is refereeing are, Matt & Coreen LaMark, to best of my knowledge some of Jeffrey’s best friends
((picture- Coreen LaMark, Matt LaMark, Jeffrey Funk and Carin Broughton.)
and well established extreme party friends (referred from above); to whom I now due to circumstance have had the un-pleasure of being acquainted (LaMarks’ and myself have many years prior knowledge of one another & mutual friends). I even employed (handyman/construction) Matt in his former years prior to Funk existence here in Tahoe contemporary times, I was going through original court cases due to violent assault).
Witness Carin Broughton is off point of the reason we are in for a restraining order-
(Or is she (?!)-
On day One, Carin-
Shows me she is easily influenced
And is being directed-
Witness Carin, from day one admitting says “two different people” told her not to worry about it Jessica was “crazy”.
Witness Carin Broughton just proved beyond a doubt, that she was being coached.
Witness establishes, Untrue, Hurtful, Bullying, Slanderous, Hostile, Defamations, where being advanced on to me-
And from day one.
Carin is ignorant that these are slanderous comments to any person- no matter.
Carin doesn’t use her better judgment to recognize this is strange ---.
These are no proven reasons to hurt, ignore and defame someone.
Paragraph Two-
Sentence One-
Carin’s statement shows to me to prove she is new to the area.
(Witness is unaware of her tiered surroundings (verses, I was on my normal (near two decade routine)).
Witness Carin Broughton’s declaration is insultingly to me being that it is an extremely slighted story to the court which appears to me as of light manipulative perception.
However, in her defense she may have not ‘yet’ known that:
This (elective move) Mr. Funk has initiated and commenced to find a room in a known party house (290 known as Holly’s old house currently Tyler Gaffaney’s for (out of towner party girl, you Carin Broughton ) on my “ very established proprietor aprox 20 years” “nice little street”. In addition but not shorted, this is after he gained full knowledge to me, my residence & background and we had and are to this day still having contentious times and more. See reply to response (666) paragraph two, witness Mathew Smith, Nulifar Smith, and Carin Broughton (see also Deputy McCleary).
(see specifically reply to Funk’s response paragraph two).
To me this proves, these first encounters establishes an evolution of Carin Broughton’s mental absorption and seeing she was somewhat being coached & prompted dialog is setting in. At first In her defense, I tried a civil discussion; she may not know any (true) prior knowledge to me & my residence other than what Funk has enlisted, so her perspective on things could have been very plausibly naïve to Mr. Funk’s intentional target for manipulative introductions and problems.
Correction on Time Line:
From Carin’s Paragraph One Sentence Three. (as seen addressed above, misdated content).—
And as she clearly states, I tried to talk to her and (from the start) she ignored the issue.
Frustratingly, I will see more of this to come---
{Note* Is any one else tired of all this nonsense yet?}
(Remember, Mr. Funk himself in response paragraph One, paragraph Two, paragraph Five, where he himself ignores even lies (paragraph four) and maybe more in topics regarding civil rights request of he & party countless times.
see also relative witnesses regarding ignoring specific concerns: - Morgan Vilkin, (above) Carin Broughton (see descriptions below: paragraph one, three, five, eight and maybe more) , Nalifar Smith. Ryan Simpson described he tried reasoning with Jeff but to no avail).
David Swedelius, my brother tried reasoning with Jeff but to no avail.
Correction from-
Sentence Five of Carin Broughton’s paragraph One- *
Carin admits she found the social dynamics strange…
Carin in person directly expressed to me one of the first days I ever met her, (few years ago when he electively found a room for her to rent & helped to moved her to my street as she was then standing infront of my home) admitting that she already recognized some inappropriate behavior herself).
Sentence Three and sentence Eleven-
Carin addresses she ignored my civil attempt to discuss matters (in at the time of relevancy).
Sentence Seven-
Witness Carin writes, she was afraid to confront me….
(after admitting she recognized strange things, moved to my street, pairing up with someone who’s dared (me)…
My text to Carin Broughton and Witness Morgan Vilkin- on the 5/18/14 event Mr. Funk helped to stockpile with sidetracking information, this being one.
I thought it over as well as sought peers advise.
After deliberations I decided to group text {8:21PM}: Carin Broughton current girlfriend of JF & Morgan Raithel/Vilkin wife to Graham Vilkin, “I need to know if you girls know what happened today w/myself, Funk & Graham?”
