- Paragraph Four -
please also see Outline, Bruises & Downloadable File for full copy (includes pictures).
Swedelius' reply to
Jeffrey Funk's - misleading - Paragraph Four-
- {Pertains mostly to: Catching himself in his own lie (see police report) - percfect example of how shifty he is and trying to creat a picture that JS is a bad person out of a dead &/or issue JF intentionally lied about from the start.}-
Placer County
Superior Court –Tahoe Division,
PO Box 5669 /
2601 N. Tahoe Blvd.,
Tahoe City, CA 96145
TDR # 0000666.
(in addition)- #0000670
Paragraph Four -
Jeff makes a mountain out of a molehill-
In the events that led up to my discovery that Jeffrey Funk had yet lied again, (see above & (see text)).
I was on my way home after a wedding party,
(the main street was very much under construction so I took a marked detoured turn)
To most importantly had Jeff not lied about your where abouts when specifically asked, months prior.
This could have been prevented
{Jeffrey Funk rudely mislead me to believe he was leaving from that region after I specifically regarding the question of his whereabouts.}.
I turned on a high trafficked thruway street (Fox) in my residential town of over 30+yrs Kings Beach.
I for once found peace in his girlfriends rash impulse decision to call the police, for this “problem” was not a problem. I did nothing wrong, there is no violence, there is no threat; he is trying to make something of nothing. This one situation was not unique the fact is I was going about my business as usual. It was coincidental, accidental and preventable that I finally came upon Mr. Funk and no police report necessary. Also again because he has knowledge to my history (and with this recent event he knows he lied to me giving him desire to create reasoning).
My response is, Mr. Funk (and Carin always girl- as seen in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph two) feels like tactics of extortion and coercion on my real life facts to embellished his stories.
Mr Funk has had prior knowledge, false or wrong information, change subject, misleading/deception, slight of full story, manipulative tactics, exaggerations, accusations, hostile judgment, severity, and for me this was an Accident which could have been prevented per Jeffrey Funk not lie regarding this specific question and maybe more…
Demonstrates- Jeffrey Funk deliberately lied,
Not only to me- under specific question.
Now Jeff Funk is lying and or misleading to the Court. This should be a nonissue.
(but as seen in Mr. Funk’s inconsistent statements in DV 120 response paragraph One
Four and Six in answer TDR #0000666 and passive aggressive tactics in TDR #0000670.
additionally supplying supporting evidence of
Witness Carin Broughton declaration paragraphs 6 and 7,
and more-
now too:
Sentence One – Five-
False Information & Accusations –
Jeff wrote, : “…June 14th… That Evening around 12:30 am…”
Not accurate with the events that happened regarding me!:
The wedding I attended was June 15th which yes, into late Eve which would be
The date this isolated preventable incident you are referring that I had an accident with Jeff was June 16th.
Text W2, 6/15/14, “….white wedding…”
This could have been prevented,
I tried months prior to communicate, but (again) to no avail:
Text 13- 10/15/13. Jessica swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “Heard funniest thing 2day:
you bought a house on Loch Levon. Seriousl?!”
Text 13- 10/15/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…if you did, seriously good for you; you have my blessing! <3…”
Text 14- 10/15/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…This news was unexpected 4 me, may not be accurate…”
Text 14- 10/15/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…So, if you DID buy a house on Lock Living, in Upper KB CA? :/…”
Text 15- 10/15/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…Even if not & just temp living…”
Text 15- 10/15/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…Best to know where your enemies are…or some #%*+….right(?!)”
*Note to Court
Proves--- I’m already concerned and on high alert to know where Mr. Funk is and I’m trying to know the boundaries are respectfully and stay away.
Proves even more I was successfully able to go on with life and running into him was an accident could have been prevented-
Proving my point
I do not aggress or intentionally advance on Mr. funk (and or Carin- always ‘girl’-friend)-
Thus proving it is not me that needs a restraining order TDR #0000670!
[{also see anonymity retention for 15 months until Jeff encroached while invading my private rehabilitation space (see also specifically my reply to sentence Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph three). {HARM}.
[{From my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response paragraph hthree;]
I stayed there until Jeff realized, who I was,
because he had not seen (vehicle 3/22/13 until altercation 5/18/14).
