-History up to 10/15/15-
I've owned close to 16 yrs. Only four months into ownership, I went thru a violent assault/break in.
I've been a further victim and survivor of the unjust Justice System by ways of commissioner Bahrke's incompetent (every case re: surrounding attorney's and lawsuits and unwarranted seizure of my accounts from Bad writ of Executions allowed by Bahrke all which originated around the struggle to find appropriate representation after a life and death- break in/assault) when I was 28 years old (approx 8 years of court- 5 yrs ago 2002- 2010). In additional two more years later, I finally won the Appellate Case, Bankruptcy and Ninth Circuit cases- almost everything possible (history page loge - coming soon) preceding Bahrke's Rulings and Orders. I've been thru debilitating circumstances; not limited to being in-front of the same {appointed (not elected)} commissioner) Trilla Bahrke. I welcome you, please see her Rulings and my consequences.
Currently trying (but writing this website instead) to be in school to write a Novel- my real life story; (also been taking some anatomy classes).
I've dealt with more than one major Criminals/Bad Guy- see page link) plus an unjust experience in the TC Justice System.
This is just adding another chapter; as I am persevering and forever hopeful for a heroic one; I'm a survivor & warrior.
I only needed her help and wanted nothing more for this (current day aggressor) to be away from me.
Later I came to her court for a plea for help to keep a current day (5 years later) bully at bay from me - she provided far opposite. (see throughout and Outline & downloadable File page).
I just want sanctuary.
I took him to court for a restraining order (stay away from me).
Then and only then did he answer by filing a restraining order on me with a list of unrelated reasons lastly thru phishing he (claims he's scared of me).
He fabricated sewed together fragments of various other stories & brought so called witnesses for padding his lies, (many of nine I had never even seen or met).
I can prove my point via my reply to all nine witness statements he brought - however Bahrke denied my replies.
Most recently, I needed the court to help me with a protective stay order on someone I feel is dangerous to me at best.
(see Warrior Skills page for details).
She granted my 50 yards and even upgraded the TDR to 100 yards then retracted the whole TDR ruled against me (no restraining order on him). And add insult to injury, she ruled in his favor- put a restraining order on me (leaving me feeling more violated, unprotected and uncertain about my legal record).
In her Ruling is is plain wrong on many accounts. She states I'm not supposed to come near, contact, etc.... However he-- (asking for restraining order- as in claiming he's afraid of me)- advances by comes to my neighbors house almost daily.
(Please see also temp Judge's John L Ross' response to Jeffry Funk's question in court pre Bahrke).
When Jeff Funk comes near it is very did concerning. He is extremely passive aggressive! He has had a previous record re: Anger Management. In Addition he has prior Knowledge of me and my residence. His immature behaviors are aggressive, harassing and many times dangerous to me.
A recent example is, 8/31/15 I was at my own home- (shaking a blanket off my patio - after being woken up by the neighbor's air-blower) I was unguarded in my emotions, sight-line and escaping from the bullies 8/31/15 (he & neighbor were air blowing excessively long and daunting me- as to point, laugh my way/ air blow the windshield of Jeff's vehicle that his new female friend was getting off his motorcycle and into the car he had conveniently left parked across from my main window view from me. By their obvious and antagonistic air blowing, followed by loud music, flipping me off, power tools and more air blower/-- the final mean laughing at my concentration being broken and my frustration was their glory moment. Then after few hours of crying, I texted him. I told him -- yep, he won. He's effecting me, my businesses (I listed them: facials, rental & radio broadcast notes) I added but hey, take care. He turned me in (to hurt me- abuse his power- not to stay away/ he's not threatened- why does he come near me/my residence near daily is concerned /fear for his life(?) & sought protective assistance) re: the police- with a complaint that I violated the restraining order.
*note- I called the sheriff too- after I left sent Jeff a text; to also file a report of the trouble.
I now look forward (as last mercy) that finally if this may go any further into the law I hope I receive Justice and this commissioner/ case/ etc.. is reviewed by a competent mind and will act appropriately, understanding what it is that needs to be done
and rectify the situation.
Reminder- I did not seek to get anyone in trouble-- I just wanted him to stay away (stop it).
After all these years and the evidence I have shown, he's had plenty of time to get a protective order prior and stay away, if he was so concerned.
How?, is he threatened by (who = 5'3 Jessica/where- in her yard/when- 8/31/15 (and anytime 6'4 Jeff deems fit), what- was he doing there?, and why?-----/etc----????? so much he fit the requirement for and to uphold a Restraining Order? -
(then or ever?)
I received a rough call from Deputy Burt followed by a
Letter from the DA to appear in court, or a warrant for my arrest. Same court, can not change; Do not contact their office.
without a copy of the complaint that letter refers.