Carin Broughton responded {8:31PM }, “don’t know don’t care.”
JS commented {9:02PM} “Not surprised- reinforces your class & what I’m working with. Thank you.”
Morgan chimes in {9:02 PM} “Please leave me out of this.”
5/19/14 – I respond to group text (of JS, Carin Broughton & Morgan Raithel/Vilkin), {10:55 AM} “Laughable!!! Are you girls proud of this? Or are you too Pansy- & that’s what it looks like- You Girls Rock! Awesome! No Problem I’ve babysat b4; I’ll continue to handle this – your comments/actions are what makes stellar community members!”
Carin {10:55 AM} “please leave me alone.”
Note* she/he continue to initiate & have public outbursts toward me; simultaneously being coy & keep coming to my no-thru street for their own elective self serving purposes while they abuse the system and on more than one account inconclusively profess for me to leave them alone! Who does that?!
Then when I try to speak civilly Carin Broughton is not co-ooperative & in fact uncaring & full of herself (as of this edit- as she had elective choice)
Sentence Eight-
Witness Carin Broughton, (again extreme) Slight of Real Story-
Witness Carin Broughton writes, I was warned
I am insulted,
I was DARED trespassing and Restraining Order by Mr. Funk and Carin (party girl new comer) harmful provoked manipulative initiations- haven had prior knowledge to me, to my street and knowing my regular routine of near two decades.
(see more in detail my rely to Mr. Funks response paragraph Two. See also Deputy McCleary).
Witness Carin Broughton without a doubt proves that she (new person) was coached- as this is the text to me from coach (or should I say, self addresses as, ‘captain Funk).
(and as he has been known to coach Carin upon day one of meeting me and that two different people…..to me….”
-(see sailboat picture above’/ LaMarks, Funk & Broughton in Carin’s paragraph One sentence six) Funk).
Witness Carin however, in fact talks & treats me & all situations like this:
Thus validating a commentary, I sent to Witness Carin Broughton
(in addition with Morgan Vilkin).
Sentence Nine –
Witness Carin Broughton clearly states on numerous occasions (even) after this, Jeffrey Funk would come over
(Witness proves elective behavior, to advance to my street) …….
Second part of Sentence Nine—
No apparent reason, Carin writes.
Shows she’s either totally Naïve to situation Or witness Carin is being played, (and currently trying to play me):, so- I barely excused Carin’s excuses (at the time).
No matter, Jeffrey Funk is absolutely is proving to be the fault for staging the interactions between parties.
Witness Carin is conflicting her own opening paragraph—she ‘thought’ this was ‘very strange’--
Now, she states/ absolutely ‘no apparent reason’.
Sentence Three and Eleven-
Carin addresses she ignored my civil attempt to discuss matters (in at the time of relevancy).
Paragraph Three-
Witness is really off track for TDR# 0000666, but will be readdressed in TDR #0000670.
Sentence One –
Witness Carin, I disagree, untrue to blocking pathway out- embellishment of facts.
Witness in Sentence Three – showing she is ignoring the civil attempt.
Do you even know what this was about?
If, it was such a big deal, Do you even know what night this was?
If, it was such a big deal, Do you even know what the deep concerns & issues are about?
Carin Broughton has told me and the court countless times-“ doesn’t know, doesn’t care.”
Carin Broughton and Broughton and Stacia Funk/Sanchez (older bully of a Sister.
Approx end of Jan 2013- Unfortunately, I heard from the voice of his new partner and worse she said Brew Dog died, rather than my long time friend whom I had spent a couple of hours with prior . I was instantly struck by the devastation that I was never going to touch something I cared for and loved immeasurably! I quit drinking my first glass of wine straight away fore, my stomach was in knots. Compounded by hearing this information from a voice that is not kindly invested or comforting to me in any way and perhaps the complete opposite I felt myself hurting amazingly. Knowing if I went home, I’d probably get really depressed, I went outside for air; I decided to stay fore I had a few friends there for support. I saw JF immediately in court yard told him right away, I was sorry for his loss, told him I couldn’t stand he & his new girl together, asked why he didn’t tell me? He replied he thought about it but Brew was so skinny. I told him, I wished he did, please don’t make decisions for me anymore. I asked about his sister, I told him she was on my mind, I was wearing her costume ring. He said she was there, It’s her birthday. He told me the Dog loved me. I asked, did you? No answer.
