- Paragraph Five -
please also see Outline, Bruises & Downloadable File for full copy (includes pictures).
Swedelius' reply to
Jeffrey Funk's - misleading - Paragraph Five -
-{Pertaining mostly to: Abuse of Legal Procedure, Necessity, Timely and All Else for JF Claim for need for a TDR (x2 - Carin Broughton). }-
Placer County
Superior Court –Tahoe Division,
PO Box 5669 /
2601 N. Tahoe Blvd.,
Tahoe City, CA 96145
TDR # 0000666.
(in addition)- #0000670
Paragraph Five:
Reasons why we are in Court,
Mr. Funk’s comments and actions are insulting to me and my family.
Please Your Honor, Order Jeffrey Funk and Carin Broughton STAY AWAY for me and my home environment.
The morning of 10/10/14, the court hearing for restraining order on Jeffrey Funk TDR #0000666.,
Mr. Funk served a restraining order TDR #0000667 on me in the Court Clerk’s Lobby,
In addition to above, Mr. Jeff Funk’s DV-120 reply to the Court in response to #0000666 tries to convey with he has need for protection.
Out of this irrational pattern
and comes save face tactics ----
Demonstrates- Jeffrey Funk deliberately lied, threats-specific terminology, prior knowledge, misleading/deception, manipulative, slight of full story, heavy accusations, exaggerations, more lies, manipulative and save face tactics, sidetracking, ignorant, lack of severity, could have been prevented, and maybe more…
Sentence One –-
Mr. Funk has commentary regarding $450 for a harassment order
and in my opinion seems to be intentionally confusing the issues and had he done his research would know different.
Mr. Funk has threatened me repeatedly me since August 2012, claims that he was getting a restraining order –
Whether to be mean or just plane thoughtless,
either way this is where the log of events start to show
Jeffrey Funk doesn’t stop there:
Jeff’s first explosive personalities are now being extremely passive aggressive with specific intention to harm:
Text 5- 8/26/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…silence and rude when I’m addressing you”
“1st & specifically…”
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk-> Jessica Swedelius,
“…what is this shit?!?”
“Why are You one I need assistance from hurting me?”
“ I Love ((not) in love) You but won’t tolerate it.”
Text 6- 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“What the fuck Jess?”
“This is the last straw.
“We (Jeff and Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) are going to get a restraining order…”
“against your crazy ass.’….
Text 5- 8/28/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius ,
Text 8 – 8/30/12, Jeff Funk -> Jessica Swedelius,
“ I (Jeff Funk) get a ticket for trespassing,..”
“and she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) get a restraining order against you.”
“you (me) will be arrested…”
“when you (me) continue to approach (walk street- as have for 2 decades) her (Carin
(always ‘girl’-friend)…”
“…every time…”
“…she (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend) will record it.”
{this example of oddity (coaching & bullying) is also depicted (see Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph one, two (this document), four, seven and three witnesses closure in declarations of, Mr. & Mrs. Smith & (Carin (always ‘girl’-friend).}
“…How do I (Jeff Baird Funk) know?...”
“…Because I (Jeff Baird Funk) went to the police station…”
“…to figure out how to keep…”
“…your (Jessica/my) crazy ass…”
“…out of my (Jeffrey) life…”
“…Go ahead Jess,…”
“…test it…”
“…I (Jeff Baird Funk) dare you.”
Text 25, 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk,
“…Man In the Mirror. You can’t be for real?!”…
“…You’ve gone way to far when you where an asshole from the very first time.”…
“…read the book…”
Text 26- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, You’ve been such a pleasure & privilege, along my journey. Thank you but I’m DONE”
Plenty of time to research- a “free’ restraining order!
So I have to disagree with Jeff Funk on this sidetracking comment to the court.
which is
Opposing is current claim October 2014- sentence four.
Sentence Four
Mr. Funk current claim, “He recently informed” -
and had me served a restraining order TDR #0000670 on me in the Court Clerk’s Lobby, the morning of 10/10/14, the court hearing for restraining order on Jeffrey Funk TDR #0000666.
Sentence Two-
Mr. Funk’s comments and actions are insulting to me-
Mr. Funk trying to compel us writes, “I am trying to get out of debt, and don’t have the extra money.”
I am on a budget too and had NO troubles finding the Restraining Order Papers.
Debt with numerous antagonizing times since August 2012, that Mr. Funk’s threats.
I mentioned above I suffered have suffered for years regarding unnecessary, wrongful legal issues and in which I still have not fully recovered (money is just a part of that factor)!