Thus showing that per my exhausted efforts to keep clear of him and have my anonymity back— {HARM}
‘the vehicle-‘
I was driving before (Subaru).
Now I feel frustrated and again violated he has broken a sense of anonymity (now seeing new vehicle-to me- casual on down low/ had he not come to my space- I would still occupy that sense of calm and anonymity.) {HARM}
(see also recovered vehicle (was in attempt to move away from Jeff when vehicle was embezzled ) {HARM} directly to do w/ Mr. Funk was trying to get away
‘And Then’ -
a BIG TIME Criminal got in the way, {HARM}
I had to manage that – {HARM}
and truck was ironically returned 3/22/13 (Jeff’s birthday) & arrested Grand Theft Auto Felon, Srgt. Giovannini and San Diego Auto Theft force Task, Tennessee and the lastly Texas Police.).}
Text 15- 10/15/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…So, are congratulations in order(??)”
Text 16- 10/16/13, Jeffrey Funk -> Jessica Swedelius, “Truth is, I don't think about you, ever. If you and Marnie want to believe that I've been stalking you since last November when I moved in, go ahead. To bad I'm not renewing my lease, guess you'll have to wait another year to track me down. Seriously, go about Ur life.”
{use word “stalking” HARM}.
Text 17 - 10/16/13. Jessica Swedelius -> Jeffrey Funk, “…Funny! Relieved- thought you were smarter than that!!!”
Sentence Two and Four-
Interesting & misleading-
Mr. Funk had told officer Lade, that Mr. Funk described he had thought he had heard activity at his house nights prior to me--
- I spotted a bear outside of his unbeknownst address (thus proving, unintentionally came upon Mr. Funk) and stopped.
Sentence Five-
False, slanderous-
Is not true and repeated public commentary needs to stop,
Jeff writes that I’m trying to break in to his car- {HARM}.
In Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response to #0000666 paragraph One, he states sentence four I was trying to break into his car. {HARM x3}.
Then there (always) more (with) Jeff really embellishes in pro per or on this rare occasion he was caught taunting my brother- {HARM- exponentially}.
{TEXT Exhibit A-K}
Unbeknownst to me 6/29/14, Jeffrey Funk Texts (->) my brother, David Swedelius:
{TEXT Exhibit}
*Note to Court
This is very passive aggressive, Jeff texts my brother- taunts
What is Jeffrey Funk’s purpose for this text in the end? Spread more drama/funk?
See also Witness Carin (always Carin ) elective declaration paragraph five sentence five, ”Knowing that Jesica like to stir up drama,,,”
Carin (always Carin ),” don’t know, don’t care”
And as a matter of fact-
Carin (always Carin ),was
NOT Named in the original TDR #0000666.
NOT Present at any of the most recent or sever incidents.
NOT an issue- until
Carin (always Carin ),
Electively submitted a witness declaration with Ten paragraphs, NOT a One had anything to do with the original TDR#0000670.
Electively Carin (always Carin ),tells the Court, she is ”Knowing that Jessica like to stir up drama,,,”
Miraculously, while,- Carin (always Carin ),” don’t know, don’t care”.
Your Honor, I’m so insulted; Did I hear Carin declare, ‘she knows’ I ‘like’ to stir up drama???!
And back to Mr. Funk
more side tracking stuff
rather than
key point
the TDR#000666
- please just STAY AWAY-
Mr. Funk’s comments are intentional
and Jeff embellishes the slander
with righteous authority- self introduced. Captain Funk. (fact, he has a sail boat, license, etc..).
Mr. Jeff Funk dictated-, he did not discuss, let alone civilly or with accurate information.
TEXT A - 6/29/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…I caught her (me) trying to break into my car last Saturday night at one in the morning.” {HARM}.
TEXT A - 6/29/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…so I’m just letting you (David/brother) know what she (me) is doing.”…{HARM}.
TEXT B - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk “…She wants nothing to do with you and just wishes you’d grow up”…
TEXT C - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…Did you miss the part where Jess has been trying to break into my house???”… {HARM}
TEXT C - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…It is Jess who has tried to drag my name through the mud…” {HARM –slaner}
TEXT C - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius, “…She dug her own grave without any help from me”… *{HARM –WARNING_WARNING}!