Rest In Peace, Brew. I love You.
I went back inside. Do my dismay JF and his girl where at their finest, in the rear left of the room. My friends Brent & Kim where up front in the right corner but it was crowded and loud. As I turned about face, I see my friend whom I ate soup with and held back the tears as long as could in the moment and asked her, why didn’t she tell me? She replied, ‘think was trying to protect you.’ I told her, that wasn’t fair to make decisions for me, this was ‘real time’ something I would never get back. I think for just a moment we spiritually understood the level of hurt was bigger than this issue and this was big.
As I continued to walk now for a new destination, I felt an Orb of love from the different friends in the crowd possibly watching with a loving babysitting eye from the few moments prior still unfolding. Now I stop in the back right corner and my girlfriend is coming up behind. I do not know if she intends to stop because I do or she just knows how bad things were crumbling mentally for me.
Between music riff’s I can recall hugging her tight. Then JF’s girlfriend, Carin Broughton decides at an inappropriate time for me to grab my friend Andrea Schwartz ass, just to step in on our conversation.
When the music stopped I thought, oh god no; I’m not ready to be a lone tonight. At that same moment JF’s Sister, Stacia Sanchez drunkenly approaches me with dramatics and volume as she is holding my hands together with one of hers and gesturing to the crowd, yelling Jess. “where’s your Husband, where IS your Prince Charming anyway, Where is he????” In doing such, she unnoticeably embarrassed herself and angered a few locals. as I am about to either collapse to my knees or punch her in the face my friend Jeremy swoops his arm around me and walks me over to his wife Patricia while stating, don’t mind her he’s been watching her for a while and she’s drunk. I talk to them until I can focus. I walk to Kim and ask if she knew what was going on & she said yes, I told her Brew died a couple of days ago. So, now bewildered I walk outside to my car.
Who is Parked right freaking next to me, JF. He is slouched in the passenger seat and his girl is turned with her back to the steering wheel, it looks like she was giving him a blowjob. I’m absolutely shaking from the events of the night thus far, all I say, was I’m sorry for your loss. I can hardly wait for this night to be over, but I backed straight up into a parked car. The owner and I looked, no damage; we knew each other so, we could regroup later if needed. None the less stressful and embarrassing.
Amanda went home with me, she decided to crawl into bed with her CBC clothes on, I wasn’t used to the light snore and I couldn’t stop crying. So I got out of bed, went for a walk in the snowy street in my hot pink Betty Boop PJ’s, were I proceeded to have a breakdown. I was so happy that I had my street to walk down without them living there, then so low to think how could he do that in the first place, what did I do to deserve that: I’ve only loved-guilty of loving too much but, gave every once I had to give and then some!!! I cried and laid out in the slush, had not strength to get up if a car came nor did I care.
I called whom I perceived to be a long time friend, she didn’t respond {until about 10AM the next day with some. Love & Light message}. To my girlfriends defense I have not indulged these private matters, she did not have all of this information at that time. Ironically her brother called just I was hanging up from trying her. He said he saw the car accident, he was worried about me and what am I doing?? I told him I think I’m having a breakdown in the street. He lives down a street through the woods as the Crow flies. He said, ‘If I can hear his whistle I better come.” Sure enough I did. That was divine, he brought humor back into scene and tended to me because I had sprained my wrist and hurt various other things for the next few hours until I requested to go home and try to sleep.
I had gotten a haircut earlier and wasn’t sure if I liked it, or the situation or--- & I proceeded to cry and cut my own hair and lost about three days.
RESULT OF INJURY-----(& More) ---- *** DAMAGES----*****
My true friends checked on me periodically. One suggested EMDR, which I have enrolled.
In 2013 I had enough- I had what felt like a break down, which resulted to me: calling for help, Crying, Cut Hair, slept until dehydration woke me up, sick--- like tears of an elephant.
I enrolled in EMDR Therapy. To learn what the police (8/27/12) had told me prior, JF was text book Narcissist.
Through my sessions, the therapist reiterated the fact I am not crazy as had been repeatedly told by the group of people Jeff associates with.
