Commissioner Trilla Bahrke did NOT accept or read Swedelius' Exhibit reply to Witness Statements.
JF's Witness Nilufar Smith

Please see Swedelius' reply below to Witness Statement. See also throughout all documents. Specifically Jeffrey Funk's paragraph seven

Please see Swedelius' reply below to Witness Statement. See also throughout all documents. Specifically Jeffrey Funk's paragraph seven
JF's elective witness (& best friend) - Nilufar Smith-
TDR # 0000666.
Witness Nilufar Smith
Her comments are pertaining to more related current events, however the reason why we are in court, it is not ok for Mr. Funk to raise his fist at anger and swing it toward me (or any one else for that matter (witness- Ryan Simpson)) .
I’m glad he (they) electively brought it to the table for discussion.
Specifically listed in paragraph two, six and seven and more of Jeffrey Funk’s response (but not my only concern for filing restraining order).
Paragraph One:
Sentence One-
Not here to dispute where/when Witness Nilufar met Mr. Funk
but we agree
Nilufar is addressing she has know Funk for many years (2004).
Sentence Two-
Wintess Nilufar Smith declaration reads she and Jeff funk had become “great friends”.
Sentence Three-
Nilufar Smith who now writes she considers Jeff to be one of “her closest friends”.
(Interestingly, in all the years I’ve know &/or lived with Funk and our travel to Oahu Nilufar was never mentioned nor sought out for being a “closest friend”.
Sentence Four-
Nilufar is clearly addressing she (they/husband) are brand new neighbors (moved in mid-July 2014).
Verses me who’s being established whole life & home/neighborhood for two decades. This home is a home, it is a sanctuary, it is a business. This home is a place I helped captured and convict (two) major criminal((s), one of which had prior knowledge to my home. (See Deputy McCleary/Helen Thompson & Srgt. Giovannini).
These is an examples of where these comments insult me-
(Nilufar Mr. Funk’s closest friend did not know that -
Need I to discuss this matter with my established long time neighbor, perhaps a policeman and do you flavor this so anyone is to agree that I am characterized as the trouble maker?).
Witness states and I agree is a “nice little street”.
Sentence Six-
Witness Mrs. Nilufar Smith states she found a place and told Jeff, he then warned her that that’s where his ex-girlfriend lived across the street.
Witness Nilufar Smith writes, “Jess who, “had been harassing him over the last couple of years”…
shows to me that:
Mr. Funk’s “closest friend” whom she is so excited to see him ignores his warning of contention.
Shows me that finally Funk is cognizant of fact stated above.
Shows me that funk ignored his own better judgment (in this case pushes the envelope, sometimes numerous times daily).
Next, this unknown/unfamiliar person to my real time character and made a statement of me, with very descriptive short narrative as to the display of the coaching styles of Mr. Funk from the first introduction.
Jeffrey Funk has flavored from a vengeful, inconsistent, and embezzling set of facts.
Reminding readers he was not welcomed around/near me and my residence.
Conflicts with Witness Carin Broughton (girlfriend of Funk)’s -
First ever civil text to me at this late date (9/2/2014) in attempt to address anything –
Carin is now trying to dictate order.
Carin in her text writes says, they recently moved in from the Bay.
This I agree- We (Carin & Jeff) informed them (Mr. & Mrs. Smith) that you (me) lived there but they honestly did not think…
Carin now agrees this has gone on too long….
Carin says she thinks we should let it all go…
Carin however, in future tellings proves to not be able to do so herself, contributes and accelerates more tumultuous times (specific & most current reasons TDR #0000666 was filed).
Sentence Nine-Eleven.
Witness addresses new (mid July 2014) to the street-(prior from Hawaii).
Wintess addresses her being negligent to Trash Issues.
Witness recognizes something “is bizarre”!
Welcome to my back yard (yours too new neighbors)
this is just feet away from me & my home at the time of picture due to being aware, care and mindful of my residential habitat- 7/25/14).