Swedelius, I threw in the towel, she admits, he won & his bully friend too. These guys won't quit. One of us has to leave - whether it be leave: alone, or leave the room, leave the (small/ not a thru way) street for the resident of 15+yrs, leave, Stay away >>>>----->

this whole thing is a joke re Jeff Funk trying to act like he is being scared of me and at the same time coming over at leasure. This is not a threat. It is a surrender-throw in the towel. Accept defeat. Ask for softness because I wasn't getting the help i needed from the law to rectify my problem- that my narcissistic aggressor is still advancing and allowed, supported to do.so. He's been effecting me way too long! And the court disregards me and supports him.

Describe your image.

Swedelius, I threw in the towel, she admits, he won & his bully friend too. These guys won't quit. One of us has to leave - whether it be leave: alone, or leave the room, leave the (small/ not a thru way) street for the resident of 15+yrs, leave, Stay away >>>>----->

Jeff Funk drove over on his motorcycle (parked behind left tree branch). Just the sheer sound of his bike,seeing his motorcycle/car is unnerving. (see warrior skills page) I was in my master bedroom and I hid behind the window pane. Snapped this in motion picture

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Jeff Funk drove over on his motorcycle (parked behind left tree branch). Just the sheer sound of his bike,seeing his motorcycle/car is unnerving. (see warrior skills page) I was in my master bedroom and I hid behind the window pane. Snapped this in motion picture

Jeff Funk once again, drove over on his motorcycle. Just the sheer sound of his bike,seeing his motorcycle/car is unnerving. (see warrior skills page) I was in my master bedroom with my patio door open, enjoying my space, when He gazed up my way, And I ducked behind the rail post (as if to hide). Snapped this in motion picture.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Jeff Funk once again, drove over on his motorcycle. Just the sheer sound of his bike,seeing his motorcycle/car is unnerving. (see warrior skills page) I was in my master bedroom with my patio door open, enjoying my space, when He gazed up my way, And I ducked behind the rail post (as if to hide). Snapped this in motion picture.

This time, I am in my master bedroom (changing clothes of all things/ felt very unguarded) and his Jeep had just pulled up behind the (trouble) neighbor's truck. Later to only have them blaring their music & airblower (knows it's upsetting- see much court files), etc..for majority of the day. I closed my door & hid inside.

This time, I am in my master bedroom (changing clothes of all things/ felt very unguarded) and his Jeep had just pulled up behind the (trouble) neighbor's truck. Later to only have them blaring their music & airblower (knows it's upsetting- see much court files), etc..for majority of the day. I closed my door & hid inside.

Describe your image.

This time, I am in my master bedroom (changing clothes of all things/ felt very unguarded) and his Jeep had just pulled up behind the (trouble) neighbor's truck. Later to only have them blaring their music & airblower (knows it's upsetting- see much court files), etc..for majority of the day. I closed my door & hid inside.

i was on my master bedroom patio when Jeff pulled up on his motorcycle. The sheer sound of him approaching is unnerving. So, I felt recluse and retaliated back into my home. closed the door and waited for him to leave. Later he was assembling a temporary lounge gazebo in the place that the cars park (my direct view).

i was on my master bedroom patio when Jeff pulled up on his motorcycle. The sheer sound of him approaching is unnerving. So, I felt recluse and retaliated back into my home. closed the door and waited for him to leave. Later he was assembling a temporary lounge gazebo in the place that the cars park (my direct view).

Describe your image.

i was on my master bedroom patio when Jeff pulled up on his motorcycle. The sheer sound of him approaching is unnerving. So, I felt recluse and retaliated back into my home. closed the door and waited for him to leave. Later he was assembling a temporary lounge gazebo in the place that the cars park (my direct view).
October - 10/14/2015
------------------------------------------------October - 10/12/2015
------------------------------------------------October - 10/11/2015
------------------------------------------------October - 10/5/2015
----------------------------------------------August - 8/31/2015
My home (history)- my established residence of over 15 years, my:
primary entrence, view, patio, work--play-relax area, my bedroom windows- patio door-patio & private office work space all within audio, and visusal perception over look the parking, the full roof, side and side exterior fence of the neighbors house; which is Jeff (current day aggressor) regular place he likes to frequent.

Bay Window Living Room, Patio. above Master Office, Master Bedroom second floor w/patio..

Bay Window Living Room, Patio. above Master Office, Master Bedroom second floor w/patio..

