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Copy of Funk's Admitted Agenda
Major Cases of Interest
Forensic Cases of Interest
Early - Mid Story
Story brief to 2013
Copy of Laymen Witness Rebuttals
Findings thru Comedy
Halloween - revisited 2015
Funk's profession
Jeff Funk- obscene gesture- on film
Trouble Neighbors & Visitors
Funk Nears in Public
Nulifar's Roomate Attacks
Crystal Lyle- Paralegal
Crystal Lyle- resume
Crystal Lyle - correspondence
Crystal Lyle- invoices
Crystal Lyle - geez
TDR #000666 (JS's OG file)
TDR #000670 (JF's reply)
JF's Witnesses
Continuance DV 116
JS's reply Exhibits
Notice to Destroy Exhibits TDR #000666
CA State DA
Trouble Neighbor Filed
JS's' Witnesses (1-6)
McDermott ORDERed to STAY AWAY
Bahrke Disqualified - 10/29/15
Criminal Case Dismissed
Exhibit Request for Help
Exhibit In Short
Copy of Exhibit TEXT Messages A-K
Copy of Exhibit TEXT Messages 1-39
Paragraph One - Summary TDR"S 2014
Paragraph Two - Threats & Festivals pas
Paragraph Three - 6 Witness & Bullying
Paragraph Four - JF Lies - Cops 2013+
Paragraph Six - Home & GF 2014
Paragraph Full Circle - hidden chapt 6.5
Paragraph Seven - JS requests STAY AWAY
Paragraph Five - Abuse Legal Procedure
Copy of JS's' Witnesses (1-6)
Jeffrey Funk's REPLY DV 120
Witness - Ryan Simpson
Witness- Graham Vilkin
Witness - Morgan Vilkin
Witness - Jeffrey Lauer
Witness - John Busby
Witness - Tyler Gaffaney
Witness - Carin Broughton
Witness - Nilufar Smith
Witness - Mathew Smith
Past Cases
Experiences with TC Justice Sytem
Swedelius' reply to Bahrke
Use tab to navigate through the menu items.
J. B.
Criminal Case - Dismissed
Court Minutes - oral dismissal
I have digital copy of the Minutes but need diff format to upload to this log to a PDF.
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