Sentence Three-
part one-
I agree-
Jeff writes, “I helped them move with my Jeep and trailer…”
Agreed Jeffrey without moral regard, after countless civil pleas and duress cries and altercations prior to these people even this “nice little street” (as closest friend, Nilufar wrote in her declaration paragraph one sentence four).
Proving to the court, Jeffrey advanced and “helped them move in with my (Jeff) Jeep and trailer, and Ms. Swedelius saw me,,,”
This would have been approx 7/28/2014-7/30/14 (and more that why we are in court today).
*Note to Court- (break at my residential neighborhood
To merely have the altercations continue to grow there and then Jeff brings them back to my residential street in-front of my house again, worsening each time.
This event happened just days before –
the festival atrociousness we just read about in DV 120 Funk’s paragraph six and this reply document.
part two-
I disagree-
I did not yell anything! I didn’t even see except in passing when I took my many loads of pine-needles out.
I talked to a unknown person, gave them two aprons to give to Jeff for a house warming present as a matter of fact!
No matter, the rest becomes explosive---
(see above festival and next ½ dozen times they see deemed fit).
Mr. Funk is without moral regard.
*Note to Court- {future tellings}---
I left the camp as soon as my job was over and not a minute later, exhausted to go home to rest.
I left the camp to get and stay away from Jeffrey Baird Funk (and as we’ve seen Carin Broughton).
I left camp and went to my own home.
I left camp and minded my own business.
{To only have Funk (and /or entourage- continue to advance without regard and invade my space.}
8/7/2014 relentlessly see Carin and her dog negligence issues, outside of my residence. (see also witness Carin Broughton declaration paragraph eight and my reply).
8/17/2014 distractingly I hear a bike, oh funny, Jeff Funk & Carin interrupting (w/ obscenities);
compounded now by (my) peace of mind. (have pictures & log of event details if court deem necessary).
8/24/2014 arrogantly back and forth twice in a day.
Second upon which Jeff coaches girl to physically and literally turn their back to me with defamation.
8/29/2014 To MY No Avail, Jeffrey Funk indeed comes again.
Carin Broughton too herself, walks up from a far, with dogs and more Funk’s paraphernalia.
9/2/2014 Mr. Funk is tirelessly at the neighbors house literaly with a Jeep loaded trailer full of hotheaded excuses.
This is when Mr. Jeffrey Baird Funk and I crossed paths.
Mr. Funk
He got hostile, He got enraged!
if this isn’t bad enough, (see more details further in document).
Sentence Four-
part one-
I agree,
Jeff write, ..”every time Carin and I (Jeff) visit our friends…”
Every’ elective time Carin and Jeff…
Shows they STILL
come around-
still ignorant
and/or arrogant to
fact they cause turmoil
when in the vicinity.
part two-
I object-
Jeff self boasting writes to the court, “…films us like the paparazzi…”
Your Honor, this is insulting. As per fact, I was already threatened for years from Mr. Funk when he found residence for Broughton on my street. I have had all the other countless problems with him and now he insults by arrogance.
Text - What is this bullshit
part three-
I agree-
Yes I do, have a photo’s – (as seen)
If Jeff had done his research; he’d know I’d had enough of his bullshit and I was just logging the events. Thank you Jeffrey for you once again naturally snide commentary.
Witness Ryan Simpson not surprised wrote in declaration, “…I know both individuals…A shame It has to come to this.” (see declaration sentence 8).
Ryan, “…Jessica was just upset…”
Ryan wasn’t surprised that it’s come to a TDR (said a shame).
My mother wasn’t surprised that it had come to this (TDR).
My Brother wasn’t surprised that it had come to this (TDR).
As see in Exhibits and specifically my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 Response paragraph four).
If fact, Jeffrey texted him unbeknownst to be, just to taunt and agitate him and defame me even the more.
Monetarty too---
Futher more , this could and should be read by many
I have no reasons to
I came to Court, for Protection.
I came to Court for my Right To uiet Enjoymnet.
I came to Court not to live in Intimidation –
(specifically Court Please, addressed to Jeffrey Baird Funk and Carin Rebekah Broughton.
is none of my actions to come to Court was done in haste, irrational, ignorant, hostile or with knowledge defaming manor.
Next and always –
I am accountable, I am telling the truth, I want this to stop for myself and ALL LISTED Above. I have no want, nor reason, to participate, condone, or anything else for that matter.
These troubles with Jeffrey Funk (and entourage) are insulting at best, in my neighborhood or any where else for that matter!
Fact more is he is very passive aggressive
with prior knowledge, he has lied about his own scenario(s) (ex: jeff called the cops off, doesn’t know dates (Court knows the crucial stuff…etc.) and all the encroaching that he (and entourage) do on my real life facts and insulting! {HARM}!
Jeff’s profession is sleep studies (covered this in paragraph two) therefore you are quite knowledgeable about my PTSD sleep sensitivities and this sentence is of interest to me because appears you are embezzling upon my real life story (see Deputy McCleary, Srgt. Giovannini Deputy Lade) again, always ever so slightly always making sure your staging them into yours. Again, however this could have been prevented and was not deemed worthy of a sheriff report certainly not conviction. (see also Deputy Lade).
Meanwhile, I have real life scenario’s I’d like to get back to---{HARM}.
So I’m insulted to be now the one hurting again!
This very minute of this TDR process Jeff tried to bully me with paper to sort—so her we are—
*late, and missing my sleep! {HARM- irreplaceable compounded by spiritual harm , health and so much more}!!!!
My Loved ones are concerned!
My work is suffering!
I’m missing my ‘real’ friends!
{See Also My Response to Mr. Funk’s DV120 paragraph Five- many damages.)
[Upset me- Worried love ones- sleep - work – health – Waste of Time & Energy]
My Loved Ones are very concerned!!!! I’m concerned--- These issues are not healthy for me and my loved ones, place of income or anything else for that matter.
My Work is being neglected.
And my other involvements are being Compromised for Jeffrey Funk & Carin,
Their relentless interruptions are my point on these are many reasons I am able to establish reason we are in Court today—
I am trying to heal Carin
Interfering Jeff
Text 26- 28, 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, “...(me)..Just off River… Wild Horse Faire, Virginia City…Indian dancer & more..”
Text 26- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, “…You???! Going to my
Text 36- 9/2/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…So I’m not playing games.”…
“…I’m not crying wolf.”…
neighbors again and again & again…I see.”…
Text 29- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “The facts are we are fighting & being immature because you &your family’s cruelty & lack of human respect for me.”…
All that turmoil while I was trying to study (see dates)---
where outside my residential home just hours after I was finished with class
Jeff and I had another altercation.
Mr. Funk insults me, for all the above and more I am negligent on because I need to defend my private space!
Your Honor, I can never be more disrespected –that Mr. Funk is (again) wasting my energies and time!!!-
Compounded, the fact he had prior knowledge to all and pronounced to understand, he further initiated but slowly and continuously acted maliciously against character (he played) to which I met and befriended; to be the passive aggressive, aggressor, that he his.
All of this because Jeff Funk can’t play nice (with me) and he keeps coming to my nice little street, to party with his closest friend and husband who ignore their closest friend and girlfriends warning signs but ‘all’ they want is to host their friends (and party)????? Mr. Funk has proven to push me and definitely and not limited too everything brought to the court; he is irrational! (see also witnesses Mr. & Mrs. Smith plus Carin Broughton’s declarations and my reply).
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…The new camera on my house will show if she tries that again.”…
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…WTF?...
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Jeff, again you deny fault of yours..”
“…and that you are and always have been perfect.”…
“…She is not denying that you came out.”…
“…Are you denying the fact…”…
“…that you told her you moved away…”…
“…the year before?...
“…It’s amazing after 3 years you still taunt her.”…
“…Don’t deny that,”…
“…I’ve seen it with my own eyes countless times.”…
“…Good for you that you got security camera.”…
*Note to Court {HARM_ BIG RED FLAG}!!!!
{Odd, repetitive—
See also elective Witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith & Carin Brought elective statements about same issue, ie, coaching- these people all moved here from out of state on my street with Jeff’s help- all to which has thus far proven {HARM}.
Mean, Intentional
encroaching on my real life facts ( as seen in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 respone to #0000666 paragraph two). See also witness’Mr. & Mrs. Smith declarations.
Odd Even the more
In every other time Jeff has declared this scenario he adds and we lost a lot of sleep :(
*Remember he Is a sleep technician by profession.
Tells everyone else this as if he and (Carin (always Carin) professes about it in her declaration paragraph six sentence nine).
*However, all of this bantering about security cameras why didn’t he claim to my brother he didn’t loose sleep? As he has in most other- Mr. Funk’s commentary including, in his
DV 120 respone paragraph One- sentence one, “…in the middle of the night…”
DV 120 respone paragraph Four (this documents content) Sentence nine,
“Carin ((yeah,)again Carin) and I (Jeff) lost a lot tremendous amounts of sleep the following weeks,
*In my and my loved ones very strong opinion, this has defiantly crossed lines!
Is a Big Passive Aggressive Comment to make to me
This exact sentence topic Jeff wrote is insulting to me!
and my loved ones!
