Funk's DV 120, Witnesses Declarations, 24 pg attachment
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Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT accept or read Swedelius' Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.
Commissioner had plain wrong findings in her ruling. See my reply to Ruling.
Respondent - Jeffrey Funk
Witness 1 - Ryan Simpson - mutual friend (long time local)
Witness 2 - Graham Vilkin - Funk's best buddy
Witness 3 - Morgan Vilkin- wife to Graham.
Witness 4 - Jeffrey Lauer-
He is a long time neighbor, who owns next to a party house which Lauer frequents himself because it is right next door to him, further down my street, this is where Funk moved Broughton upon there first romatic meetings 2012 - before she was aware of her new town/surroundings/rental house, ect... (see my reply to Funk's paragraph Two).
Witness 5 - John Busby - Swedelius has never met, diff party house renter neigbor friend of Funk's.
Witness 6 - Tyler Gaffaney - Swedelius has never met, diff party house renter neigbor friend of Funk's.
Witness 7 - Carin Broughton
Funk's girl friend of the time (he attached her name to TDR 670); now Ex. Moved out of town. Never present at a Hearing, Trial (or signed the papers- to my knowledge).
Witness 8 - Nilufar Smith - My newest (party house)/neighbors Mr. Funk's newer and regular hang out spot/ ).
Witness 9 - Mathew Smith - (possible) divorced Nilufar. Seemed to have moved out - since filed TDR).
Commissioner Bahrke already made her ORDER 10/31/14, day of Trial, Prior to me giving my reply Exhibits to her via the Court. I submited all Exhibits but the reply to Witness Declarations Exhibits on 10/31/14- (I was served the witness Statements approx 10/10/14). Her Rulings & other Orders weren't stamped until 11/14-17 2014.
However, Commissioner Bahrke took Mr. Funk's word;
which many and most where unrelated and further, out of date to the most Immideate and most concerning incident (where he swung his fist at my face in ager outside of my residence (at Mr. Funk's newest and regular hang out spot/ my newest (party house)/neighbors).
Jeffrey Funk's witnesses:
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