*Note to Court
This seems very twisted & vengeful, also to be gives me a serious warning sign he is agitated!!!
{Jeff then goes on & on (can’t let it go Carin (always Carin ),” don’t know, don’t care”
about how I can’t get over him-
Which we covered in my replay to Mr. funk’s DV-120 response to #0000666 paragraph two (see also witness Carin- always Carin) and all throughout.
TEXT D - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk, “Jeff, you’re the one who brought girls home when she was out. You moved a girl on to her street and then trained her to call the cops on Jess. Even when you were going out (dating), she had to move {HARM}
{*Note to Court –future telling--- witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith to come}—{HARM}.
Shop (closed business of 17 years-
too much extra-curricular crap – too much to manage the duress was caused directly from Funk, was/am exhausted from broken heart)). {HARM}.
Without your help {HARM –compounded mental anguish}.
Need I go (David/brother) on?
It’s all about you.
Are you saying your perfect, done nothing wrong?!”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk, “…the games you play hurt people”… {HARM- uncalculated-irreparable (compounded to many others (specifically me and my loved ones are aching} not even worth writing the word HARM or anything else for that matter—seriously I’m exhausted/ you won that -
[{old text- Exhibit 14, 10/15/13, Jessica Swedelius ->Jeffrey Funk, “…No matter!!! I’ve come to feel sorry & sad for you- you have a lot of extra curricular crap to process!! :(”…}]
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk. “…are living in your own world.”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”I did not miss the part where you (jeff) accuse Jess of breaking in.”
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”But did you know I was on the phone with her when the cops showed up after that incident of a bear/break in?
TEXT E - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”,,,and agreed that you had trained your girl to call the cops…”
TEXT F - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”…and that you had also told Jess you moved out of there last year.”…
TEXT F - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,”…What would she have to gain from doing that? Answer that convincingly and I may believe you. She’s too smart and mature for that.”
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…I told her to get the fuck off my property, and her response?..”
*Note to Court
This is very passive aggressive, Jeff texts my brother- taunts and embellishes the slander with next nice righteous comment-
Mean while he’s in my space intentionally daily with aggression vs me accidentally one, proven civilly attempted to prevent and with apology & plea.
This has become beyond serious, I’m wasting time repeating my concern.
This could have been prevented had he not lied to me.
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
”…while Carin (always ‘girl’-friend Carin) see all throughout- called the cops from the front porch.”,,, {Coaching/bullying- {HARM x2}.
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…Your sister is certifiably crazy.”… {severe HARM }
Jeff just doesn’t stop-
Physiological threat
Follow thru on those threats
Bullying – Partying- arrogant all the time (and give me a break already/ sex kitten just doesn’t do it for me Carin (always ‘girl’-friend Carin).
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…I’m glad she glad she called you when she got home to try for an alibi.”…
Objection- Assumption, Why does Jeff think I called David?? {HARM}
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,
“…The new camera on my house will show if she tries that again.”…
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…WTF?...
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Jeff, again you deny fault of yours..”
“…and that you are and always have been perfect.”…
“…She is not denying that you came out.”…
“…Are you denying the fact…”…
“…that you told her you moved away…”…
“…the year before?...
“…It’s amazing after 3 years you still taunt her.”…
“…Don’t deny that,”…
“…I’ve seen it with my own eyes countless times.”…
“…Good for you that you got security camera.”…
*Note to Court {HARM{ {WARNING} - BIG RED FLAG}!!!!
{Odd, repetitive—
See also elective Witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith & Carin Brought elective statements about same issue, ie, coaching- these people all moved here from out of state on my street with Jeff’s help- all to which has thus far proven {HARM}.
Mean, Intentional
encroaching on my real life facts ( as seen in my reply to Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response to #0000666 paragraph two). See also witness’ Mr. & Mrs. Smith declarations.
Odd Even the more
In every other time Jeff has declared this scenario he adds and we lost a lot of sleep :(
*Remember he Is a sleep technician by profession.
Tells everyone else this as if he and (Carin (always Carin) professes about it in her declaration paragraph six sentence nine).