I am not tolerant to ignorant, neglectful, manipulative, false statements given tot me or the court.
Did I mention I had prior knowledge to Jeffrey Funk, well I know that he came into a large inheritance in 2011, in deed meaning that is very close to 2012 when he first started threatening me. Giving me good reason to believe he has to me that he has a solid enough foundation to handle a mere additional debt of $450 if he really truly was threatened. Where purchased a home in said contemporary times such giving me reason he could substantiate $450 if need. These where the times I noticed him compelled to strut and feel a scense of freedom and influence; I wished good for him. However, I feel he did and does not influence for good and started to become the most arrogant I had seen him, to that point.
Mr. Funk has a taste to push the envelope and party to the extreme.
Mr. Funk has crossed the lines countless times regarding terms of my well being and safety, he has proven no regard.
And at near any cost! (K hole, scare me for life! Challenge, jump off cliffs too high. Won’t stop until he’s bloody; diff Skate ride, wheeled chaired guy for months. Free drive with Grate whites, (Ready(?) = Hurt & Threaten me when I’m already Down, are merely some of the scratches on the surface .. )
Also in point, is Mr. Funk can spend your time and electively go extreme partying, as seen in festival after festival statement his current girlfriend Witness Carin Broughton describes.
Time is money.
In my opinion, your excuse of $450 being your reason to be try to justify any sort of rational behind a null issue is insulting, irrational and or side-tracking.
I am deeply disconcerted on Mr. Funk’s moral disregard.
Mr. Funk has no clue.
Mr. Funk has no clue, that I have two serious (serious) criminal court cases I helped catch the bad guy, while minding my own business.
Mr, Funk has no clue, that I am still addressing some of the issues related to those tow criminals, convicted and sentenced.
Mr. Funk has no clue; he has never had any regard for my wellbeing---
Mr. Funk is dreadfully hurtful to waste of my time, I’m insulted ‘that’s why he filed his TDR’.
Mr. Funk furthers the distaste because underlying he knows but doesn’t care
were/are my invaluable formative establishing own family years.
Mr. Funk has no clue!!!!!
Mr. Funk has no clue I just found out my Dad, its taking care of Grandma who just fell and.
Mr. Funk has no clue I just found out my Dad’s wife just wound up in the hospital again.
Mr. Funk has no clue that at the beginning of the summer my gramps broke his neck.
Mr. Funk has no clue to the out ward community both local & far that I contribute.
Mr. Funk has no clue, that the rest of the world needs my help and to which I’d sooo much rather be.
Mr. Funk insults me, for all the above and more I am negligent on because I need to defend my private space!
Your Honor, I can never be more disrespected –that Mr. Funk is (again) wasting my energies and time!!!-
Compounded, the fact he had prior knowledge to all and pronounced to understand, he further initiated but slowly and continuously acted maliciously against character (he played) to which I met and befriended; to be the passive aggressive, aggressor, that he his.
All of this because Jeff Funk can’t play nice (with me) and he keeps coming to my nice little street, to party with his closest friend and husband who ignore their closest friend and girlfriends warning signs but ‘all’ they want is to host their friends (and party)????? Mr. Funk has proven to push me and definitely and not limited too everything brought to the court; he is irrational! (see also witnesses Mr. & Mrs. Smith plus Carin Broughton’s declarations and my reply).
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…The new camera on my house will show if she tries that again.”…
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…WTF?...
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Jeff, again you deny fault of yours..”
“…and that you are and always have been perfect.”…
“…She is not denying that you came out.”…
“…Are you denying the fact…”…
“…that you told her you moved away…”…
“…the year before?...
“…It’s amazing after 3 years you still taunt her.”…
“…Don’t deny that,”…
“…I’ve seen it with my own eyes countless times.”…
“…Good for you that you got security camera.”…
*Note to Court {HARM_ BIG RED FLAG}!!!!
{Odd, repetitive—
See also elective Witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith & Carin Brought elective statements about same issue, ie, coaching- these people all moved here from out of state on my street with Jeff’s help- all to which has thus far proven {HARM}.
Mean, Intentional
encroaching on my real life facts ( as seen in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 respone to #0000666 paragraph two). See also witness’Mr. & Mrs. Smith declarations.
Odd Even the more
In every other time Jeff has declared this scenario he adds and we lost a lot of sleep :(
*Remember he Is a sleep technician by profession.
Tells everyone else this as if he and (Carin (always Carin) professes about it in her declaration paragraph six sentence nine).