This is what’s happened since this witness and household moved into our nice little street. I spoke to (immediate neighbor of Nilufar & Mathew & clearly infront of my home too—it was not their trash) (can call in Jeffrey Lauer & two other neighbors if necessary.
I’m not only neighbor with complaint-
This is also insulting to me – such a lack of common sence (trash/animals).
Such a lack of communal view respect it’s the first house in view to every passer by- entering & leaving (our “nice little”) neighborhood does Mrs. Smith not consider all uphill houses near Mrs. Smith look downhill/toward lake on the Smith’s (new) rental and see this plus) (compounded by lake view aka, scenic corridor (see building department).
{Even to this very day (10/20/14 Monday) of this writing, after trash was brought to Mrs. Smith’s attention, there is lack of regard, trash day is Wednesday, they have had their pile out (whether food this time or not), in all view, since Sunday. This IS interrupting many our neighbor’s clean view in the scenic corridor.}
Only to what happened next?
I just saw this bear last week. (see texts).
*note to court
My girlfriend who is my “established neighbor” of near a decade other side on highway- approx three houses down from Witness whom I have an established daily routine & rapport with she and household.
and takes in consideration the yardage to possibly encompass protection from the distance of my home and established friend/neighbors home that we continue to have an established daily routine. (example):
I was deeply moved and saddened about this is, as I am walking upon the dead bear ---
To continue to accelerate my distress
behind me as I walked to my house came (the neighbor from Witness Mr. & Mrs. Smith’s house who drives the loud lifted truck.
I do not understand his loud muttering commentary--- intentions seem to be discussing in my direction, how humans are living in their world and on & on he goes…. be nice however with not fully understanding him, nor how loud & obnoxious I perceive he or any of his neighborly situations have been thus far, it’s not the right time or venue (if ever), to open any forum with him.
What became more disturbing for me was, the guy with the loudness, one who lives in a household who justifies turning your back, is now also the guy who told me “’he’ put the white towel over the dead little bear.
I went to enjoy my view and place of sanctuary but to my dismay loud neighbor described above is intoxicatingly intermittently loud.
Even hours later, when my gentleman friend came over the neighboring rental household was so loud it interrupted our conversation & we then discussed ‘this’ problem instead.
Your Honor, I find it greatly disturbing and insulting that I or the court has to hear such issues as Jeff Funk, let alone his closest friends with all their trashy topics.
Sentence Fourteen-
Witness next establishes it is a party festival (which is a multi day music- camp-party) and which she is with Mr. Jeff Funk and Carin (Broughton).
Nilufar also write that I was with these friends (unbeknownst to all and whom campsite location it was too, lastly and very importantly who was there specifically to meet and work with me). I had reason.
Not only that I was actually welcomed, wanted and asked to stay by the coordinator himself even after, the first disruption initiated by Funk was brought to his attention. (in a prior encounter had threatened me with a restraining order & near exploded on me & we all hoped he got it out of his system (for I had serious, (facilitates need for sobriety) potential life threatening skillful job to do- with these other named friends of mine).
In and more, I personally never saw Nilufar.
Witness Nilufar I agree with Witness I was with friends and the situation was unfortunate.
The approach of ‘their’ campsite is also of insulting nature because none of these names are the real proprietor.
Sentence Fifteen-
Nilufar Smith (whom I did not see) says she witnessed I came to Carin and demand they talk.
This is not true and will be further discussed.
Sidetrackingly, why did subject matter discuss introduce Carin?
This restraining order request, at this time is not about Carin.
Sentence Sixteen-
Witness states an untrue statement, fact is I never spoke to Carin once!
Nulifar statement I came to Carin and demanded they talk & she kept asking me to leave her alone, is absolutely- incorrect!
As I matter of fact, I never saw Nulifar in or near my friends camp while I was discussing business with them.
Note, This witness does not even give statement on myself and Jeff Funk regarding this event; Nulifar statement is all about Carin and trying to fish for a (different) scenario than what really happened to which I also specifically address in my detailed reply to response.