*However, all of this bantering about security cameras why didn’t he claim to my brother he didn’t loose sleep? As he has in most other- Mr. Funk’s commentary including, in his
DV 120 response paragraph One- sentence one, “…in the middle of the night…”
DV 120 response paragraph Four (this documents content) Sentence nine,
“Carin ((yeah,)again Carin) and I (Jeff) lost a lot tremendous amounts of sleep the following weeks,
*In my and my loved ones very strong opinion, this has defiantly crossed lines!
Is a Big Passive Aggressive Comment to make to me
This exact sentence topic Jeff wrote is insulting to me!
and my loved ones!
This scenario is preventable per Jeff had not lied and non-issue vs my life threateningly severe, proven with current and perpetrated valid non hostile concerns with lasting value!
DV 120 response paragraph Six- sentence six,
“…she (me) is the reason …”…
“…I (Jeff) has to lock my (jeff) doors at night.”}
This isolated incident was an accident and could have been prevented (would not have traveled down a heavily trafficked thru way street- Fox (even under heavy construction when detoured that way, fore I had no indication not to)) had he not lied to me. Not only did he lie, but he was crude antagonistic that also came with insult.
Jeff’s profession is sleep studies (covered this in paragraph two) therefore you are quite knowledgeable about my PTSD sleep sensitivities and this sentence is of interest to me because appears you are embezzling upon my real life story (see Deputy McCleary, Srgt. Giovannini Deputy Lade) again, always ever so slightly always making sure your staging them into yours. Again, however this could have been prevented and was not deemed worthy of a sheriff report certainly not conviction. (see also Deputy Lade).
Fact more is he is very passive aggressive
with prior knowledge, he has lied about his own scenario (Jeff called the cops off) all the encroaching on my real life facts and insulting! {HARM}!
Meanwhile, I have real life scenario’s I’d like to get back to---{HARM}.
So I’m insulted to be now the one hurting again!
This very minute of this TDR process Jeff tried to bully me with paper to sort—so her ewe are—
*late, and missing my sleep! {HARM- irreplaceable compounded by spiritual harm , health and so much more}!!!!
My Loved ones are concerned!
My work is suffering!
I’m missing my ‘real’ friends!
{See Also My Response to Mr. Funk’s DV120 paragraph Five- many damages.)
[Upset me- Worried love ones- sleep - work – health – Waste of Time & Energy]
Not only are my loved ones concerned. I’m concerned.
I’m missing (different chapter)- class 10/31/14 because of these issues.
And because of all these issues I am here, because these issues’ needs closure.
Back to conversation-
TEXT H - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“Good for you that you got security cameras. Maybe you will catch the culprit.”…
“…If it is Jess, I’ll be man enough to apologize to you.”…
“…But until then…”…
“…my 40yr experience with her…”…
TEXT I - 6/30/14, David Swedelius, -> Jeffrey Funk,
“…and this town…”…
“…dictates otherwise.”…
“She could careless about the crap in your garage,”…
“…all she wantes is an adult apology…”
“…for hurting her.”…
“…It’s amazing that in all this time…”
“…you still haven’t…”
“…even considered that…”
TEXT J - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“This is ridiculous.”…
{Finally we agree!!!}
“…You are starting to sound like her (me).”…
“…How can you possibly justify snooping around my cars and garage in the middle of the night…”…
“…because I (jeff) told her I moved…”
Proving admittance to the whole point to (this whole document’s scenario)!
{HARM- severe / we are deliberating}
“…I came out and watched her for two minutes…”
(two whole minute---sure is fast for all the sever accusations that have manifested.
“...looking into the windows and walking back and forth between the cars…”
Finally a valid statement-
However Jeff embellishes versions’ of stories depending on company (in public).
(see also Mr. Funk’s DV 120 response to #0000666 paragraph One –sentence two,
“…steer clear …public…erratic behavior.”
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…like a tweaker.”…
As mention prior:
And again under duress will establish I have reason to believe he is the “tweaker” and I am ever so sad to have to go to this explanation again-
I believe Jeff has other reasons he is paranoid.
I suspect is irrational and erratic behavior is intensified by his unhealthy continuous intoxicating under the influence life style-
Hence, the POINT TDR #0000666, I don’t need Jeff any where near me & or my environment. Festival and party house regulars who all the want to do in future time is disregard me & visit party hosting new neighbors, conveniently for Jeff his new closest friend-. (see witness Mr. Mrs. Smith declaration).
