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Jeff Funk's Admitted Agenda


* Threats (lies & follow through)- see text messages 1-36.

* Correspondence Text A- K. (initiating, baiting, cruel)


*Threats and witnesses' Guitarfish (music/camping).


*Swung Fist.  (Assault).


* TDR- no merit (debunked all) and abuse of procedure paragraph four.


*Continues to harass me (witness statement).


*Violates his own request for stay away (closer than 100 yards) and almost daily. (see also Judge John Ross)


*Criminal Charges- wants to punish (but too busy).

 (I believe he was showing off for a girl named Liz, who was with earlier that day when he was harassing me. He and she went on a (joyride) motorcycle ride to South Lake that very afternoon).  


*Jeff Funk  appears to enjoys my duress; This is not a man who lives in fear and Anxiety that is negatively effecting his life! (witnesses: CBC, KG, etc...).


Like moving Carin Broughton to my street/neighborhood. 

Like taunting me in front of people. (Stacia, GF, Liz, CBC...).

Like McDermott  claiming i was egging Jeff Funk's car (no report made or proof). 

Like McDermott claiming I was flipping he and his stranger witness off (but were all confusing and lies).  



Jeff Funk has been an extremely pushy to find reasons to get me in legal trouble; why- if he is so threatened by me does he keep coming near me and my residence & place of income?



I have spoken to different authorities and each of which have told me I am dealing with a Narcissist.  One of the professionals told me, I was dealing with someone who displayed sociopath behaviors.    Both of these experts told me to stay away from him.  So I do my best; I  have consolidated my lifestyle, made efforts to move, built a privacy fence around my home and more but my aggressor, Jeff Funk  however does not stay away from me &/or my home and place of income.  In addition my aggressor, Mr. Funk comes so close he provokes and threatens me all thru the years he has held his Restraining Order over my head all the while he seems to enjoy putting me in jeopardy of violating his Restraining Order and has attempt's to have me in legal trouble numerous times. 



 Feb 1st, 2017, Jeff Funk comes to my neighborhood (again) , feet from my residence, parking space, etc.. (again) .   I texted a friend to see why they were  at the rental across from me; it was Just for a social gathering (again), I was not because Jeff Funk needs to be there; ie., lives or has any other business here .   

Jeff saw me (again- like a peeping Tom, creep, lurker, sociopath...), chased after me and then claimed he was threatened and needed me arrested (again).  

Mid February after Jeff claims he needed me arrested (reason unknownst to me) comes to my neighborhood (again), across the street (again), feet from my paring space, etc...(again).  As I have witnessed in the past his vehicle had been left there the whole night thru and into a day or more later.  

My opinion is that Jeff Funk is purposely trying to have me see his vehicle in hopes to cause me more duress.  

I wonder if I will be seen by my current day aggressor, Jeff Funk when he is there?  That cause me duress: I wasn't my anonymity and privacy! Jeff Funk has prior knowledge to my home, therefore he is privy to understanding the where abouts of my self when I am at my property, and I live alone.  Not only do I live alone but I have once been assaulted by an intruder (case Steven Bealer- year 2000), who studied me and broke into my home.  

Furthermore, is the confirmation when I called a friend, Dallas Fernandez to inquire about Jeff's vehicle being, across from my property, feet away, after he claims he is so thereat ed to be near me he needs e arrested and why it was there?  The answer was because Jeff had gone to the Casino's (again) partying (again) there was a music show (again)  {*remember he is "the Funk" and feels the need to go to every rock & roll show he can manage.  *I have prior knowledge to his schedule and liking because I dated Jeff).   

Which leads to the BIGGEST CONCERN of the possibility that this proven bully  (to me) could be under the influence of any intoxicating substance surrounding  &/or at the time  when he comes to the neighbors and especially at the time of the music show. ie party at the casino's (as Jeff leaves his car outside my view when get attends the parties) so ultimately add that concern to an already narcissistic and sociopath personality!  This combination is dangerous!


 The knowledge that that this is a potentially toxic situation and at minimal being anxious about anything re a current day aggressor causes duress.  It has been fundamentally paramount that Jeff Funk just keeps away from me, my property and place of income.  Despite my efforts; Jeff Funk does not stay away (from me- he was last across the street ie., a few feet away on 3/15/17 Approx 5PM).  




Jeff Funk has a Past Record.



I have made efforts to STAY AWAY !  What has he done?!


I have made major efforts in preparation to STAY AWAY from Jeff Baird Funk; I did these things in effort for preparations to move:

Sought help from the Court for a Protective Stay Away Order (that failed me). 

Stopped going any where I thought he may go. 

Cut all my mutual social ties. 

Closed my office of 17 years.

Took an out of state license exam (& passed).

Sold my vehicle for a less expensive one- financial difference was intended for moving expenses. 

Built a privacy fence around my property.

Continued to seek professional assistance to keep him away.



The only altercations I have with Jeff Funk is when he is outside of my home acting up!



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