Master Office, with Inside space and Master Bedroom on second behind. Patio, entry & main facing view- over look (trouble) neighbors Jeff regularly. frequents..

Bay Window Living Room, Patio. above Master Office, Master Bedroom second floor w/patio..

October 15, 2015 Morning I, Jessica was shaking her bed blankets off her patio when Jeff Funk pulls up to neighbors house in AM. I lost my good morning energy and found myself pulled back into my room, huddling & distorted. (to deal with real life things when constantly feeling this way is tough!) And this day: Paralegal called (ok/ but computer glitched), then Our Wolf died, at the exact time Jeff Funk decides to (just be around). See photo- Veterinarian cremation receipt.

October 15, 2015 Morning I, Jessica was shaking her bed blankets off her patio when Jeff Funk pulls up to neighbors house in AM. I lost my good morning energy and found myself pulled back into my room, huddling & distorted. (to deal with real life things when constantly feeling this way is tough!) And this day: Paralegal called (ok/ but computer glitched), then Our Wolf died, at the exact time Jeff Funk decides to (just be around). See photo- Veterinarian cremation receipt.

Describe your image.

October 15, 2015 Morning I, Jessica was shaking her bed blankets off her patio when Jeff Funk pulls up to neighbors house in AM. I lost my good morning energy and found myself pulled back into my room, huddling & distorted. (to deal with real life things when constantly feeling this way is tough!) And this day: Paralegal called (ok/ but computer glitched), then Our Wolf died, at the exact time Jeff Funk decides to (just be around). See photo- Veterinarian cremation receipt.
------------------------------------------------October - 10/15/2015
points of interests - displays of narcissist behavior - in discovery/documents:
Mr. Jeff Funk, has had a long history of dares, threats and advances, on his terms: see throughout and my reply Exhibit Text messages 1-39:
2012 Wait- I move (give up), Ooouchh!!! Please!!!! On my street, Jeffrey- pg. 2.
2012 On my street! Jeffrey!!!! What are you doing to me?!!! -pg. 3.
2012 Why are You the one I need assisitance from hurting me?- pg.6.
2012 Jeffrey, this is last straw, we (I didn't even know Carin/jeff had just moved her in down a few houses) get retraining order againstyour crazy ass. You are not allowed to harass us anymore you FUNCKING CUNT!!! (Jeff loved to stage scenes infront of Carin) or current day (anyone- his ego has grown & been supported thru the TC Court). - pg. 6.
2012 Stop with the Threats & Lies. You've got this ALL wrong. I loved you (don't want you). There r phsysiological issues behind you moving Carin here. She's innocent... pg. 6.
2012 nice girl, kinda mean don't you think? Glad this neighborhood is so awesome for you guys. -pg. 7.
2012 Swedelius writes me too,mortgage is paid, building....-pg. 7.
(unfortunetly opposite in current day-
the stress has widdled me down to the bottom line/ I have even canceled my cabin rental because of the feeling of walking on eggshells with the loud neighbors/ jeff harrassing & random (sometimes long) interuptions for my guests and my nerves are too worn down to deal with the smallest daily issues).
2012 Mr. Funk writes, I get a ticket for tresspassing, and she can get a restraining order against you. Then you will get arrested when you approach her, because every time she will record it. How do I know? Because I went to the police station to figure out how to keep your crazy ass out of my life. Go ahead Jess, test it, I dare you.- pg.8.
(Jeff's dare and threat was all based around me doing my normal walk around my block as I had for approx 15 years (he was just waiting for me to pass by the front of the rental house he just rented a room for anassuming (at the time) Carin Broughton. He actuually did call the sheriff & tried to harm me then- sheriff found no tresspassing; in fact, he was the first to warn me Mr. Jeff Funk was a text book Narcissist.).
see The Police & Warrior Skills pages.
2012 What are you hiding..? Did you move her for your Ego (like a cock fight)? Why else would you put us in close uarters? plenty of good neighborhoods, Jeff, I really have better things to tend to- again these are your ingredients- I've been burned- ....- pg. 9.
2012 Why do you dare & threaten me? You have a Record- Anger Management, Court/jail. Agrred prob good go to police. Sad :( but ready.- pg 10.
2012 Jeff tries to get in on my good graces, "happy Birthday Jess"- (Mr. Funk's weird behavior).- pg 10.
2012- 2013 I regrettably closed & left many of my local things (office of 17 years, my cabin, my membership to areal team, my dance troup, my animals, my friends, solid my car to downsize for one to ship, etc...) to reseached moving (I eventually left to Hawaii). (Fight or Flight).