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“..I started yelling..”…
TEXT J- 6/30/14. Jeff Funk -> David Swedelius, …”…like a tweaker.”…
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…I started yelling. She (me) is a crazy person,”…
*Note to Court {HARM-BIG RED FLAG}!!!!!
TEXT G - 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…and I don’t like her (me)…”
“…knowing where…”
“…I live.”
{*Totally Irrational , intentional, immoral and vengeful thinking- because of His (Jeffrey Funk’s ) like something, he is neglectful with fact?!- {HARM} still deliberating---}
Jeffrey Funk makes his own justifications
Why it was ok to Lie to me?!!!
I specifically asked in more than on polite way?
Then Jeff has been covering his tracks ever since.
Jeff has then intentionally pointing the finger at me.
Then Jeffry yells (only then) to public more lies- “I had to call the cops”
He didn’t= could have been prevented, he could have settled down & talked to me- instead of screeching, did- he called them off …
Then embellishes to the Court
and elects Carin (always carin) to do the same.
* Note to Court – {HARM in need of – signal WARNING}!!!!!
Extremely taunting, antagonistic, unnecessary, cruel—showing to me that this is indeed his target for vengeful goal.
Proving the bullying. {HARM}.
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…Every single person…”
“…she (me) grew up with…”
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…she (me) is bat shit crazy,..”
{HARM} insulting intentional defaming slanderous unnecessary and more… harm
Thanks Jeff!
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…they deduced this themselves.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…That is why she has no friends.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…it has nothing to do with me.”
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
‘…I (jeff) am not perfect Dave, never claimed to be.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…But Jess is the one that needs to grow up and get therapy”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…She will never get an apology from me.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…I (jeff) moved out as smoothly as I could.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…and she can’t get over it.”…
TEXT K- 6/30/14, Jeffrey Funk -> David Swedelius,”…
“…I’m (jeff) done talking.”…
Sentence Six– Jeff Funk yelled, he does that, {HARM}.
but I did not turn around, I was standing in the street facing him.
I did not touch the car (nor anything else) and looked up in his direction for I was looking at the bumper and new license plate. {HARM}.
*Note to Court
we discussed this oddity- in my reply (closure of ‘the Back Story’ to Mr. Funks DV 120 response paragraph three).
Oddly since my last altercation with him was on my street 5/18/14,
(ending in‘the Back Story’ to Mr. Funks DV 120 response paragraph three- where that was provoked by Mr. Funk & could have been prevented too).
Six- He did yell, and it startled me quite a bit for he is the liar, the one whom I hoped had left the area, deceiving (lie & license plate change) he had just came from the darkness where a bear had been minute prior.
Sentence Seven-
Jeff has slight of story- {SEVERE HARM}
My first response to his question was, I was coming from up the street was at a wedding party. You said you moved from here???!---by that time he defiantly was yelling profanities at me-
Get over it, he’s repeatedly addresses so I will address- (meaning Mr. Jeff funk’s need to always be so confrontational with me- get over (it- issue) yourself.
Jeff lied to me (again) Jeff told me he moved; this was an accident!!!! –)
Hence the ‘specific reasons on ‘Jeff’s where abouts’ so I could continue at all efforts to avoid him (moved Hawaii – see also Srgt. Giovannini).
(I asked to prevent and protect—
He deliberately disregards on my ongoing civil attempts (see my Texts Exhibits above).
Then has audacity to try to punish me- “trespassing, stalking, breaking in, do it again- arrested, etc…”
Contrary to the example of this tail he tells to try save face. {HARM}.
And -This is how it began:
Approx 11AM – heading to Truckee for a White Wedding with a longtime local, honored nurse and respected community member and friend of mine.
I was so happy after saying goodnight upon leaving friends & a wedding. As I was driving home on hwy 267 there was a deer hit on the white line of the road below NorthStar, There was other body parts that where in pieces in the lane and my truck crunch over something solid, hard & large. I wondered if the people where ok? I wondered if the sheriff &/or police &/or the appropriate dept was notified? I shed a tear thinking how painful &/or scary that death must have been. I drove trying to shake off the site of the carnage & overall sorrow. Nearer to the summit I was relieved to see a large white sheriff/or police SUV driving down the hwy at that let me know that they would most likely see the site of the hit and know what to do.