This scenario is preventable per jeff had not lied and non-issue vs my life threateningly severe, proven with current and perpetrated valid non hostile concerns with lasting value!
DV 120 response paragraph Six- sentence six,
“…she (me) is the reason …”…
“…I (Jeff) has to lock my (jeff) doors at night.”}
This isolated incident was an accident and could have been prevented (would not have traveled down a heavily trafficked thru way street- Fox (even under heavy construction when detoured that way, fore I had no indication not to)) had he not lied to me. Not only did he lie, but he was crude antagonistic that also came with insult.
As discussed in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph six-
Jeff FUNK NEGLIGENT and COMPROMISED SAFTERY & WELL BEING TO MANY at Work And Recreation Site, - furthermore such job skills entailed life threatening concentration.
I further believe,
Jeff Funk NEGLIGENT of moral regard and PROFESSIONAL ETHICS.
Jeff’s profession is sleep studies (covered this in paragraph two) therefore you are quite knowledgeable about my PTSD sleep sensitivities and this sentence is of interest to me because appears you are embezzling upon my real life story (see Deputy McCleary, Srgt. Giovannini Deputy Lade) again, always ever so slightly always making sure your staging them into yours. Again, however this could have been prevented and was not deemed worthy of a sheriff report certainly not conviction. (see also Deputy Lade).
Fact more is he is very passive aggressive
with prior knowledge, he has lied about his own scenario (jeff called the cops off) all the encroaching on my real life facts and insulting! {HARM}!
missing my ‘real’ friends!
{See Also My Response to Mr. Funk’s DV120 paragraph Five- many damages.)
[Upset me- Worried love ones- sleep - work – health – Waste of Time & Energy]
Sentence Six-
I disagree-
Jeffrey Funk lies in black and white to the court, “I have never made obscene gestures, threatened, or harassed her.
Jeffrey Funk has lied about me being obscene-
Flipped me off paragraph three
Fucking cuntt
David crazy ass
(apologize for clarity-like getting a good bear picture- I was shocked, not timely & angle was awkward I was trying to flee ). {Picture of obscene gesture/ fliting his shirt. He then flipped me off, while yelling random bantering antagonistic slanderish comments.}
Mr. Funk regularly recites publicly slanderous, defamations, hurtful, insulting commentaries.
Mr.Funk’s diversion & perspective of things to be altered and taunting.
Sentence Seven-
I agree- (sad, ashamed and insulted, I agree)-
Jeff wrote, “Ms. Swedelius continues to contact me even though I have asked her to stop.”
Ryan-a shame
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Never wanted any of this
True- I knew we were not communicating properly; under first character I met Jeff he, prided himself on his communication (and networking) skills.
True- I did care about this person at one time; not to be confused with desiring or minimally wanting to live amicably in our small town.
Jeff funk However, has proven to me years ago he has ‘no moral compass.
Don’t Care about you section paragraoh two
Sentence Eight- {HARM} WARNING---RED FLAG!!!!! {DAMAGES}-
I agree-
Jeff words are swelling my eyes with tears and my stomach and head ache as all of this could have been prevented!!! (ON- GOING). {HARM} {DAMAGES}!!!!
Evidenc to support –as would jeff say
Now and for over three years now; I have needed you to stay away from me!
You’ve done the opposite with intent to harm!
I promise I won’t come near you.
All you had to do was tell me nicely and considered my well being, as I’ve tried to civily work things out for way too long.
These are the last few sentence we’ll say to each other for a very long long time—
Jeff’s comment in the closing,
“ I have document to prove her numerous efforts….”
“…to contact me (Jeff)…”
“…and several witnesses who will testify that it is Ms. Swedelius who has been doing all harassing…”
“…she is the one…”
“…who needs to be restrained…”
“…from further contact…”
“…intimidation, threats, and interference…”
Truth is
Text 10 – 9/2/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“Why do You (past friend & boyfriend Jeff Funk) dare & threaten?...”
“…Believe, You have a Record- Anger Management,…”
“…Agreed prob good go police.”…
“…Sad :(…”
“…but ready…”
Thru time I have stated I am
over him and some issues—
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Text 6- 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“What the fuck Jess?”
“This is the last straw.
“We (Jeff and Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) are going to get a restraining order…”
“against your crazy ass.’….
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius ,
Text 8 – 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“ I (Jeff Funk) get a ticket for trespassing,..”
“and she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) get a restraining order against you.”
“you (me) will be arrested…”
“when you (me) continue to approach (walk street- as have for 2 decades) her (Carin
(always ‘girl’-friend)…”
“…every time…”
“…she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) will record it.”
{this example of oddity (coaching & bullying) is also depicted (see Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph one, two (this document), four, seven and three witnesses closure in declarations of, Mr. & Mrs. Smith & (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend).}
“…How do I (Jeff Baird Funk) know?...”
“…Because I (Jeff Baird Funk) went to the police station…”
“…to figure out how to keep…”
“…your (Jessica/my) crazy ass…”
“…out of my (Jeffrey) life…”
“…Go ahead Jess,…”
“…test it…”
“…I (Jeff Baird Funk) dare you.”
Sentence Nine-
I agree- (sad, bullied and insulted I agree)-
Jeff concluded,
“These documents…”
(Jeffrey Funk’s DV120, seven elective, slighted, passive aggressive paragraphs):
as if that wasn’t enough, Jeff continued-
“…and witness statements…”
(please under duress see my reply to witness statements):
Mr. Funk intentionally submitted Nine Witness Declarations in order to persuade the court.
All of which are Mr. Funk’s party friends.
Six of them where pertaining to an old event, non related event, proven to be initially proved by Mr. Funk but majority witness testimony to only second part to which they had bias agenda; further more two of those six weren’t even there. One guy’s facts totally wrong daughter when in fact a son, etc.. To Lastly Mr. Funk himself, has his own facts wrong with most favorite bullying buddy.
Two other witnesses’ plus Carin (always-)-
I also address and find they have several common denominators:
Witnesses Carin Broughton, Nulifar and Mathew Smith have a few common denominators:
They were both out of towners (did not know me).
Jeffrey funk moved in or with three different households of those three different times all to this street all resulting with duress, in after having prior knowledge that two where not successful and this was not a hospitable area for him anymore.
Jeffrey moved both parties (after disgruntles with me & prior knowledge) in attempts to further have continued Right To Passage to be near and if time deemed fit, do what he pleases.
Their testimonies are very similar expression that they had indication or flat out warning this wasn’t good.
Witness testimonies both show they chose to ignore issues as they came about.
Witness testimonies state there is trouble when Jeffrey Funk (electively) comes around.
Witness Testimonies show there is no trouble when he is away.
Witness testimonies are very similar with expression that they are fearful of me & remark about security camera.
“…are being provided to you in support of this response.”
See my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response, paragraph one, two, four, five for more details.
Witness Ryan Simpson, was the only relevant person in my original simple TDR# 00006666.
This witness was also helpful in his declaration to help me prove my case. Jeffrey Funk and I did indeed have an altercation (big scrapy guys may have their own variations on where their threshold of – invasion of private space from intimidator) where he was present. Ryan clearly stated, Jeff was irrational, insisted on me leaving would not let it go even after Ryan himself (who has physically fist fought with Funk before (contenders)) said I was upset and a shame.
Witness Carin Broughton,…
Mr. Funk’s comments and actions are insulting to me-
Mr. Jeffrey Baird Funk writes, to the court, only because he found it was not $450 to file to file a restraining order that is why he decides he now has the reason and is completing the necessary forms be because he only now did his research and
FACT IS, there was, no cost.
Mr. Funk has had since August 2012, to get with the program, especially since he’s been directing the show!
Mr. Funk’s texts prove this. (see texts).
Because of all the threat issues and ignoring my civil attempts to correspond have been ignored or worse dared, lied to by now establishing that it appears to be more to Jeff than what meets the eye, Carin Broughton has only electively been brought into any of this by Mr. Funk and/or herself.
This TDR #0000666 was regarding for Jeffrey Funk and his aggressive actions to none which Carin was present or mentioned.
All of his (Feff Funk) and (Carin Broughton) comments were elective.
Mr. Funk felt the need to not only mention her through his whole DV 120 in (as seen above).
Witness Carin Broughton herself, deemed necessary to vent every little event, not even leaving her porta poty and dog negligence issues exempt. (witness declaration paragraph four).
*Note to Court- I believe Pet Technician of some kind it might be Carin’s ‘profession’ too.
Carin’s been telling me for years- even tells the court, “she doesn’t know, doesn’t care” about my moral concerns. (see all through out witness’ declaration and my reply).
In fact, Carin has brought this on, herself; her behavior is elective.
Porta potty issues – at festivals
And negligent dog dilemmas. – Carin took our time with two paragraphs, however she knows’, I like to stir up drama. (see elective declaration witness Carin Broughton)
Witness Carin Broughton has been informed from first introductions that this behavior was not right,
However Carin condones, enjoys, bullies, creeps, lurks, insults, threatens, lies and is just as slanderous.
