Paragraph Three -
please also see Outline, Bruises & Downloadable File for full copy (includes pictures).
Swedelius' reply to
Jeffrey Funk's - misleading- Paragraph Three -
-{pertains mostly to: Old and Partial Story with his friends Six Useless wWtness Statements, allelectively brought by Jeffrey Funk to sidetrack and hurt my case -he recruited (rental tenants in my neighborhood who he arties with) to be witness's and many have wrong/conflicting information/ Bullies!)
Placer County Superior Court –Tahoe Division,
PO Box 5669 / 2601 N. Tahoe Blvd.,
Tahoe City, CA 96145
DV- 120, Response – REASONS, I DO NOT AGREE
TDR # 0000666.
(in addition)- #0000670
Third paragraph-
Mr. Funk- electively coming to my neighborhood, can not keep his facts straight, embellished, story. No concern/regard civil requests. Bullying ((in this scenario). And more…
In my opinion this paragraph was intended to be manipulatively worded paragraph – which I will address.
Bullying and slight of story as in Mr. Funk also all Mr. Funk’s initiated six:
So not including himself, seven elective witnesses from old event.
None of their facts add to each others, most specifically Mr. Funk’s himself.
(see Witnesses (elective) declarations):
(that not a one = not even themselves deemed necessary to reply to my concern at the relevant date);
none of these people where present at the events listed in TDR#0000666.
Mr. Funk is extremely passive aggressive in my opinion to sidetrack and confuse this (TDR#0000666).
Mr. Funk is bullying me with these elective seven witnesses (from the 24 pages) from old event- non of them cared then, when I asked for help.
In addition to above, Mr. Jeff Funk’s DV-120 reply to the Court in response to #0000666 tries to convey with he has need for protection.
Out of this irrational pattern
and comes save face tactics ----
Which are false, inconsistent, embellished, bias, elective, declarations that I address:
(see also Witness declarations and my reply ((to Mr. Funk’s) Witness declarations)).
Morgan Vilkin
JohnT Busby
Tyler Gaffaney
Jeffrey Lauer
Carin Broughton
Sentence One---
False- and it has caused harm.
Out of time order- incorrect & misleading-
This commentary is misleading and actually is related to covering up a Mr. Funk’s lie.
In my opinion because Jeff is deceiving,
I think this is an acknowledgement that he is covering something up
and it is passive aggressive
that he try to camouflage anything over my eyes.
(see) content in his paragraph four, I will addressed it again there.
Note* This elective comment in this sentence is of interest to me
because Jeff seem to be staging or creating a defense or cover up for himself or something, such as- when asked a questions later- regarding subject content in paragraph four.
Why did you Lie?
Interesting bit,
“why if you moved- exactly - would you be harassed (my motive is)?”
In my opinion this comment was also to haze over the second sentence which he does not have his facts straight and reads…
Sentence Two—
False, I disagree- and it has caused {HARM}.
Jeffrey Funk writes, “On April 28th,…
Fact is he is wrong on his facts now in paragraph one and two he has submitted to court.
See all six related Witness testimony, May 28th.
Sentence Three-
I agree- and it has caused {HARM}.
Jeffrey Funk flipped me off—
Jeff does do that.
Showing to me to be antagonistic, snare, challenging, arrogant and more...
Thus PROVING, himself (jeff Funk) wrong, {HARM} {WARNING---RED FLAG}!!!!
see Mr. Funk’s DV-120, Response to Reasons, I DO NOT AGREE, in his page in a half see paragraph seven sentence six, “I (Jeff Funk) have never made obscene jesters, threatened, or harassed her (me,”,,,
Rest of paragraph -
Agreed- and it has caused. {HARM}.
Jeffrey Funk was on his way to 290 Park Lane, Tyler Gaffaney’s house –
House we discussed in reply to Mr. funk’s DV 120 response paragraph two (years prior – and caused {HARM}) in TDR #0000666.
292 Park Lane, (blue) Lauer residence
290 Park Lane (yellow) Party house, rental
is also know as Holly’s old house and that is one of the house’s that is known as a party house.
(see also paragraph two sentence five of Mr. Funk’s DV-120 response , Deputy McCleary, witness Carin Broughton’s declaration and my reply).
And unfortunately, do to him simply entering on to my street;
which happens to be right near my home,
*note to Court getting us back on point-
In Short this is an old issue,
Furthermore Jeff advanced to my residential area --- and is {STILL CAUSING HARM}.
Altercation began and was provoked-
at the entrance of this street-
to which none of these witness where present-
which most importantly to me, was this altercation was near my home –
while unexpectedly almost hit by Jeff Funk while he was in his car driving way too fast-
lastly, wanting all witness, ie. bullies to indicate to the court for Jeff that I was an aggressor.
(see also Mr. Funk’s DV-120 response paragraph closing sentences eight and nine).
(see also Witness declarations)
Thus all- Causing me much more-harm than was already done.