Ouch!! I truly wanted none of this! Ache...I would have liked nothing more than have some1 to hike with!{in tears- not way wanted day to be--...}, This text was writen & sent because after all the threats & dares and I flee when I was home checking on my house Funk decides to park in my parking space and snow(hike) to snaowboard down my back yard- Srgt., Giovannini thought this was relevant (odd behavior). pg. 11.
2013- Came home after learning he moved her off my street. -pg -10.
Even asked Funk, if he lived in KB (bought his house)- he lied said no & they were moving. -pg. 13-16.
Later when I stumbled upon (small town, lived here near my whole life) his house (Bear sighting) he twisted this story to say I was and have been stalking him, broke into his garage & more--(not true and) found by the police not to be true. However Mr. Funk carries the untrue story into Court. See my reply to Funk's DV 120 paragraph Four.
Please also see
Carin Broughton --- in her Witness Declaration; Funk's girlfriend of the time (he attached her name to TDR 670); now Ex. Moved out of town. Never present at a Hearing, Trial (or signed the papers- to my knowledge). Describes her first introduction to me (2012) via Mr. Funk. She describes the mental rational and some treatment Mr. Funk displays and teaches (an new person to the community) how he wants me to be viewed and treated- perfect examples of Gaslightening, Bulling, etc....
I've also come to Carin Broughton for help- she says, "don't know don't care." Exhibit Text messages 1-39 (pg 20)
Later to say one thing do another; Try to betray to law/Say their scared, -yet text reads don't flatter myself- basically they will do what they want anyway Exhibit Text messages 1-39 (pg 23).
and actions spoke louder (see also Jeff's DV 120 & ).
She aids that behavior until Late 2014. She later left Mr. Funk, his home and town.
another example:
Funk initiated to correspondence with David (brother) Swedelius Exhibit Text Messages A-K.
Also a major display:
Jeffrey Funk chases me out of our communities fourth annual music weekend festival , for years and that event; I was highly envolved (one of the original organizers, aerial performances). He got aggressive, angry, made crazy claims, claiming territory, & more. Jeff's agressive energy flushed me out of a place I was welcomed, wanted and extremely counted on otherwise. (The producer (Brent Dana, Jimmy& wife Kerri Leslie who was made aware of this. Mr. Dana specifically addressed Jeff to stop his bad behavior then asked me to stay-I told him Jeff was way too out of control; I did not feel safe/comfortable (I did not want Jeff's bad energy tonegatively effect the music production & myself more thatn it already has). I was scared enough where I retreated to my home-. see my Exhibit reply to Funk's DV 120 paragraph Six , reply Exhibit Full Circle and
Exhibit Text Messages 1-39 (pg 37-39, Kerri Leslie & Jessica).
to where Jeff came to (my neighborhood- immediatly next door /neighbors (cars usually would park side by side)- now I park as far as I can (inconviences another neighbor - the family who in current day called 911 on the loud/airblower neighbors house (*note Funk's car was present), but they understand) just days later from Jeff demanding I leave a common area music campground (GF 2014) - - the scene to where he lost his temper and swung his fist at me the next encounter (outside of my home/street parking) which is where he parks when he visits (desire- vs- need) my neighbor(hood). TDR #000666
Nulifar Smith's Declaration also is iinteresting because she writes about moving to my street "nice little street". She also writes that she told Jeff and her discription of his introdution to who I am, and no I haven't been harrasing him (opposite actually. She aslo describes in length their interest for entertaining. (opposite of my need: reside, income, relax, safety, sanctuary....)
The collective story of Funk's witness declarations tells a story of Jeff's desire-(parties)--- not needs.
And with commissioner Bahrke's court's support-
(*wrote in her ruling she could not seperate the (TDR) cases, however her orders show different.)
2015 Mr. Funk contnues.
Humans are story tellers, thats what we do. Stories are told from emotion. It is how we teach, learn, remember, share and more. Though time the experiences are what we know as the story.
In my Novel writing class we have also learned it's not how you write, it's why you are writing.
Best Seller Author, Teacher, Coach-Mark Matousek.
In my experiences I have been severely critiiqued and punished for writing, I need help=
What an easy fix & what I asked for help for in TDR- but I got lucky (Funk's nickname) case #666, in Bahrke's Court on Halloween:
--Something has got to give--
Warrior Skills needed-
Criminals/Bad Guys vs Survivor-
My Experience in Bahrke's TC Court-
Don't I only wish-- New ORDER, leave me alone; (and what a cool song name & band, for this website theme). Irronically they sound like the band The Cure- and what a cure- a STAY AWAY -Jeff Funk from me, that would be---