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This was never intened to be a court case. This was never intended to harm anyone, or get anyone introuble. This was not intended to be a fiscal matter.
This was intended as a request for
a protective/stay away order.
Please see Outline page & downloadable file for copy

Swedelius requests court for a protective order.
Opposite happens:
She is denied. Her agressor succeeds. Her aggressor still advances. Swedelius is without Court Support.
Swedelius has had plenty of real damages in Bahrke's Court.
Swedelius continues to feel backed against a wall and (bullied to no end in my own home envirnment).
Jeffrey Funk is is effecting myself,
my loved ones:
he is costing me money, my time, my well being and my primary place of income.
He is creating elective stress.
He does not had a need to be here, he desires.
Swedelius in her home environment of over 15 years - I have taken two major criminals off hte streets from being at home. Now because of someone ele's desire and abuse of legal procedure, I feel pushed out and Barhke's gives consent.
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