Back Story:
It ALL Started as any other upset neighbor would have been as literally our cars are grill to grill in a near miss. {Harm}
5/18/14 –
May 18, 2014
I was leaving for an Open House, when I had just pulled out of my parking place no further than 150 feet from it, flying up the road comes Mr. Jeffrey Funk (JF).
This portion of my street is a bottle neck and unfortunately this is the only entrance & exit to My round about Street, as our, cars are near grill to grill, this is what I see…{HARM (scare-concern, frustration, intimidation, sidetracking, mood changing…)}
I see what appears to be a grill of a car coming way too fast, a grill to a car to whom Just the sight of his car is for any normal enough to be on guard, represents BAD/Wrong/Harmful/ things! Harm is approaching WAY TOO FAST- WAY TOO CLOSE - unbeknownst directly coming straight face to face while we sit looking at each other. I’m angry he caused (another random unnecessary) upset. {HARM} {WARNING---RED FLAG}!!!! {HARM} {WARNING---RED FLAG}!!!! {HARM} {WARNING---RED FLAG}!!!!
In this picture- I am standing on my steps next to my driveway. This is my grey Nissan and where I was parked. In picture below Jeffrey Funk’s burgundy jeep in driving southbound (leaving the neighborhood)–however at time and altercation was provoked the Burgundy Jeep was driving Northbound electively into my non-thru way residential neighborhood, when we met to meet face to face.
He stared at me, as if to assess the scene and been surprised that we where in such proximity of this near miss. I stared back as in disbelief that this very vehicle that was ramping up my road & nearly missed me WAS indeed Jeffrey Funk- (wtf???!!!) As I caught the reality of the moment I just looked at him, let my racing, scared, protective heart to slow down, took a deep breath as I noticed I broken a sweat and didn’t feel so well all of the sudden.
{HARM x many}.
I didn’t move right away, instead; I sat in shock (we near crashed) with my left hand was shaking as I touched the steering wheel. {HARM}.
I stayed there until Jeff realized, who I was,
because he had not seen (vehicle 3/22/13 until altercation 5/18/14).
Thus showing that per my exhausted efforts to keep clear of him and have my anonymity back— {HARM}
‘the vehicle-‘
I was driving before (Subaru).
Now I feel frustrated and again violated he has broken a sense of anonymity (now seeing new vehicle-to me- casual on down low/ had he not come to my space- I would still occupy that sense of calm and anonymity.) {HARM}
(see also recovered vehicle (was in attempt to move away from Jeff when vehicle was embezzled ) {HARM} directly to do w/ Mr. Funk was trying to get away
‘And Then’ -
a BIG TIME Criminal got in the way, {HARM}
I had to manage that – {HARM}
and truck was ironically returned 3/22/13 (Jeff’s birthday) & arrested Grand Theft Auto Felon, Srgt. Giovannini and San Diego Auto Theft force Task, Tennessee and the lastly Texas Police.).
Within 30 seconds or less the look on his face went from Surprise (almost car accident) HARM}
to – frankly
a shit eating grin, as if he where happy to see me &/have me be
flipping me off. {HARM}
Instead of any chivalrous manor of giving way & letting me bye.
Jeff instead bodily wise, poised and prompted to challenge me,
while Jeff smirked and cocked back in his seat & peered at me
as in a primal battle to see who would not bow down.
As to rev the engine to further provoke and intimidate me {HARM},
I gazed at him in disbelief--- and realized I was not comfortable with him near me, my home and he did nor does not have any real property nor business here. Why was JF on Park Lane? Why is and does JF continuously feel like a problem and a threat?
A car then pulled up behind me,
I did the respectful neighbor gesture made the first move to get over &
inch around JF, fore he would not move an inch.
as he has professed several times, he will never back down
(see also TEXT Exhibit}
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeff Funk -> David Swedelius, “She (me) will never get an apology from me.”…
and boasted with delight and cranked his tunes onto blaring as he self awardingly cruised by me.
Totally confirmed, I was not comfortable with Jeffrey
Funk deliberately and arrogantly visiting on my street
Especially since he carries nor regard to his previous
and continuing behavior ,
myself , my family, friends and/or earnest neighbors are concerned.
JF has intentionally and maliciously hurt me in the past.
I do not trust him,
As I too, have had prior knowledge to him. {HARM}
I wanted to know where & why he is so near?!
I turned my vehicle around and grotesquely to my dismay did discover where JF went.
Jeff funk was still frequenting the rental house that is known for a drug house; the house where years prior used to also frequent because he rented a room for his (‘girl’- friend (always girl). {HARM} as seen in paragraph two reply.
292 Park Lane (Blue, owner, Jeffrey Lauer) --290 Park Lane (Yellow, rental, known party house).
All the while JF was standing outside, ground level talking to neighbor Jeffrey Lauer whom he, family & I have a neighborly rapport.
Shocked from all of this, I looked at Jeffrey Lauer and said, “I can’t believe your talking to him?” Mr. Lauer took a step back from JF and bowed his head down as in grievance.
JF quickly jumped in, what are you doing here?
Followed by a bunch of you can’t be here, this is my friends Tyler’s place.