In my opinion this is a flavor of Rightousness,
Are you the established proprietor; Or should I call it ‘my friends’ campsite?
(with out this prompt) - Do you know what day each of our altercations happened on?
Do you have a perception of time, what is eventually left- what area of what imaginary line?
This witness does not even give statement on myself and Jeff Funk regarding this event; Nulifar statement is all about Carin and an untrue scenario. See specifically address reply to Mr. Funk’s response paragraph six in detail.
Sentence 18-
I agree with witness, another day Jeff came to her house—
(one more time recognizing & establishing he electively came over –
After Jeff funk (closest friend) “warned her”. (see witness declaration, sentence six)
Witness Nilufar Smith—writes, She and friends faces the lake and away from (mountain/wildlife/neighbors, Jessica,) Jess’s house…
(In my opinion substantiating Nilufar Smith is suggesting to me as an out of sight out of mind or turning your back toward someone/thing, is acceptable &/or justified.)
(See also
8/24/14 -Jeff Funk (electively, after being cognizant & warned, etc…)
visiting my new neighbors Mr. & Mrs. Smiths-
Jeffrey Funk is in front of my neighbors house again this afternoon. This time in his Jeep. He appears to be with a girl and talking to het about her bike. He saw me, as I was walking on way home from established friend & neighbors. We Saw each other, He expressed, oh no- and coached the girl he was talking to, turn their back toward me. As I asked Jeff, what is your problem and do you want to talk about this? Hastily he said, “No!”. I heard him muttering to girl he was with, and instructing her to not listen or look, he continued on she’s a bitch and crazy. Lastly, why can’t Mr. Funk be doing any of this at his house?! Instead he comes here twice in one day).
Sentence 20-
Witness Nilufar states that it seems anytime Jeff & Carin
(The audacity that these two even come around- knowing all the prior history, is insulting and a major backbone to reason why we are in court today --
Jeff (twice) & Carin (once) caused extreme problematic living conditions in this neighborhood previous (see also my response to witness Carin Broughton (this document) and my reply to Jeff Funk’s response paragraph two and whole document.
Witness Nilufar (“closest friends” of Jeff Funk – to whom I’ve never had the pleasure & moved into my homeland) flavors end of her sentence with a familiar (as in Jeffrey Funk’s) tone and state the term “harassing texts”.
When in fact, he knew the whole story and
If witness “actually” knew me & my texts details at all, she would have know this is once again a civil plea to stop you advances, arrogance, excuses, harassments, defamation, slander, intrusiveness and more…..
Therefore in my opinion she was directly coached by her “closest friend” (to assume his conclusion was correct and therefore teaching justification to ignore civil attempts and neighbors.
Sentence 23-
Mrs. Nilufar Smith’s (Jeffrey funk’s closest friend’s) statement it has really put a damper on the joy of living here.
This has got to be one of the most insulting comments she has yet, per all data supplied to court thus far.
Are we back to the original reason why I have brought us to court today, please keep Jeffrey Baird Funk Away from me and my residential habitat?! Please?
Sentence 25-
Witness Nulifar clearly states, they are there for reasons for hosting capabilities to our friends.
This is insulting to me- this is not her/their “established” residence (near two decades), that has provided gone through testament is place for tranquility, rehabilitation, right to quiet enjoyment, business (paying taxes on two Placer County, CA (will provide if court deems necessary) which the Smith’s new house hold continuously interrupts!!!) .
Majority of their life style conflicts with the serenity of our ‘nice little street’.
Nulifar statement, she only things that she wants are peace and have friends enjoy their space.
In my opinion, not very neighborly, so far these are not clientele that have show to be that much of a priority ‘friend’ (see above topic covering- “closest friend”).
Sentence 26-
Nulifar statement about security cameras to me are sidetracking and insulting, as mentioned all throughout case.
I have debt with real criminals on this street, Nilufar’s commentary seems, exaggerated, prompted and encroaching on my real life predetermined facts!
How many adults live in your new rental?
How many dogs live in your new rental?
Please call witnesses