*However, all of this bantering about security cameras why didn’t he claim to my brother he didn’t loose sleep? As he has in most other- Mr. Funk’s commentary including, in his
DV 120 respone paragraph One- sentence one, “…in the middle of the night…”
DV 120 respone paragraph Four (this documents content) Sentence nine,
“Carin ((yeah,)again Carin) and I (Jeff) lost a lot tremendous amounts of sleep the following weeks,
*In my and my loved ones very strong opinion, this has defiantly crossed lines!
Is a Big Passive Aggressive Comment to make to me
This exact sentence topic Jeff wrote is insulting to me!
and my loved ones!
This scenario is preventable per jeff had not lied and non-issue vs my life threateningly severe, proven with current and perpetrated valid non hostile concerns with lasting value!
DV 120 response paragraph Six- sentence six,
“…she (me) is the reason …”…
“…I (Jeff) has to lock my (jeff) doors at night.”}
This isolated incident was an accident and could have been prevented (would not have traveled down a heavily trafficked thru way street- Fox (even under heavy construction when detoured that way, fore I had no indication not to)) had he not lied to me. Not only did he lie, but he was crude antagonistic that also came with insult.
Jeff Funk NEGLIGENT of moral regard and PROFESSIONAL ETHICS.
Jeff’s profession is sleep studies (covered this in paragraph two) therefore you are quite knowledgeable about my PTSD sleep sensitivities and this sentence is of interest to me because appears you are embezzling upon my real life story (see Deputy McCleary, Srgt. Giovannini Deputy Lade) again, always ever so slightly always making sure your staging them into yours. Again, however this could have been prevented and was not deemed worthy of a sheriff report certainly not conviction. (see also Deputy Lade).
Fact more is he is very passive aggressive
with prior knowledge, he has lied about his own scenario (jeff called the cops off) all the encroaching on my real life facts and insulting! {HARM}!
Meanwhile, I have real life scenario’s I’d like to get back to---{HARM}.
So I’m insulted to be now the one hurting again!
This very minute of this TDR process Jeff tried to bully me with paper to sort—so her ewe are—
*late, and missing my sleep! {HARM- irreplaceable compounded by spiritual harm , health and so much more}!!!!
My Loved ones are concerned!
My work is suffering!
I’m missing my ‘real’ friends!
{See Also My Response to Mr. Funk’s DV120 paragraph Five- many damages.)
[Upset me- Worried love ones- sleep - work – health – Waste of Time & Energy]
My Loved Ones are very concerned!!!! I’m concerned--- These issues are not healthy for me and my loved ones, place of income or anything else for that matter.
My Work is being neglected.
And my other involvements are being Compromised for Jeffrey Funk & Carin,
Their relentless interruptions are to the point we are in Court today—
Text 26- 28, 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, “...(me)..Just off River… Wild Horse Faire, Virginia City…Indian dancer & more..”
Text 26- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “Jeff, “…You???! Going to my neighbors again and again & again…I see.”…
Text 29- 8/24/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk, “The facts are we are fighting & being immature because you &your family’s cruelty & lack of human respect for me.”…
Text 36- 9/2/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…So I’m not playing games.”…
“…I’m not crying wolf.”…
All that turmoil while I was trying to study (see dates)---
where outside my residential home just hours after I was finished with class
Jeff and I had another altercation.
Text 36- 9/2/14, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“…So I’m not playing games.”…
“…I’m not crying wolf.”…
And because of all these issues I am here, because these issues’ needs closure.
Sentence Four-
Mr. Funk’s comments and actions are insulting to me-
Mr. Jeffrey Baird Funk writes, to the court, only because he found there was, no cost to file a restraining order that is why he decides he now has the reason and is completing the necessary forms.
Mr. Funk has had since August 2012, to get with the program, especially since he’s been directing the show!
Mr. Funk’s texts prove this. (see texts).
Because of all the threat issues and ignoring my civil attempts to correspond have been ignored or worse dared, lied to by now establishing that it appears to be more to Jeff than what meets the eye, Carin Broughton has only electively been brought into any of this by Mr. Funk and/or herself.
This TDR #0000666 was regarding for Jeffrey Funk and his aggressive actions to none which Carin was present or mentioned.
All of his (Feff Funk) and (Carin Broughton) comments were elective.
Mr. Funk felt the need to not only mention her through his whole DV 120 in (as seen above).
Witness Carin Broughton herself, deemed necessary to vent every little event, not even leaving her porta poty and dog negligence issues exempt. (witness declaration paragraph four).