In fact we came to discover that JF fits all the personality types as a Narcissist and a Sociopath. Once I started on a protocol for reconstructive healing my journey became to be more liberating and constructive. I had some insight on that type of personalities. And they are not for me.
2013 JS researched and spent own costs leaving her hometown, residence, career & community – all because of Aggressive Intrusion from Jeffrey Funk & entourage.
Paragraph Four:
Sentence One- Two:
Witness Carin Broughton was at yet another festival (multi day/night party) but this is getting ridiculous- make faces & rude gestures….
Carin Broughton,- how old are you?
Carin Broughton, you are wasting my time - What is this about?
If, it was such a big deal, Do you even know what night this was?
Sentence Three-+
This paragraph in whole is
Insulting for it is irrelevant, sidetracking, waste of time, untrue, never an issue, topic.
Except for future telling- how tolerant I’ve been over the years with Funk, Carin & dogs coming into a campsite I have setout and not made an unwarranted fuss when you, he or other have approached!
Sentence Two and Nine- Are not true.
Sentence Seven-
Carin writes her dog never leaves her side,
Well why do you need to tie & carbineer it all the time?
Sentence Eight-
Carin Broughton can be quite ignorant to the obvious and this is
tremendously insulting to myself, but
specifically and mother who was with me near my every move, every day & night as my wanted & welcomed guest with chores of alternate crew cook (if court deem necessary, will see also Brent Dana).
Verses Carin was there as a fluff and seen intoxicated majority of the time.
Broughton’s elective commentary (see sentence description from One, Two & Nine above) is interesting and insulting.
Carin Broughton was constantly using a port-a- pot’y directly next to our my vehicle which was parked aside of our tents -
Furthermore, outdoor kitchen where my mother was standing-
At the time Carin’s dog walked up to our crock pot.
*Note extremely sidetracking, uncalled for finger pointing and not my problem to take care of Carin’s negligent issues with her dogs.
Do you take me, my time or the courts seriously (2013, making faces, dogs…)?
Do you work at a pet type facility (ie, experienced with animals)?
Carin where you drinking alcoholic beverages or under influence of any other substance?
Do you know I do have a high level of experience with animals: Dogs, Wolves, Horses & more?
Do I need to get my mother involved?
Do I need to get Brent Dana involved?
Paragraph Five-
Sentence One-
Witness Carin Broughton is addressing an old event, on 5/18/14.
Which we’ve gone over in many witness’ declarations.
Witness Carin did not want to address my concerns then.
Witness Carin Broughton was not present.
I agree –
I tried to send a civil attempt (text).
Sentence Two-
I wrote, “ I need to know if you girls know what happened today with myself, Funk & Graham?” Witness Carin Broughton shows has been asked civilly be me.
Sentence Three-
Witness Carin writes,“knowing that Jessica likes to stir up drama”-
This is insulting due to all above and listed throughout case #0000666 documentation and more!
Carin Broughton continues with a “don’t know, don’t care”.
(Your Honor,
This incorrect, hurtful, impressionable, bullying and irrational issues that she now others and this situation has become proves to me another reason why we are court.
This is not drama.
My authentic concern is
I’ve been serious about these issues for a long time.
These people do have not recognized until brought to this level, how serious all of these issues are and have become.)
All of this is overwhelmingly insulting due to all above-
I have proven, Jeffrey Funk electively came to my neighborhood for a party. Jeff Funk near hit cars with me while taunting me and provoked an altercation minutes prior.
See also reply to Mr. Funks response paragraph three & witness statements above and listed throughout case #0000666 documentation and more!.
Does that sound like a threat or dramatic?
Why does a response need be hasty?-
and continue to be?- to make further point!
Paragraph Six:
This was a coincidence and accident. Most important could have been prevented per Jeffrey Funk not lying to me. Further more in Carin’s testimony and Mr. funk’s testimony there is slight of story. In addition to slight of story, Jeffrey himself in fact called the sheriff’s off.
There was nothing damaged, stolen, stolen, or any other accusation- this accident didn’t even
Deem worthy of a police report.
Sentence Eight—
Carin Broughton says they did not pursue restraining order due to financial constraints.
*Is a non issue, California free state for TDR’s
Carin’s ignorance of the law is used as an excuse as flavored in comment.
Carin & Funk in fact have been full of threats, lies, bullying, crude, vengeful, coaching with arrogance as they have been threatening me since 2012.