Carin Brought and Jeffrey Funk intentionally set out to hurt and crush me even the more, by filing their embellished and sidetracking declarations (she was not related or present at any of the incidents mentioned- at all- she and her name could have stayed home.)
Jeffrey Funk and Carin Brought intentionally set out to hurt and crush me even the more, by filing their embellished and sidetracking TDR#670 on me.
Jeffrey Funk and Carin Brought intentionally added Carin’s name to that TDR;
I feel it more than appropriate to REQUEST THE COURT to Add Carin Broughton’s name to TDR # 0000666? Please and thank you.
part three- {HARM} WARNING {DAMAGES}-
Jeff doesn’t leave out,
“who will testify that it is Ms. Swedelius who has been doing all the harassing…”
“…How do I (Jeff Baird Funk) know?...”
“…Because I (Jeff Baird Funk) went to the police station…”
part four- {HARM} WARNING {DAMAGES}-
intentionally he writes,
“...and she is the one who needs to be restrained…”
And pretty sever for, trying to civily “…contact..” him-
however last flavor of, “intimidation, threats and interference with me
(6’3”- bullying- Jeff).
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Text 6- 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“What the fuck Jess?”
“This is the last straw.
“We (Jeff and Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) are going to get a restraining order…”
“against your crazy ass.’….
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius ,
Text 8 – 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“ I (Jeff Funk) get a ticket for trespassing,..”
“and she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) get a restraining order against you.”
“you (me) will be arrested…”
“when you (me) continue to approach (walk street- as have for 2 decades) her (Carin
(always ‘girl’-friend)…”
“…every time…”
“…she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) will record it.”
{this example of oddity (coaching & bullying) is also depicted (see Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph one, two (this document), four, seven and three witnesses closure in declarations of, Mr. & Mrs. Smith & (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend).}
“…How do I (Jeff Baird Funk) know?...”
“…Because I (Jeff Baird Funk) went to the police station…”
“…to figure out how to keep…”
“…your (Jessica/my) crazy ass…”
“…out of my (Jeffrey) life…”
“…Go ahead Jess,…”
“…test it…”
“…I (Jeff Baird Funk) dare you.”
My concern:
Jeff has agenda, show off – stage that I desire & want him/ therefore he looks desirable for new girl. That’s what he said to me regarding his former females in preceding relationships to mine.
Jeff dares,
Jeff threatens,
Jeff’s cognizant,
Jeff ignores &/or doesn’t acknowledge civil attempts to communicate.
Jeff’s irrational & hostile
Jeff advances – he/they moved in he/they called the police wrongfully and with intent to turn story and procure on harm me.
Jeff’s official, “These documents and witness statements are being provided to ‘you’
(the court – or me? I got them a day after our original (10/1014) hearing date for TDR #00006666)
in support of this response”.
But really, your Jeff Funk’s, response actually was extremely direct and peculiar exhibiting passive aggressiveness, as you kindly served me with dueling TDR #0000670, thank you very much.
Picture was taken
8/16/10- My house (housed he and Brew with Love)- Jeffrey Funk’s Jeep in photo
Meanwhile, still you Jeffrey Baird Funk have the audacity to ask Court if you could ignore my request TDR #00006666). [Yeah- Ok, not rational! {I left (base) camp (& more). You’ve beyond threatened-Seriously- stay away and leave me alone!!!!}]
Genuinely and Intently,
My concern is Mr. Funk does not take into consideration, nor take me seriously about my real life concerns.
Mr. Funk (and entourage) have intentionally hurt, caused harm and much duress to me, my spirit and well being.
In addition I have filed with good reason and non-hostile, rash, vengeful any other ill judgment regarding filing for TDR#0000666.
In my opinion Mr. Funk being deviously coy as in the example of I was conveniently served papers the morning of the Hearing.
Perhaps, so I may not have been prepared for the papers and perhaps in efforts to stall opponent (me).
At the end of 10/10/14 Court Session TDR #0000666, which resulted to an extension, because of reason Jeff served restraining order papers TDR #000670 on me fore in a expression he is scared of me.
However, in the very last questioning with commissioner judge John Ross, Jeffrey Funk asked can he still come over to my neighbors? (???)
I was shocked but content Mr. Funk showed some of his character to judge Ross; unpracticed & deeply concerned I called out, 150 yards?
I just want what ever funk comes with Jeff (Carin), to stay away from me and my home environment, no more excuses, no stories, I could now careless to their insignificant desire of wanting to come to friends houses (period).!
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…and I don’t like her (me)…”
“…knowing where…”
“…I live.”
{*Totally Irrational , intentional, immoral and vengeful thinking- because of His (Jeffrey Funk’s ) like something, he is neglectful with fact?!- {HARM} still deliberating---}
Jeffrey Funk makes his own justifications
Why it was ok to Lie to me?!!!
I specifically asked in more than on polite way?
Then Jeff has been covering his tracks ever since.
Jeff has then intentionally pointing the finger at me.
Then Jeffry yells (only then) to public more lies- “I had to call the cops”
He didn’t= could have been prevented, he could have settled down & talked to me- instead of screeching, did- he called them off …
Then embellishes to the Court
and elects Carin (always carin) to do the same.
But Asks Judge Ross If it is ok to come near?
* Note to Court – {HARM in need of – signal WARNING}!!!!!
Extremely taunting, antagonistic, unnecessary, cruel—showing to me that this is indeed his target for vengeful goal.
Proving the bullying. {HARM}.
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…Every single person…”
“…she (me) grew up with…”
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…she (me) is bat shit crazy,..”
{HARM} insulting intentional defaming slanderous unnecessary and more… harm
Thanks Jeff!
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…they deduced this themselves.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…That is why she has no friends.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…it has nothing to do with me.”
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
‘…I (jeff) am not perfect Dave, never claimed to be.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…But Jess is the one that needs to grow up and get therapy”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…She will never get an apology from me.”…
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk, “…the games you play hurt people”… {HARM- uncalculated-irreparable (compounded to many others (specifically me and my loved ones are aching} not even worth writing the word HARM or anything else for that matter—seriously I’m exhausted/ you won that -
[{old text- Exhibit 14, 10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius ->Jeffrey Funk, “…No matter!!! I’ve come to feel sorry & sad for you- you have a lot of extra curricular crap to process!! :(”…}]
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk. “…are living in your own world.”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”I did not miss the part where you (jeff) accuse Jess of breaking in.”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”But did you know I was on the phone with her when the cops showed up after that incident of a bear/break in?
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”,,,and agreed that you had trained your girl to call the cops…”
TEXT F - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”…and that you had also told Jess you moved out of there last year.”…
TEXT F - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”…What would she have to gain from doing that? Answer that convincingly and I may believe you. She’s too smart and mature for that.”
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…I told her to get the fuck off my property, and her response?..”
*Note to Court
This is very passive aggressive, Jeff texts my brother- taunts and embellishes the slander with next nice righteous comment-
Mean while he’s in my space intentionally daily with aggression vs me accidentally one, proven civilly attempted to prevent and with apology & plea.
This has become beyond serious, I’m wasting time repeating my concern.
This could have been prevented had he not lied to me.
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
”…while Carin (always ‘girl’-friend Carin) see all throughout- called the cops from the front porch.”,,, {Coaching/bullying- {HARM x2}.
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…Your sister is certifiably crazy.”… {severe HARM }
Jeff just doesn’t stop-
Physiological threat
Follow thru on those threats
Bullying – Partying- arrogant all the time (and give me a break already/ sex kitten just doesn’t do it for me Carin (always ‘girl’-friend Carin).
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…I’m glad she glad she called you when she got home to try for an alibi.”…
Objection- Assumption, Why does Jeff think I called David?? {HARM}
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…The new camera on my house will show if she tries that again.”…
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…WTF?...
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Jeff, again you deny fault of yours..”
“…and that you are and always have been perfect.”…
“…She is not denying that you came out.”…
“…Are you denying the fact…”…
“…that you told her you moved away…”…
“…the year before?...
“…It’s amazing after 3 years you still taunt her.”…
“…Don’t deny that,”…
“…I’ve seen it with my own eyes countless times.”…
“…Good for you that you got security camera.”…
*Note to Court {HARM_ BIG RED FLAG}!!!!
{Odd, repetitive—
See also elective Witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith & Carin Brought elective statements about same issue, ie, coaching- these people all moved here from out of state on my street with Jeff’s help- all to which has thus far proven {HARM}.
Mean, Intentional
encroaching on my real life facts ( as seen in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 respone to #0000666 paragraph two). See also witness’ Mr. & Mrs. Smith declarations.
Odd Even the more
In every other time Jeff has declared this scenario he adds and we lost a lot of sleep :(
*Remember he Is a sleep technician by profession.
Tells everyone else this as if he and (Carin (always Carin) professes about it in her declaration paragraph six sentence nine).
*However, all of this bantering about security cameras why didn’t he claim to my brother he didn’t loose sleep? As he has in most other- Mr. Funk’s commentary including, in his
DV 120 respone paragraph One- sentence one, “…in the middle of the night…”
DV 120 respone paragraph Four (this documents content) Sentence nine,
“Carin ((yeah,)again Carin) and I (Jeff) lost a lot tremendous amounts of sleep the following weeks,
*In my and my loved ones very strong opinion, this has defiantly crossed lines!
