more interesting real cases - Forensic Files Season 11
This Forensic Files Collection the episodes are a little too coincidental and reinforce for me (that things can (& do) happen)!
[In my case,
Why a State representative/commissioner Trilla Bahrke denied me of my stay away order, is yet TBA (to be answered).]
(Forensic Files Collection Gruber) & (Forensic Files Collection Funk) and watch the clip-
Season 11, Episode 28- If I were you. The most bizarre missing persons cases in US history.
Mr. Gruber. My high school teacher (from Incline High, (sophomore year/I sat in the front row (think it was geometry class).
His daughter suspected something was wrong and when she was not getting any answers she set a trap.
[Mr. Gruber was beaten, killed and his daughter had to look far into this case to get things resolved.
I too had my subcontractor break into my home, was assaulted. I was nearly killed and have had to look hard into my case has been very frustrating for me to not have clear answers and need to keep researching to seek justice. .
I am grateful that his daughter, Shellie Kepley shared her story with the world. What is profound to me is the two of them together Paul & Shellie. have taught me yet another lesson, "If I were you"; I can almost picture him telling me this specifically as when he did in class.].
My lesson, trust your instinct, do not stop if I feel there is something not right; keep searching for the truth until it is found.
Episode 31- Just an eerie coincidence there is another J. Funk who is similar in age, attitude and is a problematic aggressor.
{In my case, I strongly feel Jeffrey Baird Funk uses the support of falling onto his iconic name- the O.J. syndrome- the public find it hard to believe their icon could be a bad person. The idealism that, he is loved by everyone and soon he can do no wrong. As many music cultures chant "we love the Funk". Makes for a perfect playground combination for a narcissistic aggressor. }
Forensic Files - Season 11, Ep 31: Muffled Cries
Click here to watch great FREE Movies & TV: http://filmrise.com After inspecting storm damage to a home in Tampa, the insurance assessor simply disappeared. Thirty ...