This is to me is an example of another intoxicatingly obnoxious statement.
This may be a long shot but perhaps insulting to the court too--- since
I have substantiated there has been many threats over the years by Mr. Funk and if he did his homework, Funk & Broughton would have known there was no cost.
(specifically see my reply to Funk’s response paragraph Five).
Carin and Jeff themselves have shown that they frequent the party’s therefore I would call is safe to say they have disposable time.
Pretty sure wise old expression references- time is money(?).
Sentence Nine--
Carin Broughton shows to me a flavor of embellishment on the truth especially do to lack of severity of the situation.
Mostly Importantly *this whole scenario could have been prevented had Carin’s boyfriend, Jeff not lied.
(see specifically reply to Funk’s response paragraph Four). (see also texts 10/15/13 & 10/16/13).
Carin’s statement in addition is also encroaching on my real life proven story.
(see specifically reply to Funk’s response paragraph Two).
Carin statement also seems to be fishing, prompting (prompted) &/or staging for or by something/someone else,-
Curiously this is his profession (sleep studies technician) (specifically reply to Funk’s response paragraph Two).
(see also (two more – new to town, witness Mathew Smith and Nulifar Smith last paragraph’s of declaration’s).
Witnesses Carin Broughton, Nulifar and Mathew Smith have a few common denominators:
They were both out of towners (did not know me).
Jeffrey funk moved both parties in after having prior knowledge that, this was not a hospitable area for him anymore.
Jeffrey moved both parties in.
Their testimonies are very similar expression that they had indication or flat out warning this wasn’t good.
Witness testimonies both show they chose to ignore issues as they came about.
Witness testimonies state there is trouble when Jeffrey Funk (electively) comes around.
Witness Testimonies show there is no trouble when he is away.
Witness testimonies are very similar with expression that they are fearful of me & remark about security camera.
Note*, Witnesses Broughton’s comment in paragraph was proven to be a extreme slight of story, non issue and false accusations; however Carin Broughton and Mr. Funk continue (see Carin’s paragraph seven, sentence One part one) to save face by defaming me,
with an extremely slighted, bias, preventable, non-severe story.
Had Witness Carin’s boyfriend, Jeff Funk not deliberately lied.
Oddly, all the common things these new people have in common.
Carin Broughton’s paragraph six and issue above is addressed in its entirety in my reply to funk’s response paragraph Four and Five in TDR# 0000666.
Paragraph Seven:
Sentence One and Two-
Witness Carin attending another festival (multi day/PM party).
This festival is Brent Dana’s newer business venture that I have been happy to watch (camp & volunteer with) him grow with it from inception and I have now brought a mindful, artful, skill related task that complements the music & festival (and being compromised by Funk & Broughton’s inappropriate expisodes).
Year One-
Donated my Work RV, for Artist Check In & Out. Bought my tickets and Sponsored $500.
Year Two- Donated My Time to help - unpack Headquarters and clean grounds. Bought Multiple Tickets & RV Space.
Year Three- (the year Carin is referring in her paragraph four randomly comments about her dog).
Choreographed Aerials: myself to headlining bands: Lyrics Born, Orgone, Pimpls Of Joytime, Mama’s Cook’n, Pleasure Maker, Spirit Hustler, Jelly Bread & few more.. and team to rest: Magic Gravy, Nibblers, NVO…
Year Four- (current year August 1-3, 2014 and one of more current related topics regarding Mr. Funk)
Choreographed Aerials: myself to headlining bands: Pimps of Joytime, Nickki Blum, LecheDeTigre, California Honey Drops- then to Angel Harp and lastly but not least Peter Burt…my team (not sure if they made it –just was being yelled at by Funk during our “set up’ & frazzeled us!!! California Honey Drops & Angle Harp.
I should have rested before I took my equipment down but I broke it down & nearly fell last de-clipping of the performance break down –which-
I cried out “Ladder-LADDER-LADDER!!! You, You look like a ladder, PLEASE! Unexpectedly & Thankfully, one of the sound guys rushed over to me & caught me on his shoulder as I was in the last 10 feet as I was severely dropping, which Brent witnessed.
I left the camp scene prior to sunrise to further prevent interactions between myself and Mr. Funk (period).