Is a Big Passive Aggressive Comment to make to me
This exact sentence topic Jeff wrote is insulting to me!
and my loved ones!
This scenario is preventable per jeff had not lied and non-issue vs my life threateningly severe, proven with current and perpetrated valid non hostile concerns with lasting value!
DV 120 response paragraph Six- sentence six,
“…she (me) is the reason …”…
“…I (Jeff) has to lock my (jeff) doors at night.”}
Text 13 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…don’t you live by. “There’s a whole world out there?!”
Text 12- 1/26/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…I hope minimally- YOU can GO now successfully—San Diego or where ever…”
Text 13 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…you have my blessing!”
Text 13 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…I’ve come to feel sorry & sad for you-…”
Text 14 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…old info(?) – I don’t know! I don’t keep up w/ your news.))). I’m happiest doing tons of other things! :))
Text 15 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…agh, the hell w/it! Best to know where your enemies are…or some #%*+ like that …right(?!)
Text 16 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…I love my life, JF!...”
Text 17 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…Your just plane mean. I loved you too. I want greatness for you too. I hope you realize that one day. Anyone who doesn’t push you in healthy ways- prob doesn’t! Have a nice day- life- (this is our backyard).
Text 18 – 5/22/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Soul food—every single little thing I do reminds me of how I am glad to be away from you:….if that doesn’t seal the deal- sure next memory will:….just pick something- not a single thing that you haven’t tainted. You really Rock steady! Again- couldn’t be happier – to be happy/ to be away…”
Text 19 – 5/22/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…from you & BS trail Thank you- seeing you again is always a history lesson.”
Text 20- 5/18/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Carin Broughton, “Not surprised- reinforces your class & what I’m working with. Thank you.”
Text 21– 8/7/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk & Carin Broughton, “…2nd attempt for both to try Civil’y respond to issues. Carin, I’m sorry for you. You should never have been in this situation/ or on the other hand- yeah who cares/ your choices are elective.”
Text 23 - 8/7/14, Carin Broughton -> Jessica Swedelius “Don’t flatter yourself”.
Text 21– 8/7/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk & Carin Broughton, “Your self entitled ‘boy’friend is really just walking you in my shadows.” “Good Luck to you.”
Text 25 – 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “You can’t be for real?! You’ve gone too far when you where an asshole from the very first time”
Text 12- 1/26/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…blown away at Your Family’s lack of ability to nurture back!”
Text 26- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, You’ve been such a pleasure & privilege, along my journey. Thank you but I’m DONE”
Text 27- 8/24/14, Jeff Funk ->Jessica Swedelius, “People live with exposure to their ex’s all the time, why can’t you?...”
Text 28- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk. “…(additional unrelated stuff) isn’t true & you know it. Along w/ most all/anything you’ve ever said to me.”
Text 29- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk. “…Your def not my style. Who could do- things you say, claim & do?!....I don’t have any more tolerance for you!”
Text 29- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk. “…*Btw
It’s not about the ex or dating. I wish you the best too, you two look very happy. I’m very happy w/o ‘the issues I had w/you. My dating life is fabulous – extra fun keep it out of ‘the funk’.
It’s about the fact I a spelling this out for you!
The facts are we are fighting & being immature because of you & your family’s cruelty & lack of human respect for me.
Thank you good day”
Ryan I couldn’t agree more -- A shame it has come to this!
See all witness declarations and my reply’s
and I do
have further documentation per the court deem necessary}.
Jeff has turned his back on me (us) many many many times.
See also turning back topic specific addressing by elective Witness Nilufar Smith declaration and my reply.
In 2013 I had enough- I had what felt like a break down, which resulted to me: calling for help, Crying, Cut Hair, slept until dehydration woke me up, sick--- like tears of an elephant.
I enrolled in EMDR Therapy. To learn what the police (8/27/12) had told me prior, JF was text book Narcissist.
Through my sessions, the therapist reiterated the fact I am not crazy as had been repeatedly told by the group of people Jeff associates with.
In fact we came to discover that JF fits all the personality types as a Narcissist and a Sociopath. Once I started on a protocol for reconstructive healing my journey became to be more liberating and constructive. I had some insight on that type of personalities. And they are not for me.
I loved you once. … I, for now and very very very long long long time need to be very far away from this (ie.., I’m so crushed as to all of this, I am not (feeling) well.
I never wanted to Air any of this—shows in the story August 2012. I’ve been more than tolerant, but
2013 JS researched and spent own costs leaving her hometown, residence, career & community – all because of Aggressive Intrusion from Jeffrey Funk & entourage.
Text 10 – 9/2/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“Why do You (past friend & boyfriend Jeff Funk) dare & threaten?...”
Your 6’3’ and (Carin is near- what are you doing to me?!
“…Believe, You have a Record- Anger Management,…”
“…Agreed prob good go police.”…
“…Sad :(…”
“…but ready…”
I tried to go to Jeff first, been tolerant, but pushed beyond an breaking point, more & seriously, Jeff funk; Not Holding my (goggles) &/or breath any more!
Text 25 – 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “You can’t be for real?! You’ve gone too far when you where an asshole from the very first time”
Text 26- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, You’ve been such a pleasure & privilege, along my journey. Thank you but I’m DONE”
Text 13 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…you have my blessing!”
Placer County
Superior Court –Tahoe Division,
PO Box 5669 /
2601 N. Tahoe Blvd.,
Tahoe City, CA 96145
TDR # 0000666.
(in addition)- #0000670
Paragraph seven –
Text 17 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…Your just plane mean.”…
I loved you too.
I opened up my hear, my home and my life to you.
Whether or not we agree on smaller civil issues or not,
is not acceptable.
I got all this instead----
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…She will never get an apology from me.”…
I hope you never know how much it hurst
Text 17 -10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…I want greatness for you too. I hope you realize that one day. Anyone who doesn’t push you in healthy ways- prob doesn’t! Have a nice day- life- (this is our backyard).
Text 18 – 5/22/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Soul food—every single little thing I do reminds me of how I am glad to be away from you:….if that doesn’t seal the deal- sure next memory will:….just pick something- not a single thing that you haven’t tainted. You really Rock steady! Again- couldn’t be happier – to be happy/ to be away…”
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…I told her to get the fuck off my property, and her response?..”
*Note to Court
This is very passive aggressive, Jeff texts my brother- taunts and embellishes the slander with next nice righteous comment-
Mean while he’s in my space intentionally daily with aggression vs me accidentally one, proven civilly attempted to prevent and with apology & plea.
This has become beyond serious, I’m wasting time repeating my concern.
This could have been prevented had he not lied to me.
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
”…while Carin (always ‘girl’-friend Carin) see all throughout- called the cops from the front porch.”,,, {Coaching/bullying- {HARM x2}.
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…Your sister is certifiably crazy.”… {severe HARM }
Jeff just doesn’t stop-
Physcoliggal threat
Flollow thru on those threats
Bullying – Partying- arrogant all the time (and give me a break already/ sex kitten just doesn’t do it for me Carin (always ‘girl’-friend Carin).
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…I’m glad she glad she called you when she got home to try for an alibi.”…
Objection- Assumption, Why does Jeff think I called David?? {HARM}
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…The new camera on my house will show if she tries that again.”…
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…WTF?...
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Jeff, again you deny fault of yours..”
“…and that you are and always have been perfect.”…
“…She is not denying that you came out.”…
“…Are you denying the fact…”…
“…that you told her you moved away…”…
“…the year before?...
“…It’s amazing after 3 years you still taunt her.”…
“…Don’t deny that,”…
“…I’ve seen it with my own eyes countless times.”…
“…Good for you that you got security camera.”…
Back to conversation-
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Good for you that you got security cameras. Maybe you will catch the culprit.”…
“…If it is Jess, I’ll be man enough to apologize to you.”…
“…But until then…”…
“…my 40yr experience with her…”…
TEXT I - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“…and this town…”…
“…dictates otherwise.”…
“She could careless about the crap in your garage,”…
“…all she wantes is an adult apology…”
“…for hurting her.”…
“…It’s amazing that in all this time…”
“…you still haven’t…”
“…even considered that…”
TEXT J - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“This is ridiculous.”…
{Finally we agree!!!}
“…You are starting to sound like her (me).”…
“…How can you possibly justify snooping around my cars and garage in the middle of the night…”…
“…because I (jeff) told her I moved…”
Proving admittance to the whole point to (this whole document’s scenario)!
{HARM- severe / we are deliberating}
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk. “…are living in your own world.”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”I did not miss the part where you (jeff) accuse Jess of breaking in.”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”But did you know I was on the phone with her when the cops showed up after that incident of a bear/break in?
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”,,,and agreed that you had trained your girl to call the cops…”
Jeff doesn’t stop
TEXT A - 6/29/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…so I’m just letting you (David/brother) know what she (me) is doing.”…{HARM}.
Taunting , Provoking and With No Good Point.
TEXT B - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk “…She wants nothing to do with you and just wishes you’d grow up”…
TEXT C - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…It is Jess who has tried to drag my name through the mud…” {HARM –slaner}
TEXT C - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…She dug her own grave without any help from me”… *{HARM –WARNING_WARNING}!
