Paralegal, Crystal Lyle
In late Sept of 2014, I was exhausted, depressed and broken down from the abusive behavior I had been experiencing from my ex (for many years, approx 2011- current day) and his friends, and now my newest neighbor (his regular party house to frequent). (see throughout website)
I sought the advise and help of a paralegal named Crystal Lyle. She assured me that a request for a stay away order was very different than a court case.
In short:
Crystal Lyle actually drove me to the TC Court House and Filed the TDR for me (while I was sitting in the waiting area, having a hard time just being at the court house).
{At this time Crystal met an attorney in the clerks office and told him about me, he gave her his business card}.
Crystal became unable to help with anything further.
She had a steak of bad luck.
And she became rude, demanding and distant to work with.
Dog fell ill had surgery,
her uncle in law/(she called father in law) died,
she had go out of town for things,
she was drinking heavily,
she lost her full time job,
had domestic fights with her husband.
I tried to contact her later, to reach out to see if we could make amends and she only verified that she was belligerent and irate in all of her mannerisms.
My efforts did not fair well, to reconcile with her.
And to my dismay, the case she pushed to file and acted extremely nonchalant and consoled me a restraining order was easy, and not a big deal attitude; ironically to my dismay; immediately seemed horribly askew, this destined case number 666 I wound up (later to have lost the Oct 31st 2014 Trial. (see below). Worsened by I lost a protective stay away order (from a bully and an aggressor) and my rights. My aggressor prevailed and uses that power.
Crystal in the face of embarrassment and shame claims she has alternative solutions that will save the day (for a cost).
When these are not working and I am honestly distort with her dropping the ball, when she was paid and started process to help me with the TDR. She backlashes on me that, I am not listening to her and that this is not her problem, in fact she tells me -
{I have saved all of our correspondences & other related material).