Swedelius' Past Experiences w/Commissioner Bahrke's Courts Court and Rulings
---Pankopf TCV 968---
Mr. Tory Pankopf Esq., just after (his moving to Tahoe) signing a retainer agreement for TCV 705 and representing me for the first time at a hearing. We met again after for lunch at Garwoods where he hit on me for the first time, started driving by my house unnanounced aand one specific occasion when I was walking my dogs around the block), making up reasons for me to come to his office after hours and when I did he made sexual advances toward me. When I faxed Mr. Pankopf a reponse he sued me for slander TCV 968.
Which later, I was found to not have slandered him- but - because I owed him attorney's fee's I did not prevail. Also Mr. Pankopf signed, filed and executed a Writ of Execution extremely far beyond the amount due and in the ORDER (unjustly seizing all of my liquid finances in full). Commissioner Bahrke was made aware but I had no resources (health and finances) left to seek any try for recovery, Mr. Pankppf's writ was made void but it was too late- he had already seized my accounts. As you can see I filed nothing and by reciept I was given a copy of a satifaction of Judgment. Therefore in the end Mr. Pankopf prevailed and took $10's of thousands from me.

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