I turned left on Speckled and right on to Fox. Just upon the intersection of Lock Levon I see what looks like a large animal walking across the road onto the corner house’s yard where the security lights turned on (it was a bear! –so early in the season, so was very unexpected) and I could get a really good look at it. It cruised along side the Subaru & a Burgundy jeep coming back into perfect view on front of burgundy jeep where it scampered a few shuffles of steps into the darkness of the neighbors house. As I smiled and thought busy animal night. That was so cool, what happened I replayed it in my head & that is where I took a closer look at the vehicles that the bear walked by. Wait, Your shitting me?!… Another lie from JF?. I’m thinking, that is JF’s jeep I know it; he told me he left this street last year in a rude message (see attachment). I’m thinking he changed his license plate since the last time I saw him & took a picture of it (see above).
{he’s lived in CA for years and had NV plates- why change now JF (?) crossed my mind}.
As I’m gathering my conclusion that this may very well be JF’s jeep; then speak of the devil, who comes outside and startles me as he calls out what the hell are you doing? I was defiantly startled and starting to explain myself when, I quickly thought stop. I’m not doing anything wrong. JF, “you told me you where moving last year? WTF?!” of coarse he & his girlfriend Witness Carin Broughton yell & shout but I held my composure & said this is actually hilarious. Witness Carin screamed, “she’s calling the cops”. I said, “go a head, I welcome it.” Few minutes later while I’m home washing dishes & unloading the cooler, Deputy Lade knocked on the door. I explained was happy to see him and welcomed him in and proceeded to explain to him to the best of my quick summary as I could.
Jeffrey Funk’s Witness Carin Broughton in her declaration writes See her paragraph six sentence six, “Jeff and I were told to get a restraining order against her (me).
Which is indicating opposite of-
Deputy Lade proceeded to tell me that he & she are claiming to file a restraining order against me, they are claiming trespassing & stalking. –
I thanked him for his time & information, asked a few questions. (CAD Incident # P1406045).
None the less- this did not amount to anything except help prove my point;
Jeffrey Funk (and entourage) flavors things to deviate the situation to how he sees fit.
Sentence Nine-
Mr. Funk is a sleep technician so I find this an interesting statement, perhaps staging for something or for more effect/drama in this document seeing that this could have been prevented had he not lied. This was an accident with not severity issues to address.
Disconcerting even the more, Funk & Broughton have knowledge to my history (and with this recent event he knows he lied to me so he is trying to create reasoning). My response is feels like tactics of extortion and coercion on my real life facts to embellished his stories.
Again he has knowledge to my history (and with this recent event he had knowledge I asked him ‘why he lied’ ‘to me’? so now he is now manipulating with all those levels of passive aggressive implications that he is slightly damaged is in my opinion insulting due to my real life facts and the severity of the preventable story).
See also witnesses declarations and my reply, for they too have ironically similar flavored declarations and have a few common denominators:
Matt Smith
Nuifar Smith
Carin Broughton
They were all out of towners (not from the area (did not know me)).
Jeffrey funk moved both parties in after having prior knowledge that, this was not a hospitable area for him anymore.
Jeffrey moved both parties in.
Jeffrey Funk moved parties against his better judgment and civil pleas from me.
Their testimonies are very similar expression that they had indication or flat out warning this wasn’t good.
Witness testimonies both show they (Funk, girlfriend closest friend and husband of closest friend to Jeff Funk chose to ignore issues as they came about.
Witness testimonies state there is trouble when Jeffrey Funk (electively) comes around.
Witness Testimonies show there is no trouble when he is away.
Witness testimonies are very similar with expression that they are fearful of me & remark about security camera.
Why Did you lie to a specific question?
Why where you crude?
Why in texts did you reference the specific term stalking?
Why if you where so threatened did you call the police off before they even met me?
Why do you continue to talk about this, and exaggerate?
What is your suggested Motive?! {aka- Why?!}
And defiantly not breaking into your house (why did you send an antagonistic & tainting text to my brother)?
In short:
Mr. Funk advanced.
Mr. Funk’s advances resulted in harm.
Mr. Funk (and always ‘girl’-friend Carin)’s continues threaten me and this is SEVER