I responded, “that I had every right to know what you are doing on my street. I do not trust, nor like you; you are a liar, a manipulator, a thief, a drug addict and have executed premeditated actions in efforts and successions to create harm for me!”{HARM}{WARNING}
I felt more than enough had been said & done but just at that exact moment, Graham Vilkin explodes from the balcony with a beer in his hand and a grin on his face, “you sound like a crazy person, Jessica!” {HARM}.
I gazed up, shuttering with frustration; I should have known that once again, there is an army of arrogance (always) in-tow.
“What exactly did he do to you, Jessica?” Graham antagonizes. {HARM}.
“Come on Graham, really?! You’re so mean!
Graham, you’re a child! Your nothing but a child in your child like ways!” {HARM}.
I walked over to where JF’s car rear license plate was readily seen & took a picture; gazed his way and spoke directly to him, “you know what you’ve done Jeff!” I did yell. {resulting from HARM}.
I then took a picture (*notice- Nevada State) plates & proceeded to get back in my vehicle.
misleading sentence one
To also to go back and address his–later in time (as seen in Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph four and my reply)—
I discovered he lied and we are unraveling the clues- in such was an accident and he oddly after this picture changed to CA plates. {HARM}.
I stopped just prior to driving away, put my hands over my head because the headache was so bad, {HARM}.
Then up in a circle- (in scuba diving as I been professionally taught, that is a universal) signal for –OK .
As Witness Graham Vilkin in elective declaration flavors to his bullying companions story that he had concern for a weapon.
This in my opinion is very disconcerting knowing he now has put that concern in my head- I had never once thought {HARM}!
Mr. Vilkin best friend of Mr. Funk intend this statement to be taken by the court to inflict more harm to what’s already been done. {HARM}.
Fact IS
I find this an extreme concern and a BIG RED FLAG TO COURT**** {Warning}
The people Jeff Funk & Graham Vilkin-
hang out with and gravitate toward -
personnel who have had background ties-
with a community-
in contemporary times -
of a high-school shooting.
(see elective witness Carin Broughton (Columbine Co area (always Carin, ‘girl’-friend- who admits in entirety that she doesn’t care about me) of Jeffrey Funk also bully to Jessica Swedelius as will be continued to be seen throughout.)
Reality is-
I looked around the crowd gently before tears completely blurred my vision & voice; {HARM}.
I said, “I know it may sound crazy but I don’t care! What I said is the truth and it needed to be said! You all know this!”
I got in my vehicle & turned the ignition on, struggling for a breath of air; {HARM}.
I put my arm out the window as I drove away, saying “you all know this! What kind of a man does that?” {HARM}
Late and distraught, {HARM x many}
I proceeded to go & to the Open House I was in route to prior to running into JF.
Pondered it over; as well as sought peers advise
and who helped conclude
I go to who might care & could help?
when something is not right, perhaps go to someone whom may be concerned about others? After much deliberations
I concluded communication is awful with Mr. Funk
Try the females again, (Carin Broughton (always girlfriend Carin) & witness wife Morgan Vilkin.
With their responses I was feeling vindicated for my original concerns as I let them know it.
{8:21PM}: Carin Broughton current girlfriend of JF & Morgan Raithel/Vilkin wife to Graham Vilkin, “I need to know if you girls know what happened today w/myself, Funk & Graham?”
Carin Broughton responded {8:31PM }, “don’t know don’t care.”
JS commented {9:02PM} “Not surprised- reinforces your class & what I’m working with. Thank you.”
Morgan chimes in {9:02 PM} “Please leave me out of this.” {HARM}.
Because I had much dismay-
5/19/14 – I respond to group text (of JS, Carin Broughton & Morgan Raithel/Vilkin), {10:55 AM} “Laughable!!! Are you girls proud of this? Or are you too Pansy- & that’s what it looks like- You Girls Rock! Awesome! No Problem I’ve babysat b4; I’ll continue to handle this – your comments/actions are what makes stellar community members!” {WARNING}*****!
Carin {10:55 AM} “please leave me alone.” {HARM}
Me {10:55AM} Sorry girl- both of you ARE in by default, look who you are better halves with! I would otherwise LOVE to never know anything about your BS trail.”
All the while this probably could have been prevented if he had not initiated an elective drive to come into the location of my residential habitat. In addition you need to upset the tranquility of things by way of speeding, anonymity then loud music.
Why do you drive up my street so fast? Why do you feel need to always be domineering when you see me? Why are you here (there are six witnesses to go to their house options instead?)?
What kind of a man is absolutely unsupportive & cruel? Compounded to DAMAGE ALREADY DONE}? -Who does that?
Sentence One- I have a questions:
Also regarding subject content in paragraph four.
Why did you Lie about your where abouts??
Interesting bit, (paragraph two we snuffed jealousy so--
“why if you moved- exactly - would you be harassed (my motive is)?”
And why do you keep talking about?
And why keep talking, about it with false information?
In short:
Mr. Funk advanced.
Mr. Funk’s advances resulted in harm.
Mr. Funk (and always ‘girl’-friend Carin)’s continues threaten me and this is SEVER