*Note to Court- I believe Pet Technician of some kind it might be Carin’s ‘profession’ too.
Carin’s been telling me for years- even tells the court, “she doesn’t know, doesn’t care” about my moral concerns. (see all through out witness’ declaration and my reply).
In fact, Carin has brought this on, herself; her behavior is elective.
Witness Carin Broughton has been informed from first introductions that this behavior was not right,
However Carin condones, enjoys, bullies, creeps, lurks, insults, threatens, lies and is just as slanderous.
Carin Brought and Jeffrey Funk intentionally set out to hurt and crush me even the more, by filing their embellished and sidetracking declarations (she was not related or present at any of the incidents mentioned- at all- she and her name could have stayed home.)
Jeffrey Funk and Carin Brought intentionally set out to hurt and crush me even the more, by filing their embellished and sidetracking TDR#670 on me.
Jeffrey Funk and Carin Brought intentionally added Carin’s name to that TDR;
I feel it more than appropriate to REQUEST THE COURT to Add Carin Broughton’s name to TDR # 0000666? Please and thank you.
Bullying---resulted to much DAMAGES***
I have had endured Severe and on going damages --- directly relating to
(Carin (always ‘girl’-friend)
{this example of oddity (coaching & bullying) is also depicted (see Funk’s DV 120
“…How do I (Jeff Baird Funk) know?...”
“…to figure out how to keep…”
“…your (Jessica/my) crazy ass…”
But the documented one Carin is referring was and is directly related to Herself and
Jeffrey’s Bullying Older Sister Stacia Funk/Sanchez.
(See S &C- (Stacia & Cain) Bullying Story in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 Response to TDR #0000666 elective witness Declaration from Caring Broughton paragraph three).
In 2013 I had enough- I had what felt like a break down, which resulted to me: calling for help, Crying, Cut Hair, slept until dehydration woke me up, sick--- like tears of an elephant.
I enrolled in EMDR Therapy. To learn what the police (8/27/12) had told me prior, JF was text book Narcissist.
Through my sessions, the therapist reiterated the fact I am not crazy as had been repeatedly told by the group of people Jeff associates with.
In fact we came to discover that JF fits all the personality types as a Narcissist and a Sociopath. Once I started on a protocol for reconstructive healing my journey became to be more liberating and constructive. I had some insight on that type of personalities. And they are not for me.
2013 JS researched and spent own costs leaving her hometown, residence, career & community – all because of Aggressive Intrusion from Jeffrey Funk & entourage.
Text 10 – 9/2/12, Jessica Swedelius -> Jeff Funk,
“Why do You (past friend & boyfriend Jeff Funk) dare & threaten?...”
“…Believe, You have a Record- Anger Management,…”
“…Agreed prob good go police.”…
“…Sad :(…”
“…but ready…”
Genuinely and Intently,
My concern is Mr. Funk does not take into consideration, nor take me seriously about my real life concerns. In addition I have filed with good reason and non-hostile, rash, vengeful any other ill judgment regarding filing for TDR#0000666.
In my opinion Mr. Funk being deviously coy as in the example of I was conveniently served papers the morning of the Hearing. Perhaps, so I may not have been prepared for the my papers and perhaps in efforts to stall opponent.
At the end of 10/10/14 Court Session TDR #0000666, which resulted to an extension, because of reason Jeff served restraining order papers TDR #000670 on me fore in a expression he is scared of me.
However, in the very last questioning with commissioner judge John Ross, Jeffrey Funk asked can he still come over to my neighbors? (???)
I was shocked but content Mr. Funk showed some of his character to judge Ross; unpracticed & deeply concerned I called out, 150 yards?
I just want what ever funk comes with Jeff (Carin), to stay away from me and my home environment, no more excuses, no stories, I could now careless to their insignificant desire of wanting to come to friends houses (period).!
Why is this paragraph in this response? Is this relevant?
Mr. Funk do you think I am tolerant about your whimper over sidetracking statement about $450 if you felt threatened???!
Have you ever been to & lied about serving jail because of violating probation for anger management?
How many adults live in your household?
How many dogs live in your household?
Have you had any prior recorded and tried violent assault convictions you have been the victim of?
Have you ever lived with me in an intimate relationship?
Have you ever had prior knowledge to me & my neighborhood habitat?
Have you threatened me on more than three occasions?
Have you ever considered apologizing, civil communication, plea (&/or being kind character)?
Have you ever considered staying far far away from me?
Have yo