*Note to Court
This seems very twisted & vengeful, also to be gives me a serious warning sign he is agitated!!!
{Jeff then goes on & on (can’t let it go Carin (always Carin ),” don’t know, don’t care”
about how I can’t get over him-
Which we covered in my replay to Mr. funk’s DV-120 response to #0000666 paragraph two (see also witness Carin- always Carin) and all throughout.
TEXT D - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk, “Jeff, you’re the one who brought girls home when she was out. You moved a girl on to her street and then trained her to call the cops on Jess. Even when you were going out (dating), she had to move {HARM}
{*Note to Court –future telling--- witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith to come}—{HARM}.
Shop (closed business of 17 years-
too much extra-curricular crap – too much to manage the duress was caused directly from Funk, was/am exhausted from broken heart)). {HARM}.
Without your help {HARM –compounded mental anguish}.
Need I go (David/brother) on?
It’s all about you.
Are you saying your perfect, done nothing wrong?!”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk, “…the games you play hurt people”… {HARM- uncalculated-irreparable (compounded to many others (specifically me and my loved ones are aching} not even worth writing the word HARM or anything else for that matter—seriously I’m exhausted/ you won that -
[{old text- Exhibit 14, 10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius ->Jeffrey Funk, “…No matter!!! I’ve come to feel sorry & sad for you- you have a lot of extra curricular crap to process!! :(”…}]
Dares me
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“..I started yelling..”…
{like a tweaker}
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…I started yelling. She (me) is a crazy person,”…
*Note to Court {HARM-BIG RED FLAG}!!!!!
Proving the bullying. {HARM}.
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…Every single person…”
“…she (me) grew up with…”
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…she (me) is bat shit crazy,..”
{HARM} insulting intentional defaming slanderous unnecessary and more… harm
Thanks Jeff!
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…they deduced this themselves.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…That is why she has no friends.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…it has nothing to do with me.”
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
‘…I (jeff) am not perfect Dave, never claimed to be.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…But Jess is the one that needs to grow up and get therapy”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…She will never get an apology from me.”…
-all the while two years earlier, begging for justice then, to no avail—
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Text 10 – 9/2/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“Why do You (past friend & boyfriend Jeff Funk) dare & threaten?...”
“…Believe, You have a Record- Anger Management,…”
“…Agreed prob good go police.”…
“…Sad :(…”
“…but ready…”
I tried to go to Jeff first, been tolerant, but pushed beyond an breaking point, more & seriously, Jeff funk; Not Holding my (goggles) &/or breath any more!
The Tri-fecta-
{I tried, they ‘affect’ a - me alright!}
Text 25 – 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “You can’t be for real?! You’ve gone too far when you where an asshole from the very first time”
Lack of Professional Ethics-
Lack of Integrity—
{DAMAGES} x many (& some irreplaceable)
Inducing and Inflicting unnecessary, inappropriate, intentional HARM!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff’s profession is sleep studies (covered this in paragraph two) therefore you are quite knowledgeable about my PTSD sleep sensitivities and this sentence is of interest to me because appears you are embezzling upon my real life story (see Deputy McCleary, Srgt. Giovannini Deputy Lade) again, always ever so slightly always making sure your staging them into yours. Again, however this could have been prevented and was not deemed worthy of a sheriff report certainly not conviction. (see also Deputy Lade).
Fact more is he is very passive aggressive
with prior knowledge, he has lied about his own scenario (jeff called the cops off) all the encroaching on my real life facts and insulting! {HARM}!
Meanwhile, I have real life scenario’s I’d like to get back to---{HARM}.
So I’m insulted to be now the one hurting again!
This very minute of this TDR process Jeff tried to bully me with paper to sort—so her ewe are—
*late, and missing my sleep! {HARM- irreplaceable compounded by spiritual harm , health and so much more}!!!!
My Loved ones are concerned!
My work is suffering!
I’m missing my ‘real’ friends!
Text 26- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, You’ve been such a pleasure & privilege, along my journey. Thank you but I’m DONE”
About these “friends”… Jeffrey Funk in all the years I’ve known him has never spoken of nor made me aware of these “established friends” and now he seems to find the need to frequent these people? If these people where that much of a friend I would surly hope that they would have listened to Carins comment that Funk & Carin warned them that this. If these people are that quality kind of a friend they will understand and try to nurture Mr. Funk &/or their neighbor’s well being/environment. If these people are interested in they will visit Mr. Funk at his residence.
Instead irrational, turn back, slight of story “don’t know, don’t care attitude continues.
Funk via Carin told me in detail Matt and Nulifar Smith just moved here; while the neighbor himself has reassured other neighbors a different story, that he (new neighbor) knows what he’s doing he’s lived in Tahoe for years.
(Please correct me if I’m wrong-not sure if, but plausibly the man with handicap tag in his white truck is Matt Smith?)
Meanwhile at the residences he moves around more perfectly capable. In fact, so capable he is in and out numerous times of day with rock & roll blaring in & out of range per time he comes around. This household has also insulted our neighborhood by their leaving Trash Out (multiple occasions). Then question the neighbors (diff than individuals than myself, to bear league (2 diff bad incidents less than a month- mean while 20 yrs (same nice little street) coincidently, I’ve never had that close proximity with bear bad). This new neighbor got ornery with construction workers two houses down from me. There is random visitors in and out daily/nightly, loud music, loud voices, activities levels heighten around party calendar events, subside with cold. It is more likely than not neighbors hand a beer in by mid-day (near everyday I saw). Jeffrey Funk in all the years I’ve known him has never spoken of nor made me aware of these “established friends” and now he seems to find the need to frequent this person? If this person is that much of a friend they will visit Mr. Funk at his residence. I do not need Jeffrey Funk & entourage with chance of intoxication in my neighborhood! My family and loved ones don’t need it, place of rehabilitation and privacy, my place of business, my environment, my established space on 20 yrs does not need these problems..
I promise to stay away from Jeff Funk And Carin Broughton, and property, no need to TDR# 0000670. These people have proven to me to make a mountain out of a molehill and in this case TDR #0000670 is with misleading and false facts. My concern is Jeff and Carin really do not understand the SEVERITY of their actions to myself and my loved ones, work and community.
I’ve already had enough trauma and consequences (STILL ON-GOING)
Text 11- 12/31/12 – Jessica Swedellius -> Jeff Funk, “Ouch!!-boy; i truly didn’t want Any of this!!!!”….
After testimony and after this plea,
Please take these tings into consideration:
I also have tow Criminal cases that I was the proven unsuspected Victom. Said CRIMINALS ARE CAPTURED, THANK YOU TO PLACER COUNTY SHERIFF’S!!!! however, for this case TDR#0000670 would be on my record which because of violent assault and eligibility for Parole & other Criminal who made bail; want to keek my anonymity
go back to living with community
((already seen DAMAGES) see jeff- interrupting w/aerial friends (above and my reply to Mr. Funk’s paragraph six).
Criminal One, has yet to be eligible for PAROLE- Violent Assault (see Deputy McCleary/Detective Helen Thompson & Srgt. Giovannini).
Crimianl Two, I have yet to hear result and AWATING my RETURN FOR DAMAGES to go to his Restitution – Grand Theft Auto – (see Srgt. Giovannini, also San Diego Grand Theft Auto Task Force, Texas and Tennessee Police).
My Concern to the Court is that they will, as
Elective to TDR#0000666 Carin Broughton has become a witness and in her elective declaration paragraph 10 sentence 10, “..
“fabricating, twisting, and lying about facts.”
However, Carin and Jeff say those phrases with intentions is to be harmful.
My deep concern is it is extremely plausible to think Mr. Jeffrey Baird Funk and Ms.Carin Rebekah Broughton
will Abuse Procedure
And use any excuse under near any cost to save face,
plausible for me to believe that
IF COURT does sign TDR #0000670; I will continue to Live in Indimdation of Mr. Funk An/or Carin Broghton ‘crying wolf’ and having me arrested.
[Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”]
Text 12- 1/26/13, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “…blown away at Your Family’s lack of ability to nurture back!”
Because Jeff lied & can---
TEXT- 34 - 9/2/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk & Carin Broughton,
“You know what’s funny—You guys…”
“…Carin trying call the “shots” but really only cries wolf..”…
“…Hey, guess who raised wolves?! Yup.”… {REAL LIFE FACT}.
“…Funk driving here – again!”…
“…Who do you think either of you are?!”…
TEXT 36- 9/2/14, Jessica Swdelius -> Jeff Funk & Carin Broughton,
“… So. I’m not playing games…”
“…and I’m not crying wolf.”…
To further, My reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph seven- (this full document). Demonstrates- Mr. Funk, Electively, Continuously (ON- GOING) coming to my neighborhood, (last paragraph (days prior- he wanted to leave his surroundings - Erratic Behavior) Slight of full and/ Inconsistent Story, Prior knowledge, Untruth, Manipulative Tactics, No Moral Regard, Threats, Disrupting Right to Quiet Enjoyment, Fear of Living In Intimidation, Hostile Judgment, Slander, Bullying, Assault, Compromising Wellbeing, Upsetting Others (loved ones, Compromising Work, School, my involvement with community..), Denying Someone of their Civil Attempts to Make Better, On Going, Severity, and maybe more.. compounded by
In all the year prior that lead us to current day and-
Regrettably need for my replies to Mr. Funk’s DV120 response and witness declarations to TDR #0000666.