ONLY to THREE DAYS LATER, Carin exhaust issues—once again come to my neighborhood, (Carin’s paragraph seven sentence four)..
All the while, days before as sentence two is discovering Carin is currently embarrassing herself, defaming me and not got her facts straight from the events that happened in sentence we are deliberating.
I’m exhausted, It is now time to get utterly serious and these are examples why we are in court today.
I have not seen or worked out with my Aerial Team since this event do to all the elective, unnecessary, aggressive, advancing issues I have brought to the court today.
I am exhausted!
Time to leave me alone---- I have asked, I have pleaded, I have been threatened, I have been nearly severely hurt under duress not to mention while minding my own business (car, aerials, fist….) from Mr. Funk too many times!!!---
Back to Carin’s….
Sentence Three- different topic and already addressed in above paragraph (specifically reply to Funk’s response paragraph Six)
Disturbing that Carin still is still stating (only partial story leading others to believe a slanderous portrayal of the real factual situation; even after, no police report & her boyfriend himself called off the police himself personally.
Sentence Four--- Object!
She did not tell me anything. We did not speak to one another.
Carin states she calmly told me that I was not welcomed at “our” (Carin & Funk’s) campsite, but that they were welcome to hang out at Jess’ campsite.
Nulifar statement I came to Carin and demanded they talk & she kept asking me to leave her alone.
Nulifar statement eventually I left.
Carin or Mrs. Smith’s fact’s are not straight between the witnesses Carin & Nulifar and not even close or mine. (as starting to be seen below)
Sentence Five—
Carin Broughton rewrites that she told me I was not welcome.- Objection, Untrue
Insulting (see specifically reply to Funk’s response paragraph Six)
(See all above)
Paragraph Eight-
Sentence One-
Carin Broughton’s admitting she is outside my house-
Carin is again visiting (once again) my neighbors
Witness Carin, I am not here to argue or dispute your negligent dog issues
(to my dismay as seen prior, in her paragraph four she feels compelled to tell us about her regular party environments & dog issues.
Sentence Seven:
Witness Carin Broughton, I will agree, girlfriend to “closest friend” of Jeffrey Funk, Nulifar Smith (the witness who also submitted declarations new to the area & your trashy issues) ---
Agree with end of sentence as witness Carin was (yet again electively) on my street again (yet again electively) implying to me that she did not respond to my request nor care about my civil request to she & Funk.
Sentence Eight:
Witness Carin writes, “This encounter was disturbing to me (Carin) –
{Ms. Broughton, How Do You think I feel?!!!
seeing that somehow knew I was there without even seeing her (me).
In my opinion this is insulting and is not a rational thinker. I have more than sustained proof that Funk, Carin have prior knowledge to exactly where they are and my residence- thus knowing my house look directly at this ‘new’ neighbors house.
Sentence Nine:
Carin Broughton writes, “I (Carin) was shocked that she
((me)- who’s an established neighbor, knows my surroundings and over see’s this house),
Knew I was there”.
In my opinion this is deliberate- turn your back and sidetracking self justifying reasons- for Carin and Funk to continue there advances at any regard.
{Seems similar to--
Witness Nilufar Smith—writes, She and friends faces the lake and away from (mountain/wildlife/neighbors, Jessica,) Jess’s house…
(In my opinion substantiating Nilufar Smith is suggesting to me as an out of sight out of mind or turning your back toward someone/thing, is acceptable &/or justified.)
(See also
8/24/14 -Jeff Funk (electively, after being cognizant & warned, etc…)
visiting my new neighbors Mr. & Mrs. Smiths-}
Witness Carin for matters discussed throughout, I don’t care to hear one more of your excuses and neglectful however self entitled righteous reasons for you and or Mr. funk to come near me or my home any more (period).
I’m still a little too shell shocked and don’t want to go to aerial class. I cancel.
I try enjoy my morning- next thing I look out and I’m faced with Carin Broughton as she parks her car directly across from my residence.
Jeffrey Funk & Carin Broughton are relentless! They have proven multiple times to me, they have no moral compass!
This is an elective act- Carin Broughton drives (blue Subaru) and parks at (205-207 Park Lane), which is directly in front of my residence of 14+ years. {note * (not a thru way) street}
{btw* Same Carin Broughton, who moved from out of state where then Jeffrey Funk electively moved to 292 park Lane August 2012, where they initiated police calls on me- trying to state I was trespassing, when in fact Jeffrey Funk was just trying to set me up, fore he knew I took a walk around the neighborhood.