In my opinion Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph seven is sidetracking, immature, bullying, embellished, inaccurate information from (three witnesses): Mr. & Mrs. Smith and Carin Broughton.
Mr. Funk electively brought in nine witnesses to be diversion from-
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Mr. Funk who befriended me under false pretences.
Lived in my home under these pretences,
Therefore proving he had prior knowledge of myself and my property,
Picture taken August 2010- Mr. Funk’s Burgundy Jeep in my lower parking space.
TEXT K -6/30/14, Jeff Funk -> David Swedelius, “…”I moved out as smoothly as I could .”…
24 pages - & Nine Witness Statements.
All to discredit and further hurt the situation. And instead of acknowledging and establishing a Plea (if plausibly) Jeff, Serves me Papers then Asks Judge if he can ignore my civil request- stay away.
Only one of which was at a current related incident for TDR#0000666. The rest of testimony was helpful, however unrelated, time consuming and cruel.
And now Carin.
Carin Broughton elected herself into TDR#0000670 even the more:
She electively added her name to be added under Jeff Funk’s paper work.
Carin Broughton however, technically Carin did not submit any testimony for TDR#0000670. Therefore relying off the paperwork and testimony of Jeff Funk; which I have under duress de-bunked all paragraphs in their entirety. In addition, I have substantiated I have damages.
Please after Testimony, as I do not come in haste or irrational, hostile or any other ill willed intent and do come with good reasons that,
Thank you.
To further narrate the papers shown in his own testimony & some others from Exhibited sources:
Paragraph- One, {TBD-still under Court deliberation}.
Paragraph Two- Move out of her house…Intimidate & Interfere… Dare… Because I figure out how to… Not Coming to Terms…Record with Anger Management…Jail…Threaten…Move In…Inappropriate…Carin…Street…Her Neighborhood…Trespassing… Restraining Order…Camera…Police… Crazy Ass…FUCKING CUNT…
Paragraph Three- …Flipped me (Jessica) off…
Paragraph Four- …Because I (jeff) Lied…Like a Tweaker…Yelled…Get Arrested…
Paragraph Five-…That Is Why…
Paragraph Six-…Yelled…Insisted…Get Out!...
Paragraph Seven- ,,,Move…Visit our friends…neighbors…even though asked to stop…yelling Obscenties…Ignore…Numerous… Efforts…Intimidations…Threats and Interferences
(so)… Began…In support of this response.
Then InPro Per in a Court Hearing TDR #0000666 for the Request for Jeffrey Funk to stay away from me-
In Q&A
Mr. Funk Q: Can he still advance?
All the while Mr. Funk declares fear & stay away on me #0000670 under all false accusations, as I detail.
So, passively aggressive Jeff Funk and (‘girl’- friend always) witness Carin- have always been thru the years,
-as Carin was cognizant but not ‘being neighborly (see throughout)-.
Text Whether to be mean or just plane thoughtless,
either way this is where the log of events start to show
Jeffrey Funk doesn’t stop there:
Jeff’s first explosive personalities are now being extremely passive aggressive with specific intention to harm:
Facts in TDR#0000666 and DR #0000670:
Mr, Mrs, Smith and Carin Broughton (nor the other witnesses)
had anything directly (that I know of) to do with.
Jeffrey Baird Funk Assaulting Me.
More specifically Mr, Mrs, Smith and Carin Broughton (nor the other witnesses)
had anything directly (that I know of) to do with.
Jeffrey Baird Funk Assaulting Me most recently in my established home environment.
Even More specifically Mr, Mrs, Smith and Carin Broughton (nor the other witnesses)
had anything directly (that I know of) to do with 9/2/14.
Where, Jeffrey Baird Funk again Assaulting Me but that(9/2/14) was most recent and physically aggressive yet, in my established home environment.
Fact is, Jeff Fun and Carin Broughton have been, harassing, daring, bullying, threatening , defaming, hurtful and soooo much more to me for years.
Fact is, Jeffrey Funk continuing his advancing to come near me and me place of residence!
Fact Is, I resorted to HELP FROM THE COURT TO STAY AWAY – TDR #0000666 because his moral disregard was so strong.
Fact Is, Jeffrey Funk And Carin Broughton served me with a TDR #0000670 – it had two copies attached- in complaint, of which was exact copy for response to TDR #0000666.
Fact Is,
Jeffrey Funk in past, has had an Anger Management Record, directly related to violence with his partner just prior to our relationship to where he has violated his probation, and needing serve Jail Time.
Fact Is,
in Q & A with Judge Ross, Jeff disregards my need - MY REQUEST FOR COURT ORDERED TDR #0000666 and asked Judge Ross if he could still advance.
(Jeff’s excuse, he wants to visit friends, whom all they want to do is host their friends, meanwhile ignoring their closest friends when they have warned them on important neighborly issues, etc…. (as will throughout this document and my replies to Witnesses):
[{ Exhibits- and in replies to paragraphs ]]
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Text 6- 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“What the fuck Jess?”
“This is the last straw.
“We (Jeff and Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) are going to get a restraining order…”
“against your crazy ass.’….
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius ,
Text 8 – 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“ I (Jeff Funk) get a ticket for trespassing,..”
“and she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) get a restraining order against you.”
“you (me) will be arrested…”
“when you (me) continue to approach (walk street- as have for 2 decades) her (Carin
(always ‘girl’-friend)…”
“…every time…”
“…she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) will record it.”
{this example of oddity (coaching & bullying) is also depicted (see Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph one, two (this document), four, seven and three witnesses closure in declarations of, Mr. & Mrs. Smith & (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend).}
“…How do I (Jeff Baird Funk) know?...”
“…Because I (Jeff Baird Funk) went to the police station…”
“…to figure out how to keep…”
“…your (Jessica/my) crazy ass…”
“…out of my (Jeffrey) life…”
“…Go ahead Jess,…”
“…test it…”
“…I (Jeff Baird Funk) dare you.”
My concern:
Jeff has agenda, show off – stage that I desire & want him/ therefore he looks desirable for new girl. That’s what he said to me regarding his former females in preceding relationships to mine.
Jeff dares,
Jeff threatens,
Jeff’s cognizant,
Jeff ignores &/or doesn’t acknowledge civil attempts to communicate.
Jeff’s irrational & hostile
Jeff advances – he/they moved in he/they called the police wrongfully and with intent to turn story and procure on harm me.
Text 9. 8/30/12, Jessica Swedelius to Jeff Funk ->
“…Plenty of good neighborhoods.”…
“…Jeff, I really have much better things to tend to-“…
“…again these are your ingredients-“…
“…I’ve been burned- pot just got stirred is all.”…
Text 10. 8/30/12, Jessica Swedelius to Jeff Funk ->
“…Why do You dare…”
“…and threaten?...
“…Man in Mirror.”…
“…and then…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Sentence One-
part one-
I agree-
Jeff writes, “Finally,..”
part two-
I agree-
Jeff starts to describe,
“…I (Jeff) had some friends,
Proving to me
This is a sentence not intended as past tense- as in he had these friends prior fore, Mr. Funk still (current day) holds this friendship, even asked Judge Ross if he could still visit them (while we where in court for my very request for Jeffrey not (to come close).
I believe this sentence was actually true.
I believe this sentence is an admittance that in fact he,(Jeffrey Funk) did do something.
part four-
Jeff wrote, “move into the first house on park lane”.
I believe Jeffrey Funk did this.
Move In Pic
I feel Jeffrey Funk & Carin Broughton are relentless!
{In past—we needed, we yearned, I got crushed!} {HARM x >}!!!!!!
Jeff my house
See History all through out my replies to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response and prior events paragraph six for more details.
Your Honor, after all the documentation I have brought before the Court,
I regret to say,
I have more documentation if the Court deems necessary(?).
(back to Sentence one- part two)
Jeff wrote, “…Matt and Nilu Smith…”
Which odd to me….
Example is Matt Smith is addressed first, put in the witness pile first (in my stack) I see Jeff with (Unknown guy – only once with different female is (always Carin).
However, Witness Mrs. Smith’s Declaration she also describes Jeff Funk, as she wrote, “closest friend”.
(see witness Mrs. Smith’s paragraph one sentence three).
In my opinion this is extremely embellished, slighted or simply a non true concept.
As Jeff continues with,
Jeff closest friend as he writes, “…for over ten years…” .
Interestingly, Nilufar was never mentioned once, nor sought out for being a “closest friend” -
in all the years I’ve know &/or lived with Funk (prior knowledge)
and our travel to Oahu. I call their bluff and say Sinkable Story.
(Whom I’ve never met, heard of, seen a picture, of heard a story about, and most importantly did not see (not say she wasn’t there)-
Fact Is-
I just personally did not seen nor have to (day of this writing (that I know of)) Nilufar Smith.