Paragraph Nine-
Witness Carin helps to a narrate an embellished summary of events:
Sentence Two-
Witness Broughton clearly states every time she comes to her friends house…..
(Been numerous times
even upon ignoring prior knowledge and a bit of better judgment registered…)
Sentence Four-
Witness Carin writes, “I have once responded to this…”
Validating, I have made more that one civil attempt.
Sentence Six-
Witness Carin, only after much exhausted effort from to convey there is problems when Funk (and additionally proven, Broughton) are around me, there is now finally a responds given.
{I finally mentioned the word sheriff (for the first time after all these years and harsh threats vs insult after insult from Funk)
This once (in all these years/after all issues/ possibly after she & he realize this could turn more serious than they thought) to explain that was to me that she is in my neighborhood to see friends (as if their childish concerns are an issue to me}.
Witness Carin Broughton in her lengthy first attempt ever, decided to dictate to me how she & Funk established the way things were going to work
and then gave me an ultimatum
If I do not agree, then we will have to explore other measure, she write with conviction.
All the while to which I was organizing and well over due to file TDR #0000666. I have proven tirelessly this is enough nonsense- stay away, now Funk & Carin continue to advance (near me & my residential environment) at any excuse, I feel threatened I say police, he gets overheated with aggression (more than once recently) and lusts a closed fist at my face- NOT OK! These are not type of people to cooperate & live neighborly. Minimally these people are the give an inch- take a mile and my territory is established & proprietorized, already.
Paragraph Ten—
Sentence One –
Witness Carin, writes, “It was very disturbing to see two police officers show up at my door with a restraining order from Jessica against Jeff Funk.”
Witness Carin, girlfriend coach of a bully, recognizing there are strange and wrong things from day one-
what did she expect – after all the years, all the issues, all the severities, all threats, all the lies……?!
Rest of paragraph-
She was not present at any of the times of the aggressions listed in restraining order TDR #0000666.
Witness Carin Broughton in my opinion, is absolutely insulting!
I have vindicated my statements as witness Carin Broughton and Jeffrey Funk are maliciously incredulous regardless of knowing real facts.
Call her to the witness stand.
Do you agree you thought this was strange behavior from the beginning of your introduction to Jeffrey Funk?
Carin, was Jeff shocked (to receive delivery of a retraining order?) – Srgt. Giovannani said he was real cool about it. {Also quick to reply he (Funk) was going to file on me (which I wasn’t shocked- he’s like that---save face/out f/misleading/irrational & hostile judgemnt, etc…}.
Do you agree you frequent the party scene?
Do you agree I had never had any prior knowledge of each other prior to our mutual connection of knowing Jeffrey Baird Funk?
Carin, Do I need to get Kim Grow involved in this?
Carin, Do I need to get Brent Dana involved in this?
Carin, Do I need to get my Aerial Girls Involved?
Carin Do I need to get the other random neighbors involved?
Carin If yes to questions above---Seriously, You come with good, quantified reasons and reasons are?
Carin Why so fast to get your party friends (yourself included) involved?
Carin Do you agree Funk electively came to my residential area numerous times for party Carin purposes?
Carin Do you agree there is contention when Jeff is around?
Carin Do you agree you ignored my numerous civil attempts to communicate with you?
Carin Do you agree I you moved into my established residential neighborhood and town?
Carin Do you agree that I have had altercations with Jeff?
Carin Do you agree Funk electively came to my residential area (on more than one occasion) with problems to follow?
Carin Do you agree you also continue to electively, able, initiate, continue, justify and relentlessly still come near & think this is ok behavior?
Carin, ask Jeff Funk why he stole Steve Hultzer’s coat, while he & I were on Jamcruise (years before I met you)?
If Funk needs to question my comments or objections, please Call this witness to court.
In these witness declarations I showed the court Mr. Funk poses a threat to me to be this close, he poses problems on numerous levels when near. Interestingly, I find this witness comments to be insultingly to me and situation; I will show my reasons in detail below.
Regrettably, it is time well over due for Jeff Funk to simply and completely stay away from me & my home environment.
In my opinion It is time for Jeff to pick on someone his own size.}