[ALSO NOTABLE*** Being aware of where I am and now more specifically someone who is contentious -
--- I am on Very Extreme Acute, Unhealthy High Allert --
(As seen my rely to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph six). ]
{seen WARNING’s------and RED FLAG’s }!!! ALL Throughout entirety—
So, I strongly object to Nilufar and her statement! {HARM---and furthers my point to Court}
10/8/14, date of Nulifar’s elective declaration,
That date encompasses from their move in (end of July 2014 to current day):
In which I have never personally made her (and husband) acquaintances to (current day).
Nulifar as already chosen to be an elective Witness (see original TDR #0000666).
Nilfuar as already chosen to be an elective Witness with Elective Comments, not listed on original TDR# 0000666).
Nulifar’s written, explanations of the Events with Carin at Festival (8/3/14 (False –and maybe more).
Nulifar” written, explanations of the Events with Carin at Festival (8/3/14 (Inconsistent and maybe more).
Things about me, Nulifar’s written, explanations of the Events with from the time she moved in to current are false (and maybe more).
Things about me, Nulifar’s written, explanations of the Events with from the time she moved in to current are inconsistant (and maybe more).
Things about me, Nulifar’s written, explanations of the Events with from the time she moved in to current are bullying (and maybe more).
Things about me, Nulifar’s written, explanations of the Events with from the time she moved in to current are encroaching on my real life facts (and maybe more). (see my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph two, five and throughout)
In short, {WARNING--- Red Flag}----
Nulifar’s written, explanations of the Events and Things Nulifar electively chose to write of about me are -
Nulifar, elective “closest friend” to Jeff Funk, from the time she moved in to current
are inconsistent hurtful, neighborly
(as seen in my reply to Mrs. Nulifar’s elective declaration re: TDR #0000666 and my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph six.)
in my work and recreational environment
Nulifar, elective “closest friend” to Jeff Funk, from the time she moved in to current
are inconsistent hurtful, neighborly
Nulifar “closest friend” to my aggressor Jeffrey Funk,
address to me and the Court,
“this situation is effecting their hosting capabilities to our friends.”
See Mrs. Nulifar Smith’s declaration to TDR #0000666, last paragraph sentence 23.
As to majority of Jeff Funk’s elective witnesses, and elective declarations
Mr. Funk submitted and the Explanations of the Events and Things
written, about me,
are passive aggressive (at best), inconsistent, vengeful (and more).
From the time described in paragraph to current (On-Going).
Elective to TDR#0000666 Carin Broughton has become a witness and in her elective declaration paragraph 10 sentence 10, “..
“fabricating, twisting, and lying about facts.”
However, Carin and Jeff say those phrases with intentions is to be harmful.
Therefore I strongly, question Nulifar Smith’s “closest friend” of Jeff Funk and majority of the others integrity.
{See also my reply to elective witnesses declarations and Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response in it’s entirety….(see also my reply to Mr. Funk’s paragraph five).}
Therefore I question all of the witnesses integrity minus the one
that witness one and only witness,
to whom was a witness of the original TDR #0000666.
To whom their integrity of the content TDR#0000666,
Is, in fact consistent with my story. (see TDR #0000666 and see Mr. Funk’s witness declaration statement of Mr. Ryan Simpson, Mr. Funk submitted on behalf of TDR#0000666, as seen in DV-120 response, REASON, I DO NOT AGREE.
Fact IS,
Mr. Funk’s DV 120 Response to TDR 0000666 Paragraph seven sentence 9,
(and also convoluted he submitted his own TDR #0000670.
“These documents and witness statements are being provided to you in support of this response.”
FACT IS, Declaration for Mr. Funks DV 120 response to TDR #0000666, mid page- sentence 15, Mrs. Nulifar, “ I came to Carin and demanded they (myself and Carin) talk & Carin she kept asking her(me) to just p leave her alone.”
Carin Broughton and I never spoke.
FACT IS Carin wrote, even more different description than Nulifar and Jeff Funk.
Elective Witness Carin declaration paragraph seven sentence four, electively states,
“ I calmly told her (me) that she (I) was not welcomed on our (assuming (Carin means-Carin & Funk’s)) campsite,
but that they (wanted: performers, friends and my self)-
were welcome to hang out at Jess’ campsite.”
Jeffrey writes, DV 120 response paragraph six sentence four, “Carin asked her to leave,….”
Lie- {HARM}.
There were no words spoken between myself and Carin.
[See also Jeffrey Funk’s Witnesses Carin Broughton and Nilufar declarations who have conflicting varied stories of their own.]
In my opinion another inconstant story – {HARM}.
This is an example to me of typical- sidetracking, immature, bullying, embellished, inaccurate information from (three witnesses) Mr. Funk electively brought in and has now established a rapport for these same witnesses to be diversion from-
Fact is, even if we did; Carin had nothing directly to do with (that I know of.
Fact is, Jeffrey Funk continuing to come near me and me place of residence! And (always) attaching Carin’s name,
Therefore yet, another reason why we are in Court.
In my opinion these actions are beyond,
Plane mean I always tried had for benefit of the doubt, thought Carin was innocent, however he continued actions are elective.
8/2012 - Texted Thought Carin was innocent.
Continuing to establish is this an untrue claim, from Mr. Funk. - {WARNING}!
A deep concern is Jeffrey does recognize a significance of a polite civil request
as he also flavors for the Court. {HARM}.
Jeffrey admits he has chosen for years, to ignore mine. –
And Carin too.
Furthermore establishing a deeper yet sense of righteousness’ Mr. Funk carries, is-
he has written in all above - Carin asked… or…. his reserved (campsite).…festivals,,,CBC…On My Street….he chooses to include her in his just about all his elective, immature vengeful embellishments.
Scarier part is
Witness Carin Brought defiantly has proven time & time to have knowledge, ignore, condone, participate at “….not care…” with certainty and conviction.
{My Reply to address paragraph two in Jeff Funk DV 120 comments - Jeff and Carin are perfect for each other. I wish them well.}
This is what happened next: BACK STORY from reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 Paragraph two:
I don’t feel like socializing because I run into Funk & girlfriend through the day a started to be detailed above. {HARM}.
to be continued
I stay in my camp.
2:34 PM
I would have left but I had arrangement with my aerial girls.
Also I wanted to stay- I have friends and appropriate trades I’m doing.
It’s also Kelly (my main aerial girl’s birthday, which I had prepared party & looked forward to relaxing with them. Never happened due to future duress— {HARM x many}
and Still On Going-{HARM} and reason we are in Court- warning {Warning – HARM} signal for along time but sure & steady-, propelling and defiant-
(as seen throughout reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response to TDR #0000666.)-
I felt very saddened by these concerns I have (brought on by)-
in our (mine, aerials, individuals, management, (minor), friends… )
and recreational
ABOUT MY NEED (moral regard- Civil Requests )
THIS Accumulating PROBLEMS
I was fighting an even deeper Depression – {HARM x many}
And Anxiety {HARM}.
Compounded to the inappropriate actions Jeff’s I had with him, last time I saw him 7/31/14. {old & current- HARM. {DAMAGES}!
A presence of a big bummer was/and still is (current events- on going) very felt through out us performing girls & fluffer. {HARM}{DAMAGES-Social}.
{I’m peacefully at my residence (proprietorized 15 years}and nice little street just days before,
7/28/2014 Meet Mr & Mrs. Smith, my ‘newest’ neighbors “closest friend” and husband.
Of Mr. Funk - and also elect witnesses’ to TDR #0000666 – {WARNING}!-
Mr. Funk helped imported, and electively moved – {WARNNG--- RED FLAG}!!!
yet another to my street even after {HARM- still ON GOING} {DAMAGES}!
our bad experience with Carin. {HARM} {DAMAGES}!
7/31/2014 (as seen above) {HARM} (WARNING ---RED FLAG}!!!!
*Note to Court- {future tellings}---
I left the camp as soon as my job was over and not a minute later, exhausted to go home to rest.
I left the camp to get and stay away from Jeffrey Baird Funk (and as we’ve seen Carin Broughton).
I left camp and went to my own home.
I left camp and minded my own business.
{To only have Funk (and /or entourage- continue to advance without regard and invade my space.}
8/3/2014 {HARM x many} (WARNING --RED FLAG x many }!!! {DAMAGES x many}!!!!
(current paragraph under discussion- this document. III bad altercations and escalating) {Warning – Irrational, Aggressive, STILL professing false police stories, Insisting I get Get, Out, Go away--- compromising Safety and Wellbeing}.
8/7/2014 relentlessly see Carin and her dog negligence issues, outside of my residence. (see also witness Carin Broughton declaration paragraph eight and my reply).
CArin Car
8/17/2014 distractingly I hear a bike, oh funny, Jeff Funk & Carin interrupting (w/ obscenities);
compounded now by (my) peace of mind. (have pictures & log of event details if court deem necessary).
8/24/2014 arrogantly back and forth twice in a day.
Second upon which Jeff coaches girl to physically and literally turn their back to me with defamation.
Jeff bike
8/29/2014 To MY No Avail, Jeffrey Funk indeed comes again.
Carin Broughton too herself, walks up from a far, with dogs and more Funk’s paraphernalia.
Car dog
8/30/14 Interupts my studies before class class
9/2/2014 Mr. Funk is tirelessly at the neighbors house literally with a Jeep loaded trailer full of hotheaded excuses.
This is when Mr. Jeffrey Baird Funk and I crossed paths.
Mr. Funk
He got hostile, He got enraged! (see also further in this document in detail)
Reason why we are in Court---
(see also my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph seven – (in most current insults and assault.)
PIC Jeff Hostile
Sentence Two-
Irrelevant to me-
I am not her today to dispute where there from or why they where then, etc..
even though a variety of background stories about my new neighbors don’t not add up to my discovery.
I am here because I am tired of disputing.
I am here because I am request a restraining order!
I can & will submit more documentation should the court need.
At this time, the prior resident information is not irrelevant enough for dispute topic expect note* for the pattern of being a told conflicting stories. And leads exactly to my point, we have conflicting issues.
The issue why I am here today is Jeffrey Funk’s continues to be near.
In my opinion these new neighbor “closest friend” & husband (who I’ve never heard of in all my troubling years with Mr. Funk) now insists on their hosting accommodations rather than requesting my civil please of years (prior damages established from his prior advances to this residential street.
L heart break-
We Spilt due account he courted me under false pretences.
Then Carin’s move AND the Threatened additionally Ignored rather than cared for, instead I come back for more bullying tell me to get out of common area, scream when I accidentally (and could have been prevented (by Jeff)) come near, Insisting he advance, Ignores more pleas, Advances, Irrational, Assaults, Insults, Claims stay Away (TDR#0000670, Asks the Court in TDR #0000666 if he can Advance.
Advances- Early Spring 2009- My House- I trust and accept not knowing that was his false character.
Where we (Jeff Funk And Myself) gained prior knowledge.
[Get Away]- (July/August 2011), we break up. Contention but not like the evolving years to come:
Advances- (8/1/2012)- Elective Move In Carin- Dare, Threat, Berate, Bully, etc.. (see also Deputy Mc Cleary).
[Get Away]- (approx Fall, 2102), Elective Move Carin Out.
Advance – (12/31/12), Upon my return from errand, to find Jeff electively Parked in my freshly shoveled stop to Snowboard my back yard hill.
Advances – (approx 1/25/2013) – Bullies!!!! {Just gets worse, Carin (new girlfriend) announces Death (Brew-Dog), Interrupts, Ignors- (see Broughton elective declaration- paragraph three) Jeff ignores (me), his Sister Berates, Provokes, Insults, Intimidates And More, Intentionally while appearing being very proud.
[Get Away] – (remainder of year 2013)– Felt Forced,
Because of my Well Being WAS [{AND IS (ON-GOING)} WHY WE ARE IN COURT) Compromised and ALL of the SEVERE ALTERCATIONS AND MUCH CONTENTIONS(s)- I was absentee most year on account of these said reasons to get away from Jeff’s advancing troubles on my person. HARM & DAMAGES! (see EMDR, Polly Ryan, see Srgt Giovannini and also my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 paragraph five and declaration of witness Carin Broughton for more detailed information.)
[Get Away]- [Accident] -6/16/2014, Jeff Funk could prevented,etc...
(See Deputy Lade & Srgt. Giovannini).
Advances 2012- 2014 numerous times, as Jeff admits therefore proving to ignore my messages therefore my civil requests of the duration. (see also Deputy Mc Cleary).
Advances- (7/28/14) (and days surrounding) move Smith’s In – Excuse.
[Get Away] – [Common Area] (7/31/14 & 8/3/14) Camp Ground- - Work -Compromise Safety &Well being
Advances- (8/7/14) Carin to residential habitat (Ignoring Civil Pleas not to).
Advances – (8/17/14) Jeff coaches (bike) girl literally & physically Turn Back on my & my civil attempt.
Advances – (8/24/14 (x 2)) Jeff Funk, twice that day (Aggravates, Slanders & Ignores Pleas).
Advance – (8/29/14 (x 2)) Jeff Funk and Carin Broughton. (Disrupting, Rude, Arrogant, Obscene, Antagonistic, Bully).
Advances – (9/2/14) Jeff Funk (excuse moving, agree has trailer- all irrelevant to me, hostile, irrational, assault).
TRD# 0000666. (see please, Srgt. Giovannini and this Court.)
Advances – 10/10/14 Jeff Funk (Serves Me Legal Papers with stating claim to ‘get away’ TDR # 0000670. (see please, this Court.)
[Get Away] – 10/10/14 Jeff is requesting to be Court Ordered to me
All the while, finished by asked judge if he, can
Advance - (come to neighbors house). –
Jeff dismissed my formal Request that brought before him a Court
directly insulting me in front of the judge.
Proving to me and possibly the court,
(with all said above and through out entirety of my replies to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 ):
Jeff’s anger is escalating
and he nearly hit me
taking a swing at me;
he does not need be anywhere near me,
he does not need be anywh
ere near my home, my place of business or property.
I am in Court also because,
And now electively Carin.
Carin Broughton elected herself into TDR#0000670 even the more:
She electively added her name to be added under Jeff Funk’s paper work.
Carin Broughton however, technically did not submit any testimony for herself in TDR#0000670. Therefore relying off the paperwork and testimony of Jeff Funk; which I have under duress,
de-bunked all paragraphs in their entirety.
In addition, I have substantiated I HAVE DAMAGES!.
The pictures are of my residence and to establish a time line way before Jeff Funk’s most recent elected moved- In of Friends on my street – this time directly next to me and in my house (proprietor’ized 15 yrs) that faces my main view, business too) after having prior knowledge to why this was not appropriate behavior. Disregarding moral regards for others (myself, loved ones, neighbors, my place of business, etc..) for his own personal agenda and gain; Jeff boastfully helps new neighbors with into their rental home across the street (approx Aug 2014).
These pictures represent that the established view (since 1947)
(my ownership since 2000 (date of Criminal Assault)- current).
(See Deputy McCleary/ Helen Thompson, Srgt. Gionannini, this Court and more).
Funk resided there from approx (mid 2009-2011))).
So, for Jeff to do this is an insult to me because, clearly if you’ve seen the house you’ll know the relative positioning of the neighbors property.
The picture shows the roof and back yard to the house Mr. Funk frequents as taken from my front balcony. These pictures show the clear view and (previous tenant) cars. In which is in near every view (due to angle of houses and yards).
Pictures taken
October 23, 2012-------------- Spring, April 5, 2014
Standing front of rental Jeff just moved Mr. Mrs. Smith into,
Looking at my house and yard.
Picture was taken
Standing on my front balcony, looking at view—and looking at the roof top of the Mr. & Mrs. Smith rental, Jeff just moved them into.
Pictures where taken
7/20/11 ------
Standing on my front balcony, looking at view—and looking at the roof top and previous car parked (white 2whl drive) to prior tenant of the rental, Jeff just moved Mr. & Mrs. Smith into.
May 11, 2013 Fence build-------
This picture is taken out of one of the master bedrooms--- and looking at the roof top and previous car parked (yellow Jeep and Camper) to prior tenant of the rental, Jeff just moved Mr. & Mrs. Smith into.
Picture was taken
March 16,2014
and looking at the house lake view and you can see angle and establish scenic corridor.*
{And to view behind (mountains- habitat/environment* – in elective Witness Nulifar (see) declaration we will discuss elective for TDR#0000666 trash & Bear issues for my new neighbor.}
BEAR PIC – Deer Pic
Also for elective witnesses Mr. & Mrs. Smith, since you addressed trash as such subjects, Your new house hold is obnoxiously loud.
The In – The Out with various sounding cars & motorcycle(s) daily (all day long- IN /Out) especially so is a lifted loud white truck (with handi-cap tag in rear view) but manages a tool set outside & multi large dogs just fine. White truck is insultingly loud, then the erratic stereo noises that are blared & neglected as door is open & car idling for random minutes at a time – all day long.
The occasional loud large dog noises I understand, but so many dogs!
The houses in the scenic corridor behind you also have the bonus of the natural amphitheater effect, had you considered thinking about anything but what in-front of you (lake).
I am in Court today to Protect myself and my personal space.
Not to electively discuss other issues especially just hosting you (Nulifar’s “closest friend” and their hosting abilities.
(see also my reply to Wetness’ declarations elective statements and my reply to Mr. Funk’s response DV 120 in entirety).
Picture taken
6/12/12 – (patio to wrap around deck, (left) mountain & (right) lake views.
All End of Summer (after the Festival & Altercations), hearing anymore
Insulting things from Jeff Funk (and entourage)
is not acceptable.
And if if you open door &/or windows,
Or (and am) outside,
because it does open up open to the world ((views) ie., scenic corridor, regulations, etc..)
and electively ignoring (issues), not to be trusted, back turning, loud, only want to host friends new neighbor(s) and Jeff and as stated in all through replies that is another reason why it is not ok for me to have Jeff near.
Pic Bear in trash
Paragraph Seven -
please also see Outline, Bruises & Downloadable File for full copy (includes pictures).